Caraco pharmaceutical laboratories, ltd.
I find this drug of interest, only because of its actions. I also find it interesting that it is not as effective as lithium. It seems that what we are focusing on, strangely parallels bipolar disorder and epilepsy, if we're correct in our thinking. Quote: Topiramate in Bipolar Disorder Topiramate Topamax ; , a new novel anticonvulsant, is increasingly being used in the treatment of refractory mood disorders. A number of recent open, add-on studies have suggested that topiramate is an effective adjunctive treatment in bipolar disorder. A recent excellent review by Chengappa et al. 2001 ; 1 points out many of the unique structural, pharmacological, and clinical properties of topiramate that have led to its increasing use in bipolar illness. We will summarize these unique characteristics of topiramate, review the published studies of topiramate in mood disorders, and note the adverse side effects that may occur when using this new treatment. We highlight the conundrum that topiramate looks promising in open adjunctive studies, but three recent placebo-controlled studies in mania have shown the drug to be ineffective in monotherapy and less effective than lithium. I. Structure and Pharmacology2 Topiramate is a sulfamate-substituted monosaccharide that was FDA-approved in 1996 for use in the United States in refractory partial-onset seizures as an adjunctive treatment. Absorption of topiramate is rapid, with peak plasma concentrations occurring at approximately 2 hours following a 400 mg oral dose. The relative bioavailability of topiramate from the tablet formulation is about 80% compared to a solution. The bioavailability of topiramate is not affected by food. Topiramate is not extensively metabolized and is primarily eliminated unchanged in the urine approximately 70% of an administered dose ; . The precise mechanism by which topiramate exerts its anti-seizure effect is unknown; however, electrophysiological and biochemical studies of the effects of topiramate on cultured neurons have revealed three properties that may contribute to its antiepileptic efficacy. First, action potentials elicited repetitively by a sustained depolarization of the neurons are blocked by topiramate in a time-dependent manner, suggestive of a state-dependent sodium channel blocking action shared by valproate, carbamazepine, and lamotrigine ; . Second, topiramate increases the frequency at which gamma ; -aminobutyrate GABA ; activates GABAA receptors, and enhances the ability of GABA to induce a flux of chloride ions into neurons, suggesting that topiramate potentiates the activity of this inhibitory neurotransmitter like valproate ; . Third, topiramate antagonizes the ability of kainate to activate the kainate AMPA alpha ; acid; non-NMDA ; subtype of excitatory amino acid glutamate ; receptor, but has no apparent effect on the activity of N-methyl-D-aspartate NMDA ; at the NMDA receptor subtype. These effects of topiramate are concentration-dependent within the range of 1 M 200 M. Topiramate also inhibits some isoenzymes of carbonic anhydrase CA-II and CA-IV ; . This pharmacologic effect is generally weaker than that of acetazolamide, a known carbonic anhydrase inhibitor and used as a treatment for mania in some case reports ; , and is not thought to be a major contributing factor to topiramate's antiepileptic activity.
RETURN-TO-WORK is one of the major components in chronic pain management. Returnto-work is a subject that should be addressed by each workers compensation provider at the first meeting with the injured employee, and be updated at each additional visit. A return-towork format should be part of a company s health plan, knowing that return-to-work can decrease anxiety, reduce the possibility of depression, and reconnect the worker with society. Because a prolonged period of time off work will decrease the likelihood of return to work, the first weeks of treatment are crucial in preventing and or reversing chronicity and disability mindset. In complex cases, experienced nurse case managers may be required to assist in return-to-work. Other services, including psychological evaluation and or treatment and vocational assistance should be employed. The following should be considered when attempting to return an injured worker with chronic pain to work. a. Job History Interview: The authorized treating physician should perform a job history interview at the time of the initial evaluation and before any plan of treatment is established. Documentation should include the worker's job demands, stressors, duties of current job, and duties of job at the time of the initial injury. In addition, cognitive and social issues should be identified and treatment of these issues should be incorporated into the plan of care.
Dmae in three experiments, the drug dmae, sold in the and europe under the names deaner and lucidril extended the lifespan of mice up to 4 5% when given in the animals' drinking water, for example, lamictal lamotrigine.
