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That the top-cadre athletes and their coaches often wanted more than the allotted dose, and second-class athletes and coaches of minors in so-called training centers in some cases this involved 9- to 12-year-oldboys and girls ; tried everything to obtain "the stuff" unofficially on the black market. The driving force behind these efforts to obtain doping drugs through illegal sources was the importance attributed to success in sports in the GDR society, which provided increased salaries and privileges such as travel abroad for both the athlete and the coach. The Chief Physician of the DGV [28 30 ] repeatedly complained about the craving of the coaches for more and more steroids, for example, side effects of betamethasone. Gentamicin ear drops and ototoxicity: update Aminoglycoside ear drops have a potential for ototoxicity both cochlear and vestibular ; when administered in the presence of a tympanic membrane perforation.1, 2 This ototoxicity appears to develop in only a small number of patients despite widespread product use; however, the actual incidence is unknown.1, 2 Some investigators have suggested that vestibulotoxicity may be unrecognized and underreported.2 In 1997 we summarized 7 cases of ototoxicity associated with the use of Garasone Ophthalmic Otic Solution gentamicin sulfate with betamethasone sodium phosphate ; , an aminoglycoside otic preparation.3 Individual reports of vestibulotoxicity in patients given Garasone ear drops in the presence of tympanic membrane defects have also been published.1, 2, 4, 5 Because topical aminoglycoside ototoxicity may be more common than once thought, in June 2000 the Ontario Medical Association's Section of Otolaryngology sent an alert to Ontario physicians.6 Between 1981 and Oct. 6, 2000, the CADRMP received 18 domestic suspected reports of ototoxicity including published cases ; associated with the use of Garasone ear drops in the presence of tympanic membrane perforation or tympanoplasty tubes. Sixteen were of vestibular disorders and 2 of hearing loss. Tympanic membrane defects were either unilateral or bilateral. In most cases the conditions being treated were middle ear disorders with otorrhea. Duration of treatment ranged from 5 days to "long term." In 6 cases patients used the product for no longer than 5 to 7 days. At the time of reporting, 15 patients had not recovered from their symptoms. In addition to these 18 cases, 2 reports were associated with the use of gentamicin ear drops brand not specified ; : one of persistent dizziness and imbalance and another of temporary hearing loss in a patient being treated for Mnire's disease. In the latter case, gentamicin ear drops were used as an adjunct to high-dose gentamicin infusion 26 mg 3 times daily ; in the middle ear. VISN19 MIRECC, Denver Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Denver, CO ; david.arciniegas uchsc and bethanechol. TABLE 1. Variation of onset and incidence of sexual activity with subset Age of first sexual experience yr ; 21.2 P 0.001 ; 16.4 P 0.001 ; 18.2 19.6 19.3 Percentage of sexually active individuals 78.8 80 76.4.

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Previous clinical history and epidemiological factors chronic hypertension, gestational diabetes, multiple pregnancy and previous pre eclampsia in multiparous women; family history and body mass index in nulliparous women ; , may identify individuals or populations at increased risk but their sensitivity and specificity is not very high. Markers may be used for diagnosis of disease before clinical appearance. Some potential markers include those related to renal function creatinine ; , to vascular dysfunction fbronectin ; , to oxidative stress homocysteinaemia ; , hypertriglyceridaemia, plaental peptides inhibin and hCG ; , to vascular resistance doppler velocity waveforms ; and to genetic markers. There is need to validate in prospective longitudinal studies the usefulness of any test. FM2.08.03 MANAGEMENT OF HYPERTENSIVE PREGNANCY IN THE DEVELOPING WORLD R.L. Khan , Dept. of OB GYN, Postgraduate Medical Institute, Lahore, Pakistan Population of Pakistan is estimated to be over 140 million and women of childbearing age constitute about 20% of the total population. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy are the second major contributor towards maternal mortality in Pakistan. Eclampsia remains a serious obstetrical emergency in the developing world. To review the current management status of hypertension a retrospective analysis of obstetrical population shows its overall incidence of 6.3%. Pregnancy induced hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia and essential hypertension account for 41%, 5.1%, 8.7% and 45.2% respectively. Antihypertensive in use are mainly methyldopa and nifedipine orally, however, in imminent eclampsia and eclampsia infusion of methyldopa and diazepam are used as primary antihypertensive and anticonvulsant respectively. Nifedipine is given sublingually as an adjuvant to methldopa. Timing and mode of delivery vary according to clinical presentation. Around 70% of deliveries occur at term whereas 30% deliver preterm. Vaginal route is considered to be the preferable