

ACT: Adjustable continence therapy: A minimally invasive post-operative adjustable therapy for female stress urinary incontinence. E. Kocjancic, T. Sauter, D. Minocci, G. Monesi, M. Favro, G. Ceratti, M. Sala, P. Gontero, S. Guglielmetti, S. Crivellaro, B. Frea Novara, Italy; Berlin, Germany ; Laparoscopic repair of recurrent prolapse H. Baumert, H. Widmer, R. Gupta, R. Adorna Rosa, B. Guilloneau, G. Vallencien Paris, France ; Innovational Video Prize Madrid 2003 Video-assisted nerve and prostate-sparing cystectomy X. Cathelineau Paris, France ; Research Video Prize Madrid 2003 Extraperitoneal laparoscopic radical prostatectomy C. Abbou, A. Hoznek, P. Antiphon, L. Salomon, A. De la Taille, R. Katz, D. Borkowski, D. Chopin Paris, France.

Onvoldoende verhit rundergehakt en aanverwante producten zijn een belangrijke bron voor shigatoxinen producerende VFKHULFKLD FROL serotype O157 STEC O157 ; . Als onderdeel van een ULVN DVVHVVPHQW studie werd de verdeling van STEC O157 in rundergehakt onderzocht. Dit is van belang voor het inschatten van de blootstelling van consumenten aan deze ziekteverwekker. Literatuuronderzoek laat zien dat ongeveer 1% van het rundvlees in de winkel is besmet met STEC O157. Wanneer een karkas is besmet, kan STEC O157 vaak overal op het karkas worden aangetoond, zowel tijdens de slacht- als in de uitbeenfase. Er is een gebrek aan Nederlandse gegevens over de aanwezigheid van STEC O157 op karkassen en in de verdere verwerking. Doel van dit onderzoek was om wiskundige vergelijkingen te vinden die de variatie van STEC O157 in rundergehakt kunnen beschrijven, en hoe deze variatie wordt benvloed door het malen en mengen. Veel aandacht werd besteed aan methodologische aspecten van het bepalen van variaties in aantallen STEC O157 in rundergehakt. Enkele bronnen voor variaties in aantallen, toe te schrijven aan praktijkomstandigheden, werden onderzocht. De eerste bron, die werd onderzocht, was de fout die kan ontstaan als gevolg van het gekozen telmedium. Voor het tellen van ongestresste cellen van een nalidixinezuur-resistente, niet-toxinogene FROL O157-stam in gehakt bleken er geen verschillen te zijn tussen de onderzochte media eosine methylene blue agar met nalidixinezuur EMB ; , CHROMagar O157 met of zonder nalidixinezuur respectievelijk CAN en CA ; , CHROMagar O157 met cefsoludine, cefixime en telluriet CACCT ; of Sorbitol McConkey Agar met nalidixinezuur SMAC , hoewel op CA en SMAC wel wat stoorflora werd gevonden. EMB was het meest geschikt om zuur zout-gestresste cellen te tellen. Bij 5C bleek dat FROL O157 zich onder milde omstandigheden trypton soya broth TSB, pH 7, 2, 0, 5% NaCl ; minder goed wist te handhaven dan onder stressvolle omstandigheden TSB, pH 4, 9, 1% melkzuur, 14% NaCl ; . Door deze waarneming kunnen vraagtekens worden gezet bij de effectiviteit van milde conserveringsmethoden binnen het KXUGOH concept, om de aanwezigheid van STEC O157 in producten zoals droge gefermenteerde worst te kunnen controleren. De tweede bron, die werd onderzocht, was de fout die kan ontstaan bij het homogeniseren van een monster. Zowel de stomacher als de blender, vertoonden statistisch significante fouten, maar deze zijn in praktijk nauwelijks relevant. Variaties die kunnen ontstaan tijdens het maken van decimale verdunningen van een monster, werden ook bestudeerd. Dergelijke variaties kunnen worden verminderd door verdunningen in duplo uit te platen, iets wat in de meeste gevallen al wordt gedaan. Toch is er sprake van een 'detectielimiet' voor het bepalen van spreiding in een batch, als gevolg van toevalsfouten in de verdunningsreeks. Deze detectielimiet kan worden geschat via de Poisson.