Table characteristics of rheumatoid arthritis in younger versus older patients younger patients older patients female preponderance women and men equally affected insidious onset acute onset small joints of hands and feet affected large proximal joints affected fewer systemic manifestations more systemic manifestations, including elevated acute phase reactants rheumatoid factor test usually positive rheumatoid factor test usually negative depending on the level of disease activity, treatment may include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs nsaids ; , corticosteroids, or disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs dmards.
Lithium-but not lamotrigine-was significantly more effective than placebo in time to intervention for mania and levothyroxine.
The purpose of this study was to analyze how the formularies of the VA and Medicare Part D plans vary for a range of self-administered pharmaceutical compounds. Drugs Analyzed It is the VA's practice to list compounds i.e., drugs with a particular active ingredient, whether branded or generic ; on its national and VISN formularies. To accommodate this practice, we analyzed formulary coverage of compounds rather than particular branded or generic drugs. 5 To focus on the drugs most commonly used by the average enrollee, we concentrated on compounds representing 1 ; the largest number of prescriptions written and 2 ; the largest share of total prescription drug expenditures. We relied on lists published by RxList based on total U.S. prescriptions and drug sales in 2004, the latest year for which data were available as of the initiation of the study, to compile a list of drugs for analysis. 6 The first 200 drugs on both lists were combined by identifying both branded and generic drugs by their active ingredients and eliminating duplicates. The result was a list of 262 compounds active ingredients ; to be analyzed. We excluded 36 compounds that typically are physician administered Appendix Table G ; . This step reduced the number of compounds to 226 Appendix Table H ; . Formularies Analyzed We analyzed seven different formularies. Four were VA formularies: the VA national formulary and three VISN formularies, identified here as VISNs A, B and C, respectively. The VISN formularies had to be readily available in electronic format or easily converted to electronic format ; . To balance geographic variations, we selected VISNs located in different regions of the country. Together, these VISNs served 765, 283 veterans in 2003. The remaining three formularies are those used by three different Prescription Drug Plans PDPs ; authorized to provide Medicare Part D benefits. Three criteria were used to select these PDPs. First, the plan sponsor had to market at least one product that covers all 50 states. Second, the PDP's enrollment rank, projected in February 2006 by a national source, had to be among the ten greatest among all PDPs. Third, the formulary had to be available in an easily-usable electronic or readily-convertible to electronic format. For this analysis, we considered only whether a compound is included on a formulary. The VA, VISNs, and PDPs all use mechanisms that prohibit unfettered access to some drugs e.g., pre-authorization requirements ; . Due to differences in the information provided by the plan sponsors, however, we did not compare all of the mechanisms used. Results First, we considered whether each of the most popular 226 compounds was included by the seven formularies. As shown in Exhibit 1, we found that the PDP formularies included at least 94 percent of these compounds. In contrast, the VISNs included up to 81 percent 7, while the VA national formulary included only 73 percent.
And hopeless in the midst of a difficult world and a seemingly unbeatable addiction. "People don't understand that smoking is as addictive as heroine." "I angry at the part of me that should know better." "Living paycheck to paycheck, you don't have a lot to lose." -A smoker on her lack of concern for personal health "If God has blessed me to get off the crack cocaine, why can't I leave these cigarettes alone? and lithobid, because lamotrigine mechanism.
Upwards of 12 known different serotonin receptors, and the count was still rising. There are more serotonin receptors than serotoninergic drugs, and each of the latter has a slightly different spectrum of action. If we consider the many different types of receptors known in the nervous system, whether they be the relatively few that seem to be related to cholinergic mechanisms, the several that are related to adrenergic mechanisms, the increasing number of dopaminergic receptors or the rising numbers of recognized opioid receptors, the idea that all drugs directed to a type of receptor have only one or two effects seems unlikely. Perhaps fortunately, most pharmacological preparations for the nervous system seem to affect more than one receptor or receptor type. This may be desirable in view of the many thousands of genes, each of which may be responsible for a different receptor and require a suitable remedy when its effects are disruptive or insufficient. Many prescribers have abandoned the notion that it is bad to use more than one drug for a single disorder. Hypertension is typically controlled with two or three different medications as required, rather than with a large dose of a single agent; small doses of each of several medications may be much better tolerated and more useful. The old fashioned pharmacology, which physicians may still practise and with which many grew up, emphasized the importance of not using more than one drug for one situation. That view has become untenable, although the alternative view many drugs in small doses for each illness still encounters resistance. Many drugs have more than one action perhaps particularly so in the case of the central nervous system. Amytriptyline was demonstrated to have an analgesic effect in the absence of depression 4 ; . Anticonvulsants are easily recognized as drugs for the nervous system that have long been used for more than one purpose. Phenobarbitone was used for epilepsy and nocturnal sedation, and to calm agitated individuals. The use of carbamazepine in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia and also diabetic neuropathy dates back at least as far as the 1960s 5 ; . In addition, these drugs and their younger relations, such as valproate, topiramate and lamotrigine, are used for the control of bipolar illness as effective alternatives to lithium carbonate. Topiramate has been put forward as helpful for headache, especially migraine. Level I evidence and clinical.