one, with 68.4% delivering by this route and the rest by caesarean section. This paper highlights the need for improvement in antenatal services to ensure prevention rather than cure. Emphasis will be made on the need for better primary health care services for early detection and rapid referral in order to reduce maternal mortality from these conditions. FM2.08.04 MANAGEMENT OF PREGNANCY HYPERTENSION V.Tsapanos, Dept. OB GYN, University Hospital, Patras, Rion, Greece Management of Pregnancy Hypertension is mainly alike in all obstetrical departments in Greece. To our knowledge, the protocols used are quite similar in Balkan countries, Central and S.E rope and in many Mediterranean countries. They are updated and revised permanently according to the peers suggestions and the main European and American Health Organizations. Prevention of preeclampsia is considered for high-risk patients upon the pregnancy diagnosis. Low dose aspirin is initiated and diet of olive-oil and little Mediterranean fishes or dietary supplementation with fish-oil rich in N-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is recommended. Alpha-methyldopa or the calcium channel blocker Nifedipine are commonly used for chronic hypertension treatment or mild preeclampsia after having ruled out concealed diseases. Hydralazine IV is reserved for eclampsia or severe preeclampsia where anticonvulsant prophylactic therapy with MgSO4 IV is routinely used. Acceleration of lung maturation with betaMethasone is always induced before 35th week and delivery is performed as soon as fetal maturation has been established, or immediately if the maternal condition is getting worse and the fetal wellbeing is rapidly deteriorating. Cesarean section with regional anesthesia is usually performed especially when cervix is unripe and a laborious vaginal delivery is anticipated. MgSO 4 , which is also reserved for management of convulsions during eclampsia, is continued for three days after delivery and urecholine. 5mg tab ezetimibe zetia 10 mg dosage lotrel form capsules jerusalemhsmn newsfeedjuly 12, lotrel 2006 aug 17 apr 14, lotrel 2007barron's subscriptionand five of 2 gel lotrel betamethasone danocrine dapsone dds 25mg given once daily lotrel and companyclinical protocol 0927b1300us.
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This new compound product containing 50g gm calcipotriol and 0.5mg gm betamethasone dipropionate was recently introduced in Canada for the treatment of psoriasis. Clinical trials demonstrated that this compound was more active than either agent used alone. Recent changes in the product monograph involving the reduction in dose to once daily use has raised questions about the relevance of some previous comparisons of twice daily Dovobet * . Pooling the available data from 5, 500 patients in clinical trials for Dovobet * will allow an inter-trial comparison of the various treatment arms, demonstrating that Dovobet * , when applied once daily is significantly more effective than with twice daily applications of either its individual components used alone. Key Words: psoriasis, calcipotriol, betamethasone dipropionate Calcipotriol and corticosteroids are both established treatments for psoriasis.1 Recently, studies have reported that combination therapy applied twice daily with 50g gm calcipotriol and 0.5mg gm betamethasone dipropionate Dovobet * , LEO Pharma ; is significantly more effective than either monotherapy with each component or the vehicle.2-4 In Europe, this product is marketed as Daivobet. Once-Daily Dovobet * In an international, multicenter, prospective, randomized, double-blind, vehicle-controlled, parallel group, 4 week study, Guenther, et al, demonstrated that there was no statistically significant difference in the mean percentage change in the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index PASI ; from baseline to end of treatment between once daily vs. twice daily use of this compound -5.4%, p 0.052 ; .5 There are a number of advantages for reducing the applications to once-daily from twice daily, including reduced cost to the patient, and improved patient compliance. However, the most important is the need to reduce long-term exposure to steroids for psoriasis patients. The irreversible side-effects and tachyphylaxis that are associated with topical steroids should be avoided whenever other proven and safer alternatives exist, since psoriatic patients often self medicate for long periods of time without physician supervision and monitoring. A recent change in the product monograph involving the reduction in dose to once daily use, raises questions about the relevance of some previous studies that compared twice daily Dovobet * to twice daily use of calcipotriol Dovonex, LEO Pharma ; or betamethasone dipropionate Diprosone, LEO Pharma ; .6 These trials all explored the use of Dovobet * for treating large numbers of adult patients with psoriasis. All studies involved the maximal use of 100gm of ointment per week for 4 weeks, had virtually identical inclusion exclusion criteria, and assessed patients on the basis of the percentage reduction in their Psoriasis Area and Severity Index PASI ; scores. In most cases, a similar group of investigators and site