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Lifestyle Balancing and Restructuring: Lifestyle balancing and restructuring refers to assisting sex offenders in changing their existing lifestyles to lifestyle patterns that minimize sexual re-offending and maintaining this lifestyle. The focus of this element of treatment is to: educate sex offenders about non-abusive, adaptive, legal, and pro-social sexual functioning; identify and treat sex offenders' personality traits, lifestyle, behaviors, patterns, and deficits that are related to their potential for re-offending; and maximize opportunities for the sex offender to develop a healthy self-esteem. Completion indicators will demonstrate a change in personality traits, lifestyle behaviors, patterns, and deficits related to the potential for reoffending including: A ; B ; C ; Antisocial psychopathic behaviors. Narcissistic behaviors. Borderline characteristics of behavior. Clinical pharmacology and anti-microbial spectrum cefixime is an orally active , broad spectrum antibiotic.
Land, azithromycin was superior to ciprofloxacin in the treatment of campylobacter enteritis. Other studies have demonstrated effectiveness against multidrug-resistant shigella as well as salmonella, E. coli, and V. cholerae. Ceixime Suprax ; , a cephalosporin, is effective against most pathogens causing infectious diarrhea and is considered safe in pregnancy. There are reports, however, of its lack of effectiveness in the treatment of shigellosis. Furazolidone Furoxone ; has activity against a wide range of gastrointestinal pathogens, including E. coli, salmonella, shigella, campylobacter, and the vibrio species which cause cholera ; . It is also effective against giardia. Treating more severe diarrhea dysentery--If you have severe or incapacitating diarrhea, diarrhea causing dehydration, or diarrhea with dysentery, start treatment with a quinolone antibiotic. Institute aggressive fluid replacement therapy. Seek medical consultation if you are not better in 24 hours. Although fluids are very important, antibiotics are also essential in order to treat the cause of the illness, not just the symptoms. Often, only a few days of antibiotic treatment are needed, and it is highly unlikely that there will be adverse fetal effects from the medication. NOTE: Quinolones are Category C pregnancy drugs: Adverse effects have been shown in some test animals but have not been demonstrated in humans. ; The benefits of treatment with a quinolone will most likely far outweigh any potential harm to the fetus. Remember, the nature and severity of your illness should determine the choice treatment, not fetal risk. Effective treatment of your infection is the first priority, and keeping you healthy is also the best way to ensure a healthy baby.
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Granted. Be certain to ask your doctor to prescribe a medication that is on the PDL whenever possible. Two-Tier Benefit There are two copayments available on the two-tier benefit. Generic drugs first tier ; on the PDL will always have the lower copayment, and brand-name drugs second tier ; on the PDL have the higher copayment. If you are prescribed a brand-name drug that has a generic available, you can choose the lower copayment by opting for the generic drug. If you select a brand-name drug on the PDL, you will pay the higher copayment. Prescription drugs not on the PDL are not covered unless prior approval is granted. You can request that your doctor consider prescribing a medication that is on the PDL. Three-Tier Benefit The three-tier benefit has three different copayment options. Generic medications on the PDL have the lowest copayment. If you are prescribed a brand-name drug that has a generic available, the generic must be dispensed to receive the lowest first tier ; copayment. If you select a brand-name drug on the PDL, you will pay a higher copayment second tier and suprax. 