For a complete list of slang terms for drug and drug activity you can download the following file, drug terms 175k ; , complements of ondcp drug policy information clearinghouse and lithium.
Recent data suggests that the anticonvulsant lamotrigine lamictal ; may possess antidepressant effects in bipolar disorder!
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Recommendations: Two tablets two to three times daily. Form: 50 Tablet Bottle O See Caution on page 9. Known traditionally as dng zh wn. Equivalent to 4, 000 mg of raw, dried, unprocessed herbs and
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Shtml - antidepressants - clomipramine home serotonin toxicity serotonin syndrome introduction summary spectrum concept neuroleptic malignant syndrome moclobemide & s ; sris the clinical picture treatment of st moi-oa-st mirtazapine methylene blue mirtazapine mirtazapine essay mirtazapine essay 2 - psychopharmacology update notes mirtazapine why most new antidepressants are ineffective dual action antidepressant drugs lamotrigine diet and monoamine oxidase inhibitors monoamine oxidase inhibitors latest pun notes serotonin notes drug interaction cyp450 ; information introduction overview quiz quiz answers cyp notes dual action drugs - psychopharmacology questions answered publications medico-legal opinions patient information contact me contact dr gillman request serotonin toxicity document links - antidepressants - clomipramine date created: 29 09 2000 last modified: 18 05 2002 last checked: 21 10 2002 it seems ironic that despite all the new drugs that have arrived in the last decade of the last millennium some of the best evidence for superior efficacy is for the older ones especially clomipramine and clozapine.
1. Stahl SM. Psychopharmacology of anticonvulsants: do all anticonvulsants have the same mechanism of action? [BRAINSTORMS] J Clin Psychiatry 2004; 65: 149150 Stahl SM. Anticonvulsants as anxiolytics, pt 1: tiagabine and other anticonvulsants with actions on GABA [BRAINSTORMS]. J Clin Psychiatry 2004; 65: 291292 Stahl SM. Anticonvulsants as anxiolytics, pt 2: pregabalin and gabapentin as 2 ligands at voltage gated calcium channels [BRAINSTORMS]. J Clin Psychiatry 2004; 65: 460461 Stahl SM. Anticonvulsants and the relief of chronic pain: pregabalin and gabapentin as 2 ligands at voltage-gated calcium channels [BRAINSTORMS]. J Clin Psychiatry 2004; 65: 596597 Brambilla P, Barale F, Soares JC. Perspectives on the use of anticonvulsants in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 2001; 4: 421446 Bowden CL, Brugger AM, Swann AC, et al. Efficacy of divalproex vs lithium and placebo in the treatment of mania. The Depakote Mania Study Group. JAMA 1994; 271: 918924 Goodwin GM, Bowden CL, Calabrese JR, et al. A pooled analysis of 2 placebo-controlled 18-month trials of lamotrigine and lithium maintenance in bipolar I disorder. J Clin Psychiatry 2004; 65: 432441 American Psychiatric Association. Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Patients With Bipolar Disorder. J Psychiatry 2002; 159 suppl 4 ; : 150 9. Muller AA, Stoll KD. Carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine in the treatment of manic syndromes: studies in Germany. In: Emrich HM, Okuma T, Muller AA, eds. Anticonvulsants in Affective Disorders. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Excerpta Medica; 1984: 139147 Evins AE. Efficacy of newer anticonvulsant medications in bipolar spectrum mood disorders: J Clin Psychiatry 2003; 64 suppl 8 ; : 914 Casey DE, Daniel DG, Wassef AA, et al. Effect of divalproex combined with olanzapine or risperidone in patients with an acute exacerbation of schizophrenia. Neuropsychopharmacology 2003; 28: 182192 Citrome L. Schizophrenia and valproate. Psychopharmacol Bull 2003; 37 suppl 2 ; : 7488 Tiihonen J, Hallikainen T, Ryynanen OP, et al. Lamotriigine in treatment resistant