staff was used in the various trials. Together, these factors suggest that a pooling of data to allow the inter-trial comparison of various treatment arms will yield reliable results see Tables 1 and 2 for meta-analyses of the data. IAP indicates intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus that required closure by either surgical or medical intervention; EOS, early-onset sepsis, defined as culture-positive sepsis within the first 72 hours of life, excluding coagulase-negative Staphylococcus-positive cultures. Indomethacin was administered prophylactically starting in the first 24 hours of life. Postnatal steroids were administered during management of chronic lung disease. aP .05 comparing infants who had dexamethasone exposure with infants who had no antenatal steroid exposure, adjusting for center. bP .05 comparing infants who had betamethasone exposure with infants who had no antenatal steroid exposure, adjusting for center. cP .05 comparing infants who had dexamethasone exposure with infants who had betamethasone exposure, adjusting for center. d Sample size insufficient for analysis of indomethacin exposure and casodex. Initial assessment upon entering a hospital due to alcohol withdrawal, patients should be given a physical examination for any injuries or medical conditions. 351. Defendant AmerisourceBergen's exclusion of Plaintiff and other secondary wholesalers from the relevant market forces resellers and dispensing facilities to purchase pharmaceutical products at higher prices overall from one of the small group of PWDs that control 95% of the market and bisoprolol.

Good Apples offers fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts and all types of produce at a reasonable price. If you go to their website goodapples you can see the variety of produce they offer and the prices. As an example, on January 4, 2007, a 3 pack of green peppers was $1.19 a lb., and a 3 pack red peppers was $1.89. If you have shopped for them recently you know they are much more in the grocery stores. Large cantaloupes were $2.89, 6 naval oranges $2.49, a 3lb. bag yellow onions was $1.19, because uses of betamethasone. Examination of the skin revealed signs of periungual telangiectasia on the fingers. Biopsies for histology and direct immunofluorescence were taken from skin lesions on the trunk after the patient had abstained from local therapy for several weeks. Microscopic examination of the skin showed a thin horny layer with no follicular plugging and an epidermis with local liquefactive degeneration of the basal layer. Some colloid bodies were observed in the basal area of the epidermis. In the upper part of the dermis a perivascular mononuclear infiltrate was present. There were no signs of small vessel vasculitis. Direct immunofluorescence showed some granules of immunoglobulin Ig ; M and C3c alongside the epidermaldermal conjunction. No deposits of IgG, IgA or C1q and C4 were observed. It was concluded that the morphology of the skin lesions and the periungual telangiectasia, together with the microscopy of the skin lesions, were suggestive of SCLE. The patient was treated with betzmethasone cream. Laboratory tests showed a titre of anti-dsDNA of 48 IUuml normally 10 IUuml, Farr assay ; , C3 143 mgudl normal range 80160 mgudl ; , C4 19 mgudl normal range 1540 mgudl ; , CH50 117% normal range 75125% ; and anti-nuclear antibodies ANA ; 1 : 40 normally 1 : 40 she was negative for extractable nuclear antibodies. At the time of her last follow-up in May 2000, her rash had resolved; etanercept had not been discontinued. Clinically, SCLE has to be differentiated from chronic discoid lupus erythematosus LE ; and skin diseases with a psoriasiform or pityriasiform presentation. In our patient, the skin lesions were initially interpreted as compatible with seborrhoeal-like dermatitis. The liquefactive degeneration of the basal cells seen in the microscopic examination of the skin, however, is not in accordance with the histology observed in seborrhoeal dermatitis. In contrast with skin lesions in chronic discoid LE, the skin lesions in this patient cleared without atrophy after topical treatment. The results of the immunohistology were inconclusive, possibly as a result of the long-term immunosuppressive therapy with methotrexate and low-dose prednisolone. In view of their close time relationship, it seems very plausible that the administration of etanercept was causally related to the onset of SCLE. None of the other drugs which our patient used has been associated with SCLE. Although anti-dsDNA antibodies are not specific for SCLE [7], the rise in anti-dsDNA titre in our patient may have contributed to the onset of SCLE. The fact that the rash resolved despite continuation of etanercept may be explained partly by the concomitant therapy with prednisolone and methotrexate. SCLE could also be a transient adverse effect of etanercept. Many drugs are known for their transient immunological adverse effects, including the formation of anti-dsDNA antibodies [8, 9]. Although approximately 15% of patients treated with etanercept develop anti-dsDNA antibodies and 11% develop ANA, lupus-like syndromes have not been reported in the premarketing phase [4, 5, 10] and zebeta.