1. Salmonella Outbreak - Eggs Up? During the 1980's Salmonella Enteritidis SE ; emerged as an important pathogen; sporadic cases of illness and outbreaks are often associated with consumption of raw or undercooked eggs. Last Wednesday, three cases of SE whose isolates had been routinely submitted to MDH thank you, labs! ; were subtyped and noted to have the same PFGE subtype i.e., DNA fingerprint ; . Two persons were interviewed; their onset of illness fever, diarrhea ; was September 9, and both had a history of dining at the same restaurant the day prior to their illness. Based on this observation, an inspection of the restaurant was initiated. Subsequently, five additional cases have been confirmed. Foodcode violations and illness in foodworkers were discovered at the restaurant. It was ordered closed by MDH on September 29 until corrections are made and foodworkers have been screened negative for SE. Please remember that antibiotic therapy usually is not indicated for patients with uncomplicated non-invasive ; gastroenteritis due to Salmonella; antibiotics do not shorten duration of illness and can increase the duration of shedding. Antibiotic therapy may be beneficial for patients with an increased risk of invasive disease infants 3 months of age, persons with immunosuppressive conditions such as malignancies, HIV infection, persons with chronic gastrointestinal disease, or persons with severe colitis ; . 2. More Love ; Bug Bites - Resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae The September 22 MMWR reported that Neisseria gonorrheae isolates in Hawaii that are resistant to ciprofloxacin increased from 1.4% in 1997 to 9.5% in 1999. CDC recommends that a travel history of the patient and sex partner be obtained and if the gonorrhea is likely to have been acquired in Hawaii, the Pacific Islands, or Asia, a quinolone should NOT be used, rather ceftriaxone or cefixime can be used; for those unable to tolerate these drugs, spectinomycin should be used. Also, this MMWR reported on a cluster of N. gonorrheae infections with decreased susceptibility to azithromycin in Missouri 2g PO of azithromycin can be used to treat gonococcal infection, although this is not recommended routinely because of cost and gastrointestinal intolerance ; . These trends have not been seen here. We routinely perform antimicrobial susceptibility testing on every fourth gonococcal isolate identified by culture. In addition, MDH participates in the CDC-sponsored Gonococcal Isolate Surveillance Project GISP ; that monitors for antimicrobial resistance. In 1999, 992 cases of Neisseria gonorrheae were isolated at MDH. A total of 550 isolates were tested for resistance to ciprofloxacin, cefixime, ceftriaxone, and spectinomycin 250 by GISP and 300 at MDH none were resistant. There was no azithromycin resistance among the isolates tested by GISP. In the first six months of 2000, 540 cases of Neisseria gonorrheae were isolated at MDH. A total of 342 isolates were tested for resistance to ciprofloxacin, cefixime, ceftriaxone and spectinomycin 148 by GISP and 194 at MDH none were resistant. There was no azithromycin resistance among the isolates tested by GISP. If a clinician suspects or identifies a gonococcal treatment failure, the isolate should be submitted to the MDH Laboratory. 3. Tularemia In the past few months we have received two reports of ulceroglandular tularemia. Typically, 0-4 cases are reported each year. Francisella tularensis is named after Tulare County, California where it was first isolated in 1912 from ground squirrels exhibiting plague-like illness. In 1919-20, Dr. Edward Francis noted that patients with "deerfly fever" in Utah and rodents with plague-like illness both were infected with the same organism. Tularemia is usually.
The birth control pill is even prescribed to non-sexually active teenagers to control their abnormal periods and cefpodoxime, for example, side effects of cefixime.
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Dr. Phil McFarlane is a clinical-investigator in the Division of Nephrology at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, and a lecturer at the University of Toronto. At St. Michael's he is the Medical Director of Home Dialysis, the Medical Co-Director of the Multidisciplinary Diabetes Complications Clinic, and the Chief Nephrologist in the Live Kidney Donor Program. Recently he was one of a group of health professionals who drafted the Canadian Diabetes Association Clinical Practice Guidelines. He is completing his Ph.D. at the Institute for Medical Sciences at the University of Toronto. His areas of research interest include health economics and outcomes research. Product rating: buy at: aclepsa: $12 63 medstore: $12 71 $128 - $129 from 2 store s ; generic suprax 100mg 240 pills generic suprax cefixime ; is a cephalosporin antibiotic used to treat infections caused by bacteria such as pneumonia; bronchitis; gonorrhea; and ear, lung, throat, and urinary tract infections and vantin.

