

Ismp canada gratefully acknowledges the input provided by in alphabetical order ; : bill cornish, rph, bscphm, acpr, drug information services, sunnybrook health sciences centre; patti cornish, rph, bscphm, patient safety service, sunnybrook health sciences centre; edward etchells, md, frcp, director, patient safety service, and staff physician, division of internal medicine, sunnybrook health sciences centre, and associate professor, university of toronto; sandra nicholson, rph, bscphm, sunnybrook health sciences centre and john senders, phd, professor emeritus, faculty of applied sciences, university of toronto.

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Clinical trial of wax-matrix sustained-release niacin in a Russian population with hypercholesterolemia. Aronov DM; Keenan JM; Akhmedzhanov NM; Perova NV; Oganov RY; Kiseleva NY National Research Centre for Preventive Medicine, Moscow, Russia. Arch Fam Med United States ; Nov-Dec 1996, 5 10 ; p567-75 OBJECTIVE: To assess the clinical effectiveness and tolerability of wax-matrix, controlled-release nicotinic acid CNA ; in persons with hypercholesterolemia. DESIGN: Randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, crossover trial. SETTING: Ambulatory clinic at an academic cardiology center in Moscow, Russia. PATIENTS: A volunteer sample of 135 men and women, aged 20 to 70 years, with hypercholesterolemia greater than 5.82 mmol L 225 mg dL ; 70th-95th percentile for age and sex ; who otherwise met study inclusion and exclusion criteria, were initially recruited into the study. Cholesterol levels were reduced to less than 5.82 mmol L 225 mg dL ; in 46 subjects who participated in the initial diet intervention and were excluded from the drug intervention. Eighty-nine 424.

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Since the start of self-monitoring of blood glucose in the 1970s, people with diabetes have been instructed to measure their blood glucose levels before meals. This may seem backwards, as we know that food raises blood glucose, and to see how levels rise 1-2 hours after meals would seem to be of more value. One of the main reasons for stressing before meal measurements was that up until a few years ago, the medications used to treat diabetes both insulin and pills ; did not have a peak effect 1-2 hours after meals. Another reason is that we did not have data or evidence to suggest this was an important time to check levels. Today the situation is quite different. We now have insulins and oral medications targeted to have a maximum effect 1-2 hours after a meal. We also now have evidence suggested by numerous research studies, that high blood glucose levels after meals known as postprandial hyperglycemia ; are linked to an increased risk of long-term diabetes complications. It is also now recognized that high blood glucose levels after meals are a very early sign of type 2 diabetes. These levels will be out of the normal range before the fasting levels begin to show a rise. Several studies have shown that people with high blood glucose levels after meals, even before a diagnosis of diabetes has been made, are at a higher risk of heart disease, heart attack and early death. It is felt this happens because an early sign of type 2 diabetes is the inability of the pancreas to secrete enough insulin in the first few minutes after a meal.This is also known to be a defect early on in the development of type 1 diabetes. Other studies have shown that high glucose levels after meals can also cause certain fats in the blood to rise. This may be a contributing factor to the increase in heart disease associated with postprandial hyperglycemia. So, how do we use this important information? If measurements before meals seem to always be on target, and the HbA1C test which measures an average of all blood glucose levels in a 2-3 month period ; is above target, it is likely that postprandial hyperglycemia is the culprit. Checking after meals will determine if this is the reason the HbAIC test is high. Individuals can then use their problem-solving skills to correct the problem. Sometimes this involves looking at the amount of carbohydrate in the meal to see if it was too much. For people taking medication that targets the levels after meals Humalogin, Prandin, Starlix, Preccose and Glyset ; , an adjustment in the dose may be needed. This should always be done in consultation with your diabetes-care provider. How high is too high? As with all target ranges in diabetes, this varies from individual to individual. In general, a level greater than 180mg dl 1-2 hours after a meal is considered to be too high. For others, the after-meal target may be as low as 140mg dl or as high as 200mg dl. These targets need to be developed in collaboration with your diabetes care team. Many people require a combination of medications to treat both blood glucose levels before and after meals. People with type 1 diabetes often take a longacting insulin to control fasting blood glucose levels, and a very quick-acting insulin and acetylsalicylic.