schizophrenia: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Biol Psychiatry 2003; 54: 12411248 Zarate CR, Quiroz LA. Combination treatment in bipolar disorder: a review of controlled trials. Bipolar Disord 2003; 5: 217225 Hirschfeld RMA. The efficacy of atypical antipsychotics in bipolar disorders. J Clin Psychiatry 2003; 64 suppl 8 ; : 1521 Stahl SM, Grady MM. Is the use of antiepileptic drugs and antipsychotics in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia evidence based and cost effective? In: New Research Abstracts of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology; December 17, 2003; San Juan, Puerto Rico. Abstract 91: 222 Stahl SM, Grady MM. A critical review of atypical antipsychotic utilization: comparing monotherapy with polypharmacy and augmentation. Curr Med Chem 2004; 11: 31327 and
Competent candidates will: 2 Evaluate medical evidence in both clinical and academic situations. 2 Evaluate scientific literature in order to critically assess the benefits and risks of current and proposed methods of investigation, treatment and prevention of illness. 2 Demonstrate the use of the computer for appropriate data retrieval and function. 2 Define the socio-economic rationales, implications and consequences of medical care. 2 Outline the principles of cost containment, cost benefit analysis and cost effectiveness, for example, lamotrigine cost.
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Pennsylvania Department of Health 2002-2003 Annual C.U.R.E. Report Page 151.
To look at it in another way, americans take so many drugs that some researchers - dr and
Lee, a professor of internal medicine at the university of texas southwestern medical center in dallas.
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See cytomegalovirus cmv ; genotyping for drug resistance; cytomegalovirus cmv ; phenotyping for drug resistance; herpes simplex virus hsv ; phenotyping for drug resistance; and varicella zoster virus vzv ; phenotyping for drug resistance.
I started thinking about medications i on and if they affect your blood count and prinzide.
State Pharmacy Assistance Programs "State Pharmacy Assistance Programs" is a catchall phrase for any state-specific attempt to assist residents in the purchase of prescription drugs. While many programs have begun in the last few years, as states were forced to respond to increasing drug costs, several states have been helping people buy prescription drugs for decades. The flagship state pharmacy assistance program is Pennsylvania's Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the Elderly program PACE ; . Long considered the gold standard for states to follow, PACE uses state lottery money to subsidize seniors' purchase of pharmaceuticals. While PACE is an acknowledged leader, and serves 10, 000 Pennsylvania residents, runaway drug costs are now strapping the program and exposing its limits. Flat lottery revenues and an aging population, combined with double-digit increases in drug spending, have left state officials concerned about the viability of the program and the robustness of the benefits it can continue to provide.48 The majority of pharmacy assistance programs are not as ambitious as Pennsylvania's PACE and have never claimed to be the solution for strapped seniors and others without drug coverage. Most efforts are limited to the very poor aged and feature restrictive formularies. The new Illinois drug assistance program, for example, covers a limited set of drug classes for about 365, 000 low-income, elderly Medicare beneficiaries. Direct benefit programs. At present, 34 states offer or intend to offer pharmacy assistance outside of Medicaid.49 Most of these programs are direct benefit programs: the state pays the full price of the drug for residents who meet restrictive income and asset qualifications but a small co-payment is required from the consumer. Participation and benefits are limited. Discounts. Some