Of A1C samples or to obtain retinal photographs. All subjects, in both the intervention and control groups, were referred for retinal photographs at baseline and then at least yearly. Two hundred subjects 98 control and 102 intervention subjects ; had at least one photograph and 149 70 control and 79 intervention subjects ; had least two sets of retinal photographs that could be analyzed in this study. For subjects with more than two sets of photographs, only the first and last were used in this analysis. Only the main study 6 ; had sufficient power to see differences in metabolic variables. Thus, for this small ancillary study of retinopathy, which utilized only two of three original participating centers, follow-up analyses of A1C, blood pressure, and lipids were not planned. Photographs were obtained at a separate case management visit, and, after baseline, photographs were not necessarily scheduled to coincide with the laboratory tests or physical examinations. The study staff at each site, consisting of registered nurses and registered dietitians working in close collaboration with an endocrinologist, provided diabetes case management to the intervention group only. Evidence-based practice guidelines and algorithms for oral medicines and insulin initiation and adjustment were used in a collaborative practice model with the primary care provider 6.

This year is somewhat unusual in that we held two technical awards competitions in the same year. Because the PLGA has continued to demonstrate steady growth, the PLGA Board has recommended that we hold an annual spring conference and also hold an annual fall technical conference in lieu of the biennial Fall Technical Conference. The Technical Achievement Awards will now become part of the Fall Technical Conference. The judges place each of the submissions into one of three award categories: Process Control which replaced the Support category ; , PrePress, or Pressroom. There were no submissions for production materials. Award winners were chosen solely from the committee's acceptance of the concept and information as supplied by the vendor. The judges evaluated each submission for innovation, capital affordability, operating cost reduction, quality improvement and environmental, health and safety improvement. The award winners for Technical Achievement are: CATEGORY: COMPANY: Pre-Press Sipak SA & Bolognino SA Support Nireco America Corp. WINNING ENTRY: TetraChrome ICM 1000 On-Line Color Monitoring System and keftab.

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Ceftriaxone and cefixime are both considered therapies of choice for one-dose treatment of uncomplicated gonococcal infection.

Implanon is not recommended as the sole method of contraception for women concurrently taking enzyme-inducing drugs. [D GPP] and cetirizine.

REVIEW OF ANTIBIOTIC CLASSES Adapted from Mark Garrison, PharmD Aminoglycosides MOA: inhibit protein synthesis bactericidal Activity: mostly gram - ; , but some gram + ; Good Pseudomonas coverage tobra gent ; Gent is frequently used for synergistic activity vs Enterococcus Monitor serum levels for efficacy toxicity o Gent or tobra trough 2mg L; peak 5-10mg L ; o Amikacin trough 4mg L; & peak 20-35mg L ; reserved for resistant refractory infections Indications: serious or hospital-acquired stubborn gram - ; rods; neomycin oral ; is used for bowel prep for surgical procedures SE: nephrotoxicity reversible ; & ototoxicity irreversible Check pts for other nephro oto-toxic agents Once daily dosing 5-7 mg kg day ; - short treatment course; still need to monitor Cephalosporins MOA: -lactams, inhibit cell wall synthesis bactericidal ; Activity: as you progress from 1st generation to 3rd generation, you gain gram - ; and lose gram + ; coverage except 4th generation ; SE: generally well tolerated, about 10% of PCN allergic pts are crossreactive to cephalosporins Most are renally eliminated--may need to adjust in renal dysfunction 1st Gen Cephalosporins Activity: primarily gram + ; including Staph its penicillinase does not work on cephalosporins ; , but not Enterococci. Some wimpy gram - ; bugs E. coli, Klebsiella, Proteus ; Indications: widely used for surgical prophylaxis, cellulitis and other skin infections; Strep infections otitis media, pharyngitis, meningitis and skin infections ; * Cefazolin is the only parenteral 1st generation cephalosporin 2ND Gen Cephalosporins Activity: increased gram - ; activity Haemophilus, Enterobacter, Neisseria ; and anaerobes Two types of agents: those with anaerobic coverage most ; and those without anaerobic coverage cefuroxime ; Cefuroxime available in PO form and has good activity for respiratory infections Not commonly used outside of surgical prophylaxis 3rd Gen Cephalosporins Activity: stubborn gram - ; bugs Pseudomonas, Serratia, Providencia, Citrobacter, Acinetobacter ; Indications: hospital-acquired infections, serious gram - ; infections, empiric therapy until culture results are known, ceftriaxone IM as a single dose for STDs * Ceftriaxone has longest half-life--once daily dosing * Cefotaxime crosses the blood-brain barrier well * Ceftazidime is preferred for Pseudomonas infections 4th Gen Cephalosporins cefepime ; Same activity as 3rd gen ceph including Pseudomonas ; but without losing the gram + ; activity Staph and Strep ; 1st generation Cefadroxil Duricef ; * Cefazolin Ancef ; Cephalexin Cephalosporins By Generation 2nd generation 3rd generation Cefaclor Ceclor ; * Cefamandole Mandol ; Cefmetazole Cefdinir Omnicef ; Cecixime Suprax ; * Cefoperazone 4th generation Cefepime Maxipime.