Clinical Centers Eberhard Grube, Principal Investigator ; : Heart Center Siegburg, Germany Ralf Mller MD, Thomas Schmidt MD, W Gerckens MD, Eberhard Grube MD Institute Dante Pazzanese of Cardiology So Paulo, Brazil Alex Abizaid MD PhD, Eduardo Sousa MD PhD Brderkrankenhaus Trier, Germany Karl-Eugen Hauptmann MD Preclinical Animal Studies Cedars-Sinai Medical Center: S. Kar MD BA9 Toxicology Studies Terumo Corporation BA9 Metabolic Study Univ. of Colorado HSC: U. Christians MD PhD.
Cholera and other epidemic diarrhoeal diseases control. Technical cards on WHO EMC DIS 97.6 environmental sanitation, 1997 : who.int csr resources publications cholera WHO EMC DIS 97 6 en Epidemic diarrhoeal disease preparedness and response. Training and practice, WHO EMC 97.3 Rev.1 1998 Participant's manual ; English, French and Spanish : who.int emc-documents cholera whoemcdis973c Epidemic diarrhoeal disease preparedness and response. Training and practice, WHO EMC 97.4 Rev.1 1998 Facilitator's guide ; English, French and Spanish : who.int emc-documents cholera whoemcdis974c Dengue haemorrhagic fever: diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control. 2nd ed. : who.int csr resources publications dengue en itoviii Guidelines for the control of epidemics due to Shigella dysenteriae type 1 : who.int child-adolescent-health Emergencies Shigellosis guidelines English only and salbutamol. These programs offer a deepening of knowledge and realization of a world view with regard to Zionist ideas, Israeli society, Judaism, philosophy, History, Hebrew, literature and poetry, leadership, the land of Israel and nature. They develop participants individual thinking as they grapple with communal living in the framework of dormitories. Participants meet with soldiers and commanders, and undergo preparation in general for an army experience. They get to know the Israeli community on all its different levels, volunteering and working within it. They develop a deep knowledge of the country, through learning, interest and most importantly: feet! Participants enjoy this experience together with Israelis. The Midrashot for Social Leadership are frameworks for giving knowledge and facilitating action. There are 24 midrashot around the country which have established both a direction toward educational activity and social activity. The students on the midrashot are mostly Israeli and the common denominator they share with their Diaspora counterparts is the will to strengthen knowledge about Jewish identity and the sense of shlichut which is common to all at the end of the studies. 17 and older January - June five months Ein Parat - mix religious secular Kibbutz Meitzar - traditional!
LEGAL CATEGORY: POM. Net price: Treatment initiation pack 11 x 0.5mg tablets and 14 x 1mg tablets ; , 27.30; maintenance pack 28 x 1mg tablets ; , 27.30; maintenance pack 56 x 1mg tablets ; , 54.60. CONTACT DETAILS: Pfizer, Ramsgate Road, Sandwich, Kent CT13 9NJ tel 01304 616161 and alfacalcidol. Might precipitate clinical congestive heart failure in patients who have cardiovascular disease and are in borderline compensation. Thiazolidinediones are not recommended in patients with New York Heart Association functional class III or IV heart failure. Weight gain is due to an increase in subcutaneous adipose tissue and in fluid retention. Monotherapy is associated with a weight gain of 1.6 to 3.5 kg in the first year. A slightly greater weight gain occurs when a thiazolidinedione is combined with a sulfonylurea or insulin. Rarely and for unknown reasons, some patients develop severe edema, gain 10 to 20 kg, or both. Hepatotoxicity was seen with troglitazone, an earlier thiazolidinedione, and was responsible for its removal from the market, but it does not appear to occur with rosiglitazone or pioglitazone.56 However, as a precaution, patients receiving thiazolidinediones should undergo baseline and periodic monitoring of liver enzymes. These drugs should not be given to patients with baseline alanine aminotransferase ALT ; levels 2.5 or more times the upper limit of the normal range. Persistence of ALT levels more than three times the upper limit of the normal range during therapy is an indication to stop the drug. Role of insulin sensitizers in type 2 diabetes Insulin sensitizers improve hyperglycemia by decreasing insulin resistance. Their unique contribution to the management of type 2 diabetic patients is that they treat many of the components of the metabolic syndrome dyslipidemia, procoagulant state, endothelial dysfunction, inflammatory responses ; and reduce the risk for cardiovascular complications. For metformin, this has been shown to result in fewer clinical cardiovascular events. s ALPHA-GLUCOSIDASE INHIBITORS The alpha-glucosidase inhibitors acarbose Precoss ; and miglitol Glyset ; competitively inhibit digestion of oligosaccharides to monosaccharides, so that glucose is slowly absorbed throughout the length of the small intestine, rather than rapidly in the proximal jejunum.57, 58 Advantages: They specifically lower postprandial plas. Genericname : acarbose proununcation : ah kar bose brandname : glucobay, precose