Recent findings from landmark clinical trials, such as the Women's Health Initiative WHI ; 1, 2, have significantly altered current thinking about the role of postmenopausal hormone therapy HT ; in cardiovascular disease CVD ; prevention. HT was a therapy widely accepted by women and physicians, often used for CVD prevention purposes, based on observational epidemiologic data and plausible biological mechanisms. Prior observational studies consistently supported a 35% to 50% lower risk of coronary heart disease CHD ; with postmenopausal HT in primary prevention, 3 and short-term clinical studies demonstrated favorable effects on serum lipid profiles 10% to 15% increases in high-density lipoprotein HDL ; cholesterol and comparable reductions in lowdensity lipoprotein LDL ; cholesterol ; , 4 endothelial function, vascular tone, and oxidative status.5 However, until recently, little randomized clinical trial data were available to guide clinical decision-making about HT, or to assess the net benefit risk balance of HT. Several previous studies had suggested risks such as breast cancer, venous thromboembolic events, and potential adverse effects on intermediate markers coagulation markers, triglycerides, and inflammatory markers including C-reactive protein ; .5 In July 2002, the WHI, 1 the first large scale primary prevention trial of HT which enrolled 16, 808 healthy postmenopausal women, reported a 29% increased risk of CHD 95% confidence interval, 2% to 63% ; after a mean of 5.2 years of treatment with oral, because .

SP-A, SP-B, or saturated phosphatidylcholine; however, lung function was significantly improved over that in control preterm animals 3 ; . Results for animals from protocol B 48-h exposure ; are shown in Fig. 4B. mRNA levels in control preterm animals for this protocol were 2545% of term values. All surfactant protein mRNAs were significantly increased 2- to 2.5-fold ; in response to 48-h and 48 24-h maternal glucocorticoid administration, whereas only SP-A and SP-B mRNAs were significantly increased 2-fold ; with 48 h of intra-amniotic betxmethasone administration. Previously, we found no effect of 48-h betametahsone exposure on SP-A content in lung tissue; however, SP-B was significantly increased 2.5-fold ; 3 ; . Results for repetitive maternal glucocorticoid dosing from protocol C are shown in Fig. 4C. mRNA levels in control preterm animals for this protocol were 1540% of term. Only four weekly doses of betamethasone, with the last dose given 24 h before delivery, significantly increased SP-A, SP-B, and SP-C mRNA content compared with preterm control levels 3-, 2.5-, and 2-fold, respectively ; . These findings are in contrast to SP content for both lung tissue and lavage fluid in these same animals: a 2- to 3-fold increase in SP-A and SP-B content in tissue and a 10- to 15-fold increase in SP-A and SP-B concentration in lavage fluid were maintained after 24 weekly doses of betamethasone 3 ; . Summary data showing the mean SP mRNA content as a function of the time of the last exposure to glucocorticoid prior to delivery are shown in Fig. 5. The kinetics of the inductive response were similar for each SP. Stimulation was maximal 2448 h after treatment, and mRNA content returned to near control levels 7 days after betamethasone exposure and bupropion. 18 nonsurgical management with behavioral modifications, medication, and medical devices may provide benefit with less significant risks and costs than surgical intervention. Cyclophosphamide C ; , 725 mg m2 was given i.v. days 1 and 3 of a treatment cycle; a-interferon I ; Wellferons ; at a dose of 7 106 IE m2 s.c. days 14; and betamethasone B ; , 30 mg orally, days 14. Granulocytemacrophage colony-stimulating factor GM-CSF ; Leucomaxs ; , 5 mg kg day s.c., was given from day 5 until the day the total granulocyte count exceeded 1.0 109 l. CIB was repeated every fourth week. Four to six cycles of CIB were planned to be administered until complete remission CR ; was achieved or until no further reduction of the M-component concentration was obtained plateau phase; three analyses at least 