This drug may rarely make serious possibly fatal ; liver disease and cinnarizine.

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Aims: This symposium should clarify the role of the most relevant muscular interventions in critically ill bed-bound patients. Target audience: Pulmonologists, allied health professionals interested in pulmonary rehabilitation and intensivists, because about cefixime.
D. The Patient Family Describes the Types Purpose and Preparation for Testing. 1. Since chest pain can signal actual or impending Myocardial Infarction heart attack ; , your physician has admitted you to the hospital to run various tests to try to determine the cause of your pain. Any one or more of the following tests may be ordered for you: a. EKG. 1 ; Purpose: An EKG or Electrocardiogram, records the electrical impulses that travel through your heart. A machine converts these electrical impulses to tracings on long strips of graph paper. By looking at these tracings, the doctor may be able to determine the following: a ; If you have had a heart attack. b ; What part of your heart was damaged. c ; If you have any irregular heart beats. d ; If there is a decreased supply of blood and oxygen to your heart. e ; If you have other conditions of the heart. 2 ; Preparation Procedure: A technician will ask you to lie on your back, with the skin of your chest, arms and legs exposed. He she will attach small metal plates electrodes ; with a sticky back to each wrist, ankle and chest. Thin wires will attach these plates to the EKG machine, so a tracing will be made. This test will be done in your room. No special diet or preparation is required. The test takes only a few minutes and you may resume your normal activities once it is done. b. Echocardiogram. 1 ; Purpose: This test is like an ultrasound that records, via video, your heart's size, movement and surrounding structures. From the "echo" your doctor can tell: a ; How well your heart muscle and valves are working. b ; The size of your heart's pumping chambers ventricles ; . 2 ; Preparation: The technician will ask you to lie on your side with part of your chest area exposed. A small amount of gel will be applied and a highly sensitive device called a transducer will be used to direct sound waves toward your heart. The technician may ask you to shift your position slightly so that different angles of your heart may be observed. The test requires no medication or prior preparation, and takes approximately 20-30 minutes. After the test you may resume your normal activities. c. Treadmill Stress Test. 1 ; Purpose: This test is done on a motorized treadmill or occasionally on a stationary bicycle ; in the cardiology department. A recording of your heart is made while you are exercising, somewhat like an EKG. This test will help the doctor evaluate: a ; Irregular heart rhythms. b ; If there is a decreased supply of blood and oxygen to the heart at rest as well as with activity. c ; Your overall level of cardiovascular conditioning. d ; How hard your heart can work before symptoms develop. e ; How quickly your heart recovers after exercise. 2 ; Preparation: You will be asked not to eat or drink at least 4 hours prior to the test. Some physicians may allow medications with only a sip of water. Your nurse will tell you if this is so. Clothing: Patient gown, pajama bottoms or slacks, and slippers or tennis walking shoes. 3 ; Procedure: During the test a doctor and a technician will be present. A blood pressure cuff will be placed on your arm and electrodes will be placed on your chest the same as with an EKG. You may be on the treadmill for up to 15 minutes, depending on your level of recovery and conditioning. The test will be stopped if you become tired, short of breath, dizzy or experience chest pain. Be sure to tell the and domperidone. Although treatment of these problems has improved with the emergence of numerous pharmacologic and surgical therapies, the various options can make it confusing.