page - why is this medication prescribed and calciferol. Well researched in this patient population than they are in children. "We do not have the benefit of the multimodal treatment study for adults. But I think that the general tenets of intervention in children probably hold true in addressing various aspects of an adult's life. For example, finding the appropriate treatment--be it couple therapy or working with the person's supervisor--is important, " she said. "I wholeheartedly agree, " stated Dr. Wender, adding that persons with ADHD "almost always have problems with their partners. They don't listen when the other person is speaking, they interrupt the other person's sentences, and they have hot tempers. They are often not approachable with couple therapy until they are treated with medication and respond to it, at which time they become excellent candidates for such therapy. That kind of psychotherapy is most useful." "Another area that is somewhat less researched is the impact on the management of symptoms of an ADHD child when his or her parent with ADHD has been treated successfully, " offered Dr. Wolf. "In other words, this is a highly disorganized parent who is being asked to organize the life and medication regimen of a child. Until the parent has been treated, we can not really expect the full results of treatment in the child." "I just had that experience the other day, " related Dr. Doyle. "A mother with ADD had to make a phone call during her appointment with me because she forgot to tell her child with ADD to take his medicine that morning." "Activities like meditation, guided imagery, tai chi, and yoga can also be helpful once patients are on medication, " suggested Dr. Montauk. "Not only can they help with patients' focus problems but they are also helpful techniques for dealing with stress. And ADHD--like so many other conditions--is very much affected by stress, for example, precose drug.

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Inc. ; . Plasma assays and statistical analyses were performed by Covance Laboratories, Inc. Madison, WI ; . Safety and Tolerability Study The safety and tolerability of CRLA were assessed along with effects on glycemic control in an open-label, longitudinal design in 21 patients with type 2 diabetes, who acted as their own control. The study was sponsored by Medical Research Institute and conducted by one of us L.A.G. ; within a private practice setting at Seton Medical Center Daly City, CA ; . To be included in the study, patients were required to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes C peptide 1.2 ng mL ; , under adequate control HbA1c between 7.5 and 10.5% ; , and with a disease duration 35 years. Patients with a history of cerebrovascular disease, congestive heart failure, advanced nephropathy, diastolic blood pressure 100 mm Hg, or body mass index 35 kg m2 were ineligible for enrollment. Because this study was intended primarily to assess the safety and tolerability of a new formulation, patients were allowed to continue their prestudy antidiabetic medications concurrently to facilitate patient recruitment. These medications included metformin Glucophage ; , sulfonylureas Amaryl, glyburide, and Glucotrol ; , acarbose Precise ; , troglitazone Rezulin; now withdrawn from the market ; , and insulin. No change in dosage of these medications was made during the run-in period or during the course of the study. The baseline clinical characteristics of the patients are shown in Table 1. The mean HbA1c level was 8.2 1.5%. After a run-in period of 2 weeks, patients received 12 weeks of active treatment of CRLA. The agent was administered as 900 mg daily two 300-mg tablets 30 minutes before breakfast and one 300-mg tablet 30 minutes before dinner ; for 6 weeks, followed by 1, 200 mg daily two 300-mg tablets before breakfast and one 300-mg tablet before both lunch and dinner ; for 6 weeks. A 3-week washout period followed active treatment. Patients were monitored on a regular basis for glucose and lipid control, liver enzymes, and other clinical markers, including physical examination, vital signs, and adverse experience queries. Six patients were not included in the final statistical analyses. These exclusions were made blinded to the results. Four patients were excluded because of their recurring failure 3 instances ; to adhere to their allocated diets. Diet was judged initially acceptable if it provided sufficient caloric intake to maintain body weight and the caloric distribution approximated the following: 50 to 60% carbohydrate, 30% fat, and 15 to 20% protein. Diets were evaluated at the beginning of the run-in phase and monitored on a regular basis throughout the study. Failure of dietary adherence was judged to have occurred if carbohydrate, fat, or total caloric intake grossly exceeded 150% ; a patient's usual weekly intake, on the basis of patient interviews. One patient was excluded because of premature withdrawal due to a recurring illness considered unrelated to study medication, and one patient was excluded from analyses because of repeatedly missed laboratory and alpha-lipoic.