states make discounts available to qualified residents. These discounts reduce the price the customer pays, typically by 10-15%, but the state does not subsidize these purchases; either the pharmacies or the pharmaceutical companies make up the difference. States favor discounts because they offer some price relief to uninsured residents at no cost to the state.50 While discount programs usually apply to a wider variety of drug classes and to a larger segment of the population than do direct-benefit programs, many low-income residents remain unable to afford even the discounted price. Rebates resemble discounts: the customer pays a discounted price, courtesy of the pharmacy, but the state reimburses the pharmacy for that discount using rebates it collects from pharmaceutical manufacturers following the sale. Medicaid Unlike the Medicare program for seniors, Medicaid, the federal state program for low-income people, includes a prescription drug benefit. Rebates are the key to this benefit. It is through Medicaid, primarily, that the states are attempting to ease increases in prescription drug expenditures and provide price relief to lowincome residents. Federal law requires pharmaceutical companies to pay rebates to the states if they want their products to be covered by Medicaid. In return, the states agree to cover all drugs for which rebates have been negotiated. Passed in 1990, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act OBRA ; mandated that manufacturers sell to state Medicaid programs at the very best price available to any purchaser. Unfortunately, instead of lowering prices to Medicaid programs across the country to meet existing best prices, the pharmaceutical companies reacted by raising the lowest prices available to federal agencies like the Veterans' Administration VA ; . Two years later, Congress addressed this disincentive to lower prices by removing certain groups from the best price calculation; these `best price exemptions' applied to the VA, the Department of Defense DOD ; , the Coast Guard, and the Public Health Service at the federal level, and importantly, to state pharmacy assistance programs. These exemptions for the groups that previously enjoyed the lowest drug prices allowed.
Lamotrigine reduces plasma peak Cmax ; levonorgestrel concentrations by 12% and area under curve by 19% We do not know whether this reduces contraceptive efficacy! OCP reduced plasma LTG levels, so beware women starting or stopping OCP Plasma levels of LTG reduce significantly in third trimester Has lamotrigind now become a difficult drug to use for women of childbearing age.
LAMICTAL lamotrigiine ; Tablets LAMICTAL lamotriine ; Chewable Dispersible Tablets ALWAYS CHECK THAT YOU RECEIVE LAMICTAL Patients prescribed LAMICTAL lah-MICK-tall ; have sometimes been given the wrong medicine in error because many medicines have names similar to LAMICTAL. Taking the wrong medication can cause serious health problems. When your healthcare provider gives you a prescription for LAMICTAL make sure you can read it clearly. talk to your pharmacist to check that you are given the correct medicine. check the tablets you receive against the pictures of the tablets below. The pictures show actual tablet shape and size and the wording describes the color and printing that is on each strength of LAMICTAL Tablets and Chewable Dispersible Tablets. LAMICTAL lamotrigine ; Tablets.
Indeed, this and similar studies evaluating the tolerability of a given alternative drug have some intrinsic limits, the most important of which is the use of a single cumulative dose. The effects of higher doses or the prolonged use of a commercial product cannot be evaluated under the present experimental conditions, for instance, lamotrigine hair.
Many anticonvulsants have been used to treat pdn, but the 2 that are currently most prescribed are gabapentin and lamotrigine and levothyroxine.