PB S2 06 PARLIAMENTARY BUREAU Police, Public Order and Criminal Justice Scotland ; Bill Stage 2 Timetable 1. At its meeting on 2 February 2006, the Parliament agreed to the general principles of the Police, Public Order and Criminal Justice Scotland ; Bill. 2. The Bureau is invited to refer the Bill back to the Justice 2 Committee for consideration at Stage 2 with a completion date of 28 April 2006 for that Stage and cisapride. This can initially be handled with drugs such as laculose an oral medication to induce diarrhea ; so, i'd ensure that her doctor is aware of the problem. The preface is not to promote one drug over another ; but neither do they uphold universal declarations of no form of discrimination of any kind to women and to withhold information on drugs offered her during pregnancy so she can make informed decisions, is a form of discrimination and propulsid and cefixime, for example, cefixim4 dosing.
The four treatment failures that occurred with cefiximr were in patients with pneumoniae infection. Comparisons of the proportion of culture-positive spleens on completion of therapy and at the point of assessment for relapse are presented in Table 2. MXF + PA-824 was clearly the most effective regimen, resulting in a greater proportion of mice with culture-negative spleens at completion of therapy and at relapse, compared to 9 months of INH and 6 months of PZA + EMB p 0.05 after adjustment for multiple comparisons ; . MXF + PA824 provided a durable cure for all mice when the next most effective regimen, MXF + PZA, produced a durable cure in only 2 of 9 mice. The number of mice with culture-negative spleens at the end of therapy was greater in the MXF + PZA group 4 5 ; compared to the PZA + EMB group 0 5 ; before, but not after, adjusting for multiple comparisons. None of the other regimens could be differentiated from either control regimen and clemastine. Pharmacotherapy volume: 21 issue: 10 part 2 pps: 233s-252s view header abstract view pdf article 124 kb ; comparative in vitro activity and pharmacodynamics of five fluoroquinolones against clinical isolates of streptococcus pneumoniae.
Data extraction 3 independent investigators extracted data on number of patients, inclusion and exclusion criteria, type of drug, and outcomes. 369. Electrical properties of four types of cells in the bullfrog fungiform papillae.
In addition, most strains of bacteroides fragilis and clostridium are resistant to cefixime.
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Ingredients suprax cefix8me ; is a semisynthetic, cephalosporin antibiotic for oral administration.
Among isolates tested for susceptibility to other antimicrobial agents, no evidence was found of decreased susceptibility to ceftriaxone, cefixime, or azithromycin, or resistance to spectinomycin.
There are potentially many different ways in which both diseases interact, at political, social and public health levels, as well as emerging evidence for how one disease may affect the pathogenesis and outcome of the other.

Advances in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Solvay Upjohn. USA 1994.17: 56. This video goes over some of the more interesting aspects of OCD from a clinical perspective. The video talks about how serotonin seems to play a large part in the treatment of OCD. This is why SSRIs seem to help 90-95% of people with OCD. Interestingly, depression responds to treatment within weeks, OCD patients usually respond to treatment within a matter of 1-3 months. They mention that fMRI is helping in the search for better treatments for OCD. They touch on many other topics of interest. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: New Help for a Troubling Disease, the Patient Education Series. Solvay Upjohn. USA 1997. 15 min. This tape provides a quick and comprehensive overview of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Obsessions are defined. Compulsions are defined. The neurotransmitter serotonin's role in OCD is talked about. SSRIs are the treatment of choice according to the video. Cognitive behavioral therapy and medication are shown to work best when they work together for OCD. Statistical information about OCD is presented. OCD is not a rare illness. Sharing the Hope: A Parental Guide or Managing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Solvay Pharmaceuticals. USA 1997. 18 min. This video is about three children: one young child living in the country aged 9, one adolescent living in the country aged 15, and one pre-teen living in suburbia aged 13. The common thread these three children share in their lives is OCD. The OCD gave the children and their families a lot of problems before it was treated with SSRIs in all three cases. The SSRIs with cognitive-behavoral therapy or just the SSRIs alone gave these children their lives back. The SSRIs work on the serotonin system in the brain. They can now look forward to full, happy lives just as any other child can. Step on a Crack: Obsessive Compulisve Disorder. Fanlight Productions. USA 1999. 28 min. This video is geared towards people with OCD as an educational tool. By people sharing their personal stories and their experiences with OCD, maybe the people who. Louis children's hospitals; instructor of medicine, infectious disease division, washington university school of medicine, st, for example, cefixime clavulanic.