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The advisory committee turned down the pharmacia pfizer application to change the warning label but did allow merck to include the fact on the label that the results were still open re the question of increasing the risk of ulcers. Thought id throw my 2 cents on the table xxssjultimatexx level 30 joined: 05 jun 2005 955 location: boa's concert posted: 08 jun 2007 okay, if you're normally a healthy person and amiodarone and precose, because pdecose prescribing.

Ac aim: one of the tenets of the incentive sensitization theory of drug addiction is that 'as drugs come to be wanted more and more, they often come to be liked less and less'.

Acarbose P4ecose ; . Miglitol Glyset ; Used in type 2 diabetes. Delays the digestion of carbohydrates, resulting in a smaller postprandial rise of blood glucose. Use oral glucose tablets if hypoglycemia occurs, because cane sugar found in candy and orange juice will not be absorbed and cordarone. The UK-Community Advisory Board UK-CAB ; is a network for community treatment workers across the UK. Each meeting includes two training lectures and a meeting with a pharmaceutical company. Reports and presentations are posted to the i-Base website and are available in printed format. : i-base ukcab index Transcriptions and slides of training sessions from previous meetings also on the site include: An introduction to statistics, by Dr Caroline Sabin Genetics, resistance and HIV - Professor Clive Loveday Approaches to Salvage Therapy - Dr Mike Youle Pregnancy, HIV and Women's Health - Dr Karen Beckerman Fertility treatment and sperm-washing - Dr Leila Frodsham Access to treatment for UK visitors, refugees and asylum seekers - Linda McDonald Resistance, Lipodystrophy and IAS Report - Simon Collins TB and HIV coinfection - Dr Anton Pozniak. Are there Differences in PP Reduction between Antihypertensive Drug Classes?. We accordingly affirm the district court's conclusion that twc established a likelihood of success on its claim that the revised shatner commercial is literally false.
I have looked up the drug in Handbook of Poisoning, and here it says that the fatal dose of strychnine is 1530 mg!? As a contrast, a fatal dose of LSD has not been described precisely, but Psychedelics Encyclopedia states that 40 mg was survived and the only case of death by overdose of LSD was a stunning 320 mg intravenously injected Stafford 1992 ; . Before starting any bioassays with Strychnos nux vomica, I would like to know if some of you out there have any experiences with this compound, and perhaps Mr. K. Trout would like to comment further on this matter? -- Amos, DK, for example, metformin. Each tab to contain : Dried aluminium hydroxide 300mg, Magnesium hydroxide 150mg, Simethacone 40mg. 10 tabs and acenocoumarol.