Lamotrigine lamictal bipolar
2002; 44: 652659 DeLong GR, Teague LA, McSwain Kamran M. Effects of fluoxetine treatment in young children with idiopathic autism. Dev Med Child Neurol 1998; 40: 551562 Fatemi SH, Realmuto GM, Khan L, et al. Fluoxetine in treatment of adolescent patients with autism: a longitudinal open trial. J Autism Dev Disord 1998; 28: 303307 Cook EH Jr, Rowlett R, Jaselskis C, et al. Fluoxetine treatment of children and adults with autistic disorder and mental retardation. J Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1992; 31: 739745 Yokoyama H, Hirose M, Haginoya K, et al. Treatment with fluvoxamine against self-injury and aggressive behavior in autistic children [in Japanese]. No To Hattatsu 2002; 34: 249253 Martin A, Koenig K, Anderson GM, et al. Low-dose fluvoxamine treatment in children and adolescents with pervasive developmental disorders: a prospective, open-label study. J Autism Dev Disord 2003; 33: 7785 McDougle CJ, Naylor ST, Cohen DJ, et al. A double-blind, placebocontrolled study of fluvoxamine in adults with autistic disorder. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1996; 53: 10011008 McDougle CJ, Brodkin ES, Naylor ST, et al. Sertraline in adults with pervasive developmental disorders: a prospective open-label investigation. J Clin Psychopharmacol 1998; 18: 6266 Hellings JA, Kelley LA, Gabrielli WF, et al. Sertraline response in adults with mental retardation and autistic disorder. J Clin Psychiatry 1996; 57: 333336 Steingard RJ, Zimnitzky B, DeMaso DR, et al. Sertraline treatment of transition-associated anxiety and agitation in children with autistic disorder. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol 1997; 7: 915 Posey DI, Litwiller M, Koburn A, et al. Paroxetine in autism. J Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1999; 38: 111112 Davnzo PA, Belin TR, Widawski MH, et al. Paroxetine treatment of aggression and self-injury in persons with mental retardation. J Ment Retard 1998; 102: 427437 Namerow LB, Thomas P, Bostic JQ, et al. Use of citalopram in pervasive developmental disorders. J Dev Behav Pediatr 2003; 24: 104108 Couturier JL, Nicolson R. A retrospective assessment of citalopram in children and adolescents with pervasive developmental disorders. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol 2002; 12: 243248 Owley T, Walton L, Salt J, et al. An open-label trial of escitalopram in pervasive developmental disorders. J Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2005; 44: 343348 Hollander E, Kaplan A, Cartwright C, et al. Venlafaxine in children, adolescents, and young adults with autism spectrum disorders: an open retrospective clinical report. J Child Neurol 2000; 15: 132135 Posey DJ, Guenin KD, Kohn AE, et al. A naturalistic open-label study of mirtazapine in autistic and other pervasive developmental disorders. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol 2001; 11: 267277 Hollander E, Dolgoff-Kaspar R, Cartwright C, et al. An open trial of divalproex sodium in autism spectrum disorders. J Clin Psychiatry 2001; 62: 530534 Uvebrant P, Bauziene R. Intractable epilepsy in children: the efficacy of lamotrigine treatment, including non-seizure-related benefits. Neuropediatrics 1994; 25: 284289 Belsito KM, Law PA, Kirk KS, et al. Lamotrrigine therapy for autistic disorder: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. J Autism Dev Disord 2001; 31: 175181 Rugino TA, Samsock TC. Levetiracetam in autistic children: an open-label study. J Dev Behav Pediatr 2002; 23: 225230 Joshi PT, Capozzoli JA, Coyle JT. Low-dose neuroleptic therapy for children with childhood-onset pervasive developmental disorders. J Psychiatry 1988; 145: 335338 Campbell M, Anderson LT, Small AM, et al. The effects of haloperidol on learning and behavior in autistic children: a prospective study. J Autism Dev Disord 1982; 12: 167175 Campbell M, Armenteros JL, Malone RP, et al. Neuroleptic-related dyskinesias in autistic children: a prospective, longitudinal study. J Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1997; 36: 835843 Anderson LT, Campbell M, Adams P, et al. The effects of haloperidol on discrimination learning and behavioral symptoms in autistic children. J Autism Dev Disord 1989; 19: 227239 Mikkelsen EJ. Efficacy of neuroleptic medication in pervasive developmental disorders of childhood. Schizophr Bull 1982; 8: 320332 Ernst M, Magee HJ, Gonzalez NM, et al. Pimozide in autistic children.
Lamotrigine lamictal information
Lamotrigine lamictal ; post reply quote start a new discussion disclaimer : the information provided by mdjunction is not a replacement for medical diagnosis, treatment, or professional medical advice.