The specifications of the collection vessel, urine control kit and partial sample kit are to be determined by the M&SC Representative in co-operation with the Organising Committee. 3.4 The competitor shall select a collection vessel, visually check that it is empty and clean, proceed to the toilet and urinate a minimum of 75 ml into the collection vessel under the observation of the Doping Control Officer who shall be of the same gender as the competitor. Any clothing preventing the direct observation of the urination shall be removed. The competitor shall return to the consulting area with the collection vessel containing the urine. 3.5 If the requested urine volume of 75 ml has been provided, the competitor shall select a urine control kit, open it and place the contents on the table in front of him her. He she shall check that the bottles are empty and clean. The competitor shall pour approximately two thirds of the urine from the collection vessel into bottle A and one third into bottle B. A few drops of urine shall remain in the collection vessel. Next, the competitor shall close the two bottles hermetically and check that no leakage occurs. The Doping Control Officer may, with permission of the competitor, assist with the procedures outlined in this paragraph. All remaining urine shall be destroyed immediately after bottles A and B have been sealed. 3.6 The Doping Control Officer shall measure the specific gravity and pH of the urine left in collection vessel. The urine pH should not be less than 5 and not greater than 7, and the urine should have a specific gravity of 1.010 or higher. If the sample does not meet these specifications, further samples may be required by the IDBF M&SC representative. 3.7 The competitor shall declare to the Doping Control Officer any medication and nutritional supplements that he she may have taken in the preceding three days. The Doping Control Officer shall record this statement on the Doping Control Official Record. 3.8 The Doping Control Officer shall check that the code numbers on the bottles and shipping containers are identical, and record the code number on the Doping Control Official Record. 3.9 The competitor shall then check that the code numbers on the bottles and shipping containers are identical to that recorded on the Doping Control Official Record. 3.10 The competitor shall place the bottles A and B into the respective shipping containers and close them carefully and the Doping Control Officer shall verify that these are completely closed. 3.11 The competitor shall certify, by signing the Doping Control Official Record, that the entire procedure has been performed according to the rules above. Any irregularities identified by the competitor or the accompanying person shall be recorded on the Doping Control Official Record. 3.12 The Doping Control Official Record shall also be signed by the Doping Control Officer; by the IDBF M&SC representative, and, if present, by the accompanying person and the representative of the Delegation concerned. The competitor shall be given a copy of the Doping Control Official Record. AZ. CHIM. RIUN. ANGELINI FRANCESCO ACRAF SPA -- ITALY CYANAMID LABORATOIRES MARION MERRELL DOW S.A. GRUPPO LEPETIT SPA TARO PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. TARO PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. TARO PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LTD TARO PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. LABORATOIRES AVENTIS LABORATOIRES AVENTIS LABORATOIRES ROUSSEL DIAMANT MEDOCHEMIE LTD BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB EESTI AS BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB S.P.A RHONE-POULENC RORER FRANCE ; RHONE-POULENC RORER FRANCE ; RHONE-POULENC RORER S.A. RHONE-POULENC