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33 55. Liener IE, Nitsan Z et al. The USDA Trypsin inhibitor study, II. Timed release biochemical changes in the pancreas of rats. Qual Plant Foods Hum Nutr, 1985, 35, 243-257. Spangler WL, Gumbmann MR et al. The USDA Trypsin Inhibitor Study, III. Sequential development of pancreatic pathology in rats. Qual Plant Foods Hum Nutr, 1985, 35, 359-274. Gumbmann MR, Spangler WI et al. The USDA Trypsin Inhibitor Study, IV. The chronic effects of soy flour and soy protein isolate on the pancreas in rats after two years. Qual Plant Foods Hum Nutr, 1985, 35, 275-314. Roebuck BD. Trypsin Inhibitors: potential concern for humans? J. Nutr, 1987, 117, 398-400. Myers BA, Hathcock J et al. Effects of dietary soya bean trypsin inhibitor concentrate on initiation and growth of putative preneoplastic lesions in the pancreas of the rat. Food Chem Toxic, 1991, 29, 7, Liener IE. Letter to the editor: Soybean protease inhibitors and pancreatic carcinogenesis, J. Nutr, 1996, 126, 582-583. Liener IE. Letter to Dockets Management Branch, Food and Drug Administration, December 31, 1998 ; . 62. Yellayi S, Naaz A et al. The phytestorgen genistein induces thymic and immune changes: a human health concern? Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2002, 99, 11. Mental Health Collective, LLC; private practice in psychoanalysis, forensic evaluations and psychiatry, 12 1997-present Acumen Assessment, Lawrence KS; Consultant Psychiatric consultant to mental health clinic specializing in evaluation and treatment of impaired or disruptive professionals. 09 2005-present Professional Renewal Center, Lawrence KS; Consultant Psychiatric consultant to mental health clinic specializing in evaluation and day treatment of impaired or disruptive professionals. 05 2003-09 2006 Senior Services at Lawrence Memorial Hospital; Medical Director 3 2001-05 2004 KANZA Community Mental Health Center; Medical Director Hiawatha, KS 12 1997-10 2002 Menninger, Adult Outpatient Department & Center for Sexual Health; Staff Psychiatrist 2 1993-1 1997 Sexual Diversion Program; Consulting Psychiatrist Community Service Office, Topeka, KS 2 1993-1 1997 Menninger Electroconvulsive Therapy Service; Director C.F. Menninger Memorial Hospital Coordinate service, delivery of ECT and quality assurance review of ECT modality. Established ECT fellowship for residency program. 8 1994-1 1997 Chairman, Institutional Review Board, Menninger Review and ensure ethical standards of research conducted at the Menninger Clinic. 8 1995-1 1997 Menninger, Psychotic Disorders Program; Team Leader.

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The emission standard waste gas standard ; specifically for air pollutants from boilers was promulgated in November 2001 and is defined in the Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Coal-Burning Oil-Burning Gas-Fired Boilers, which came into force in January 2002. As shown in Table 1-2-2, for soot emission limits, boilers are categorized by fuel type as coal-fired, gas-fired, and oil-fired boilers, and by location as Class I, Class II, and Class III. Standards are set separately according to whether the boiler was built and commissioned before January 1, 2001 or after that date. The prescribed emission limits are a relatively low 100-350 mg m3 for coal-fired boilers, a low 80-200 mg m3 for oil-fired boilers, and 50 mg m3 for gas-fired boilers. The indicated concentration limits are at a standard state of 0C and pressure of 1 atmosphere. The emission limits in the following tables are for the same standard state. As shown in Table 1-2-3, the emission limits for sulfur dioxide SO2 ; and nitrogen oxides NOx ; are based on similar categories as for soot, but apply to all locations. The SO2 emission limit for coal-fired boilers built on or after 1 January 2001 is 900 mg m3, which is roughly equivalent to the SO2 concentration in the waste gas when coal with a 0.5% sulfur content is burned. Therefore, if the coal used has a higher sulfur content, a flue gas desulfurization device will be required. As will be discussed in the second case study in Chapter 2, Tianjin has