Lamotrigine 25
Properties in the kindling model in rats both during kindling development and in the fully kindled state. The relevance of these models to human epilepsy, however, is not known. One proposed mechanism of action of LAMICTAL, the relevance of which remains to be established in humans, involves an effect on sodium channels. In vitro pharmacological studies suggest that lamotrigine inhibits voltage-sensitive sodium channels, thereby stabilizing neuronal membranes and consequently modulating presynaptic transmitter release of excitatory amino acids e.g., glutamate and aspartate ; . The mechanisms by which lamotrigine exerts its therapeutic action in Bipolar Disorder have not been established. Pharmacological Properties: Although the relevance for human use is unknown, the following data characterize the performance of LAMICTAL in receptor binding assays. Lamofrigine had a weak inhibitory effect on the serotonin 5-HT3 receptor IC50 18 M ; . does not exhibit high affinity binding IC50 100 M ; to the following neurotransmitter receptors: adenosine A1 and A2; adrenergic 1, 2, and ; dopamine D1 and D2; -aminobutyric acid GABA ; A and B; histamine H1; kappa opioid; muscarinic acetylcholine; and serotonin 5-HT2. Studies have failed to detect an effect of lamotrigine on dihydropyridine-sensitive calcium channels. It had weak effects at sigma opioid receptors IC50 145 M ; . Lamotr9gine did not inhibit the uptake of norepinephrine, dopamine, or serotonin, IC50 200 M ; when tested in rat synaptosomes and or human platelets in vitro. Effect of Lamotr8gine on N-Methyl d-Aspartate-Receptor Mediated Activity: Lamotrigine did not inhibit N-methyl d-aspartate NMDA ; -induced depolarizations in rat cortical slices or NMDA-induced cyclic GMP formation in immature rat cerebellum, nor did lamotrigine displace compounds that are either competitive or noncompetitive ligands at this glutamate receptor complex CNQX, CGS, TCHP ; . The IC50 for lamotrigine effects on NMDA-induced currents in the presence of 3 M glycine ; in cultured hippocampal neurons exceeded 100 M. Folate Metabolism: In vitro, lamotrigine was shown to be an inhibitor of dihydrofolate reductase, the enzyme that catalyzes the reduction of dihydrofolate to tetrahydrofolate. Inhibition of this enzyme may interfere with the biosynthesis of nucleic acids and proteins. When oral daily doses of lamotrigine were given to pregnant rats during organogenesis, fetal, placental, and maternal folate concentrations were reduced. Significantly reduced concentrations of folate are associated with teratogenesis see PRECAUTIONS: Pregnancy ; . Folate concentrations were also reduced in male rats given repeated oral doses of lamotrigine. Reduced concentrations were partially returned to normal when supplemented with folinic acid. Accumulation in Kidneys: Lamotrigine was found to accumulate in the kidney of the male rat, causing chronic progressive nephrosis, necrosis, and mineralization. These findings are attributed to -2 microglobulin, a species- and sex-specific protein that has not been detected in humans or other animal species. Melanin Binding: Lamotrigine binds to melanin-containing tissues, e.g., in the eye and pigmented skin. It has been found in the uveal tract up to 52 weeks after a single dose in rodents.
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Patients with post-traumatic stress disorder and with depersonalization disorder have also responded well to lamotrigine therapy.
An efficient processing of event related brain potential ERP ; waveforms should involve the decomposition of the signal into basic functional components reflecting different cognitive subprocesses using their time, frequency and space features. Such a decomposition may facilitate to understand the connections among the functions, the anatomical structures and neurophysiological mechanisms of the brain. Wavelet transform WT ; is a powerful tool for extracting ERP components occuring at different time and frequency regions. The studies in our laboratory since 1993 showed that WT can be very useful in identifying the subcomponents of ERPs that are more specifically related to distinct subprocesses of the main cognitive operation in an ERP paradigm. Based on this experience, we developed a software with a graphical user interface that can handle both continuous and epoched data file formats using conventional analysis techniques and WT based decomposition methods, as well as advanced statistical analysis tools. The facilities of the software will be presented by using recent clinical data obtained from patients with Alzheimer's disease AD ; . Analysis of the ERPs of AD patients in time domain showed that neither the P3b to classical oddball targets, nor P3a to nontargets of the novelty paradigm can discriminate the early AD cases from age matched controls, which could only be differentiated by the P3b to target stimuli of the novelty paradigm. After WT analysis of the data set, however, specific time-frequency regions in the target P3b potentials of the simple classical oddball paradigm showed highly significant differences between early AD patients and healthy controls, and others differentiated the stage of the disease. The early and fast signal components in alpha 8-16 Hz ; band between 60-180 ms after stimulus presentation were correlated with the stage of disease, whereas slow and late components observed in delta 0-4 Hz ; and theta 4-8 Hz ; bands between 250-1000 ms after stimulus presentation could distinguish healty controls from early AD patients.
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