RORER S.A. CYANAMID OF GREAT BRITAIN LTD CYANAMID OF GREAT BRITAIN LTD CYANAMID OF GREAT BRITAIN LTD. CYANAMID OF GREAT BRITAIN LTD. CIS BIO INTERNATIONAL CIS BIO INTERNATIONAL. VS Calvert, R Collantes, H Elariny, A Baranova, A Afendy, Z Goodman, L Liotta, E Petricoin, and ZM Younossi. Signal Pathway Proteomic Analysis of Human Adipose Tissue using Phosphoprotein Arrays: Insights into the Pathophysiology of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease NAFLD ; and type 2 Diabetes DM ; . Digestive Disease Week Los Angeles, CA. 2006 Oral Presentation ; A Baranova, N Ad, S Gowder, H Elariny, S Younossi, M Jarrar, R Collantes, V Chandhoke, Z Younossi. Serum Adiponectin and Resistin in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases NAFLD ; and Arteriosclerosis. Digestive Disease Week. Los Angeles, CA. 2006. VS Calvert, R Collantes, H Elariny, A Baranova, A Afendy, Z Goodman, L Liotta, ZM Younossi, E Petricoin. Signal Pathway Proteomic Analysis of Human Adipose Tissue using Phosphoprotein Arrays: Insights into the Pathophysiology of NonAlcoholic Fatty Liver Disease NAFLD ; and type 2 Diabetes DM ; . HUPO Meeting 2006 Oral Presentation ; L Ramsey, F Nader, CH Bai H Gujral, K Terra, S McKay, R Collantes, JP Ong, R Sjogren, ZM Younossi. Darbepoetin Alfa DA ; and Filgrastim FL ; for the Management of Anemia and Neutropenia of Antiviral Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis C. IDSA Meeting, Toronto, Canada 2006 ZM Younossi, M Singer. Lifetime Medical and Economic Impact of Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease NAFLD ; in the United States US ; . AASLD Meeting. Boston, MA. 2006. V Calvert, R Collantes, H Elariny, A Afendy, A Baranova, M Mendoza, Z Goodman, L Liotta, E Petricoin, ZM Younossi. Distinguishing Progressive Fatty Liver Disease from the Non-Progressive Form Using Reverse Phase Phosphoproteomic Array Analysis of Intracellular Signaling Pathways. AASLD Meeting . Boston, MA.2006. Oral Presentation ; . JP Ong, A Pitts, ZM Younossi. The Impact of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease NAFLD ; on Mortality. A Population-based Cohort Study. AASLD Meeting, Boston, MA.2006. S Bondini, T Gramlich, L Ramsey, JP Ong, D Jondle, N Boparai, H Gujral, ZM Younossi. The Impact of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease NAFLD ; on Chronic Hepatitis B. The Impact of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease NAFLD ; on Chronic Hepatitis B. AASLD Meeting. Boston, MA. 2006. J Kallman, A Dan, A Wheeler, Z Younoszai, S Bondini, L Gerber, ZM Younossi. Health-Related Quality of Life HRQL ; in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. AASLD Meeting. Boston, MA.2006. B Spiegel, R Bolus, M Tong, E Esralian, J Talley, T Tran, J Smith, H Karsan, F Durazo, B Bacon, P Marin, Z Younossi S Hwa Ong, F Kanwal. Development and Validation of a Disease-Targeted Health Related Quality of Life in Chronic Hepatitis B Infection: The HBQOL V1.0 AASLD Meeting. Boston, MA.2006. V Calvert, R Collantes, H Elariny, A Afendy, A Baranova, M Mendoza, Z Goodman, L Liotta, E Petricoin, ZM Younossi. Insight into the Spectrum of NonAlcoholic Fatty Liver Disease NAFLD ; Using Phosphoproteomic Array Analysis of Intracellular Signaling from Human Adipose Tissue. HUPO International Meeting 2006 Oral Presentation ; . F Nader, CH Bai, K Terra, C Gurung, M Srishord, R Collantes, J Ong, M Sjogren, R Sjogren, ZM Younossi Darbepoetin Alfa DA ; and Filgrastim FA ; for the Management of Anemia and Neutropenia in Chronic Hepatitis C CH-C ; Digestive Disease Week Submitted 2006 ; V Calvert, R Collantes, H Elariny, A Afendy, A Baranova, C Nugent, Y Fang, J Deng, Z Goodman, L Liotta, E Petricoin, Z Younossi. Can Phosphoproteomic.
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