set an SO2 emission limit of 650 mg m3 as its own local air quality standard. This is far stricter than the national emission standard for SO2. Meeting this standard means using coal that has a sulfur content of 0.5% or less and carrying out flue gas desulfurization, or using coal with a sulfur content not exceeding 0.3%. Tianjin also regulates the sulfur content of the coal used in coal-fired boilers, and requires factories to use coal containing no more than 0.5% sulfur. The NOx emission limit is 400 mg m3 for both oil-fired and gas-fired boilers. This is equivalent to 195 ppm when converted into a ppm measurement for comparison with the Japanese standard. In Japan, emission standards are prescribed separately for oil-fired and gas-fired boilers. The NOx limit in Japan is 130-180 ppm for oil-fired boilers, depending on the boiler size, and 60-150 ppm for gas-fired boilers. Although China's standard is slightly more lenient, it is roughly on a par with Japan's. The dust concentration from coal-fired boilers is unavoidably at a higher level when the boiler is first fired up. Soot emission limits are set for these initial concentrations, as shown in Table 1-2-4. Also, as the amount of generated soot varies widely according to the combustion method, separate standards are prescribed for each of three different combustion categories fire grate, fluidized-bed, and entrained-bed combustion ; . Fluidized-bed combustion generates the most soot, and therefore has higher specified emission limits. The minimum stack height is prescribed by boiler capacity, as shown in Table 1-2-5. A minimum stack height of 20 meters is required even for the smallest boilers. Analysis of the constituents in waste gas requires that the state of air admixture is prescribed. Thus, for coal-fired, oil-fired, and gas-fired boilers, the Chinese standard has an emission rate correction factor for excess air, as shown in Table 1-2-6. In Japan, oxygen concentration in the waste gas is prescribed, which amounts to the same thing. For example, 6% oxygen concentration is prescribed in Japan for analysis of waste gas from coal-fired boilers. If we convert the correction factor 1.8 ; in the Chinese standard, the result is equivalent to an oxygen concentration of 8.8%. In other words, China allows a slightly higher excess air ratio than Japan. NDC 00025177131 00025182131 00025182151 Label Name CALAN 40MG TABLET FLAGYL 500MG TABLET FLAGYL 500MG TABLET FLAGYL 250MG TABLET CALAN 80MG TABLET CALAN 80MG TABLET CALAN 120MG TABLET CALAN SR 240MG CAPLET SA CALAN SR 240MG CAPLET SA CALAN SR 120MG CAPLET SA CALAN SR 180MG CAPLET SA FLAGYL 375 CAPSULE FLAGYL ER 750MG TABLET SA BEXTRA 10MG TABLET BEXTRA 20MG TABLET COVERA-HS 180MG SA TABLET COVERA-HS 240MG SA TABLET AXERT 6.25MG TABLET AXERT 12.5MG TABLET NORPACE CR 100MG CAPSULE SA NORPACE CR 150MG CAPSULE SA NORPACE 100MG CAPSULE NORPACE 150MG CAPSULE KERLONE 10MG TABLET KERLONE 20MG TABLET AMBIEN 5MG TABLET AMBIEN 10MG TABLET KOGENATE FS 1000IU VIAL GAMIMUNE N 10% VIAL GAMIMUNE N 10% VIAL GAMIMUNE N 10% VIAL GAMIMUNE N 10% VIAL GAMIMUNE N 10% VIAL KOGENATE 250RAHFU VIAL BILTRICIDE 600MG TABLET DOME-PASTE BANDAGE 3"X360" NIMOTOP 30MG CAPSULE NIMOTOP 30MG CAPSULE UNIT DOSE PRECOSE 50MG TABLET PRECOSE 100MG TABLET PRECOSE 25MG TABLET MYCELEX 1% CREAM MYCELEX 1% CREAM MYCELEX 1% CREAM MYCELEX 1% SOLUTION MYCELEX-G VAGINAL 500MG TAB MYCELEX KIT DOMEBORO EAR DROPS TRIDESILON 0.05% CREAM TRIDESILON 0.05% CREAM TRIDESILON 0.05% OINTMENT TRIDESILON 0.05% OINTMENT CIPRO 100MG TABLET No. Claims 7 61 2 Amount Paid $318.34 $3, 859.82 $57.87 $377.91 $1, 271.04 $68.93 $276.83 $37, 715.11 $1, 890.77 $4, 148.97 $5, 693.39 $33, 439.62 $159, 722.82 $1, 393, 129.18 $696, 757.96 $311, 357.52 $726, 473.06 $4, 895.02 $96, 652.43 $8, 812.10 $6, 455.61 $1, 264.12 $1, 600.41 $9, 118.68 $2, 043.19 $2, 486, 943.69 $5, 323, 055.62 $46, 768.77 $679.66 $152.69 $28, 119.69 $13, 270.25 $38, 376.83 $1, 982.93 $1, 533.05 $31.72 $62, 542.69 $10, 563.38 $128, 679.54 $60, 743.49 $57, 201.43 $832.04 $240.14 $240.67 $6.05 $37.88 $62.32 $953.15 $273.03 $46.50 $63.45 $76.59 $3, 235.31. 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