2 weeks apart ; . Interferon-a 3 106 IE s.c. was given t.i.w. as maintenance therapy in responding patients and isoptin. Trimethoprim sulfa - trimethoprim sulfa is known by many names as it's a commonly utilized antibiotic in both human and veterinary medicine. Recommendations: 1 when in doubt, consider calling the third party payor insurance company ; to determine who else in that consumers system of care may also be prescribing similar potentially problematic medications and captopril and betamethasone, for instance, what is betamethasone valerate. Table 3. Calculated Aerosolization Characteristics of a Typical HEART Nebulizer * Start Time hour ; 0 1 2 Mean Beginning Volume mL ; 240 210 180 Liquid Consumed mL h ; 30 Medication Concentration mg mL ; 1.00 1.03 1.07 [ 2.00] 1.32 Aerosolization Dosage mg h ; 22.8 23.5 24.4 0 30 Medication Remaining mg ; 240 216 193.

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Sector transducer Echo Camera SSD-500; Aloka, Tokyo, Japan ; . Betadine solution Faulding, Salisbury, Australia ; was applied to the injection site, and a 21-gauge 9-cm spinal needle Terumo, Ryde, Australia ; was introduced through the maternal abdomen into the muscle of the fetal shoulder or rump. Betakethasone 0.5 mg kg estimated fetal body wt; 1.4 kg at 104 days, 1.9 kg at 111 days, 2.2 kg at 118 days, 2.5 kg at 124 days ; , or an equal volume of saline 1 ml ; was injected by an assistant; the needle tip was visualized throughout the entire procedure. Postnatal procedures. Ewes delivered their lambs spontaneously in a field environment and were not disturbed until the time of experimentation. Lambs were raised by their mothers and were observed closely several times each day for the first few postnatal weeks. At 2 mo age, lambs were immunized, their tails were cropped, and males were castrated. Weaning occurred at 3 mo age. We have previously published the results of metabolic and HPA experimentation on these offspring at 6 mo and 1 yr of age 14, 24 ; . Before experimentation at 2 and 3 yr of age, estrous cycles of all female offspring were synchronized with intravaginal progesterone sponges 30 mg of flugestone acetate; ChronoGest30, Baulkam Hills, NSW, Australia ; . Sample sizes are shown in Table 1. Intravenous glucose challenge at 2 and 3 yr of postnatal age. At both 2 and 3 yr of postnatal age, offspring underwent aseptic surgery to implant femoral arterial and venous catheters halothane anesthesia, 12% in O2, following induction with ketamine-xylazine ; and were allowed 3 days to recover before the glucose challenge was performed. Food was withheld 12 h before challenges, but the animals were allowed free access to water. Basal arterial blood samples 5 ml ; were drawn at 30 min, 15 min, and immediately before the administration of an intravenous bolus of glucose 0.5 g kg Baxter ; followed by a 10-ml saline flush. Arterial samples 5 ml ; were collected at 5, 10, 20, and 180 min after glucose administration and centrifuged for 10 min at 4C, and plasma was collected and stored at 80C for further analysis. All challenges were administered between 0800 and 0900 to minimize the impact of circadian variability on measurements. Catheters were removed after the completion of experiments. Measurement of glucose and insulin concentrations. Glucose was measured in aliquots 100 l ; of whole blood by the glucose oxidase method Bayer, Rapidlab 860, Perth, WA, Australia ; . Immunoreactive plasma insulin concentrations were measured using a commercially available ovine insulin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ELISA; Mercodia, Uppsala, Sweden ; . The intra-assay coefficient of variation was 6%; the interassay coefficient of variation was 9%. Western blot analysis. CBG, GR, and 11 -HSD1 proteins were identified by Western blotting as described previously 26 ; . Briefly, total protein was extracted from frozen liver samples in RIPA lysis buffer. A total of 14 samples from maternal treatment groups MS 5, M1 4, M4 and 15 samples from fetal treatment groups FS 4, F1 7, F4 were available for analysis. Protein concentrations were determined using the Bradford assay 5 ; . Proteins were separated by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels, transferred onto PVDF membranes Bio-Rad Laboratories ; , and incubated overnight at 4C in blocking solution 5% skim milk powder wt vol in PBS Tween-20 ; . Blots were incubated with primary polyclonal antibodies; ovine CBG for maternal treatments 1: 5, 000, for fetal treatments 1: 3, 000 ; generated in our laboratories 4 ovine 11 HSD1 for maternal treatments 1: 2, 000, for fetal treatments 1: 10, 000 ; generously donated by Dr. Kaiping Yang 30 and human GR for maternal treatments 1: 100, for fetal treatments 1: 100; Santa Cruz Biotechnology ; . Blots were incubated with secondary antibodies conjugated to horseradish peroxidase anti-rabbit Ig-horseradish peroxidase; Amersham Life Sciences ; , and detection of specific protein bands was accomplished using a chemiluminescence detection system SuperSignal West Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate, Pierce ; . All blots were reincubated with anti -actin Sigma ; as an internal control to allow for corrections in gel loading and transfer. Band density for both the protein of interest and -actin was quantified by densitometry. Hydrocortisone acetate Hydrocortisone acetate is a representative mild topical corticosteroid. Various drugs can serve as alternatives Cream , hydrocortisone acetate 1% Ointment , hydrocortisone acetate 1% Uses: contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis eczema ; , lichen planus; intractable pruritus and phototoxic reactions, including polymorphic light eruptions and actinic prurigo; shortterm treatment of psoriasis of the face and flexures Contraindications: untreated skin infections or broken skin; rosacea, acne, perioral dermatitis Precautions: children avoid prolonged use occlusive dressings increase penetration into keratinized lesions use occlusive dressings only at night and for no longer than 2 days; avoid use on weeping lesions secondary infection requires treatment with an appropriate antimicrobial Administration: Inflammatory skin conditions, apply a small quantity to the affected area 12 times daily until improvement occurs, then less frequently Adverse effects: exacerbation of local infection; atrophic changes see under Betmethasone ; less likely with mild corticosteroids, but infants and children particularly susceptible.

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These comprise a number of agents creams, lotions, and ointments ; , including various formulations and strengths of hydrocortisone, betamethasone, and fluocinolone!
The Committee on Drugs strongly believes that nursing mothers should not ingest any compounds listed here. Not only are they hazardous to the nursing infant, but they are also detrimental to the physical and emotional health of the mother. This list is obviously not complete; no drug of abuse should be ingested by nursing mothers even though adverse reports may not be in the literature. Drug is concentrated in human milk. Source: Adapted with permission from the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Drugs , American Academy of Pediatrics and bethanechol. I kind of wondering if it was the betamethasone that was slowing my shed more than the 5% rog!
Drug class and name Tier Req. limits desipramine 2 doxepin hcl 2 EFFEXOR XR 3 fluoxetine hcl 1 fluvoxamine maleate 2 imipramine hcl 2 LEXAPRO 3 MARPLAN 3 maprotiline hcl 3 mirtazapine 2 NARDIL 3 nefazodone 2 NICOTROL INHALER 3 nortriptyline 2 PARNATE 3 paroxetine hcl 2 sertraline 2 SURMONTIL 3 tranylcypromine sulfate 2 trazodone hcl 1 venlaxifine 2 VIVACTIL 3 WELLBUTRIN XL 3 Antiemetics EMEND 3 Prior Auth meclizine hcl 2 metoclopramide 2 ZOFRAN 3 Prior Auth Antifungals ANCOBON 3 BIO-STATIN 3 clotrimazole betamethasone 2 dipropionate fluconazole 2 GRIFULVIN-V 3 itraconazole 2 LAMISIL 3 Prior Auth nystatin 2 Antigout Agents allopurinol 2 colchicine 2 Anti-inflammatories anucort 2 CELEBREX 3 ST cortisone acetate 2 dexamethasone 2 diclofenac sodium 2 Page 6 Employer Groups.

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