

By Dr Gwilym Williams FP 6 is key to Ireland's current research agenda integration of research strengths, and will result in a project scale never before seen in Europe. The `Health' thematic programme is roughly equally divided between advanced genomics and its applications for health 1.1 Bn ; and combating major diseases 1.155 Bn ; . Specifically aimed at applying genomics and proteomics to ailments such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes, the `Health' thematic priority closely complements the funding priorities of national agencies. Simplified application procedures One of the major advances in FP 6 proposed change in the application process. Historically, the perceived heavy administrative burden of preparing an FP application was seen as a major impediment to participation by some, especially compared to national grant schemes. However, in FP 6 it currently planned to deploy a simplified two-stage process, with applicants who successfully pass the stage 1 `summary' assessment being invited to submit a more detailed proposal. This will significantly reduce the administrative burden for academics and companies alike, and reduce risk accordingly. It is also worth mentioning that over the past few years we have seen a convergence in terms of the types of information needed for national and EU grant opportunities, encompassing such aspects as milestone and deliverable-linked project plans, and commercial exploitation intellectual property management strategies. Irish researchers can productively draw on this experience for the new FP 6 scheme. Also novel is the `Expression of Interest' system, which effectively allows EU researchers to influence the evolving research agenda and define Continued on page 10.

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More convincing involvement of these with CYP2D6 suggest a greater chance of establishing associations. a. Amitriptyline tertiary ; nortriptyline secondary ; . Most TCAs are handled similarly to amitriptyline and nortriptyline Fig. 1 ; . Metabolism of amitriptyline results in potentially eight active moieties, including amitriptyline, nortriptyline, the hydroxy metabolites of each which are active but less so than the respective parents ; , and the respective enantiomers Nordin and Bertilsson, 1995 ; . CYP2D6 mediates the conversions to E-10-hydroxyamitriptyline and E-10-hydroxynortripty.
1. Nutrition in Pregnancy The Pharmaceutical Journal March 2003 vol 270 Page 369 : dh.gov Home fs en.
Legumes, such as Medicago, Cicer, Trifolium, and Dalbergia, many but not all ; of which appear to be categorized in a cluster that is separated from other plant -glucosidases. Among these phylogenetically related leguminous -glucosidases, dalcochinin -glucosidase of D. cochinchinensis is the only enzyme that has been characterized biochemically 26 ; , which hydrolyzes the -glucosidic linkage of glucosides of an isoflavonoid 12-dihydromorphigenin ; , thus being similar to GmICHG in its substrate preference. It appears likely that members of this GmICHG-related cluster preferentially catalyze the degradation of flavonoid conjugates. Moreover, because the roots of legume plants are known to excrete flavonoid aglycons, the majority of the members of this cluster may also be involved in flavonoid-mediated symbiotic or defensive mechanisms, as in the case of GmICHG, for example, nortriptyline 10 mg.
2-benw b ; thiophenyl ; cyclohexyljpiperidine [~HJBTCP ; : phencyci a new dine analogselectivefor the dopamineuptake complex r J Pharmacol l988; 148: 427"436. 6. Maurice , BarbaneiG, T KamenkaJ.M, Vignon J.Modulation bydopamine of [~HJN-[l- 2-benzo b ; thiophenyl ; cyclohexyl]piperidine [~H]BTCP, a phencycidinederivative ; bindingto the dopamineuptake complex.Neuro.

Government documents, and reports were reviewed. Expert panelists included community members, health care providers, policymakers, hospital administrators, and researchers who reached consensus on system specifications. Three hospitals provided data to test the reporting instrument. This process resulted in a system that identifies medically underserved populations according to eight variables e.g., race ethnicity, language spoken, and insurance ; . Hospital catchment and medically underserved areas are defined through patient origin and travel-time methodologies using geographic information systems. Key marker services include screening for hypertension, elevated blood lipids, diabetes, and obesity and pamelor. The secret of this success is the Indian Patents Act 1970. India had entered independence with the patent system of the British colonial masters, enacted in 1911. This secured the Indian market for the British industry. Prior to 1970, multinational companies dominated the Indian market with a share of 85 percent, pharmaceutics were largely imported whereas local production remained minimal. Section 83 of the Patents Act 1970 states "that patents are granted to encourage inventions and to secure that the inventions are worked in India on a commercial scale and to the fullest extent and not to enable patentees to enjoy a monopoly for the importation". At the turn of the century, the share of multinationals had declined to a share of 40 percent of India's market, including a substantial share of local processing by multinationals. 45 of the larger scale production units belong to multinational companies.
Moclobemide + nortriptyline: probably safe and orap. What should i avoid while taking nortriptyline. 43 CELL BIOLOGY AND MOLECULAR MECHANISMS OF INSULIN-INDUCED ACCELERATION OF HEALING Yan Liu, Min Yao, Manuela Martins-Green Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521 As a dynamic, interactive and complex process, wound healing involves inflammation, granulation tissue formation, re-epithelialization and tissue remodeling. Governed by the local production of cytokines and growth factors, keratinocytes and endothelial cells proliferate, migrate and differentiate to achieve re-epithelialization and angiogenesis respectively. We have investigated the topical application of insulin and find that it significantly enhances the wound healing process in vivo. To determine the cell and molecular basis of insulin acceleration of healing, we studied the effects of this protein on keratinocytes and endothelial cells EC ; . Insulin stimulates keratinocyte proliferation and migration in a dose- and time-dependent manner and it does so independently of EGF EGFR. This stimulation is dependent on activation of Akt, PI-3K and sterol regulatory element binding proteins SREBPs ; . The effect of insulin on EC results in stimulation of EC migration but does not affect proliferation and the effect on migration is independent of VEGF. In EC, insulin stimulates phosphorylation of Akt and ERK1 2 in a dose- and time-dependent manner, but only Akt is involved in the effect of insulin on EC migration. Furthermore, phosphorylation of Akt induced by insulin decreases when cells are pre-treated with VEGFR inhibitor SU1498. Our results show that PI3K- Akt- SREBP are critical molecules in insulin stimulation of keratinocyte migration proliferation and in EC migration. Taken together, these results show that insulin is another factor that accelerates wound healing and hence it should be given high consideration as potential treatment for impaired wounds. 44 THE USE OF RECOMBINANT HUMAN EPIDERMAL GROWTH FACTOR RH-EGF ; TO PROMOTE HEALING FOR CHRONIC RADIATION ULCER Sang Wook Lee, MD, PhD * , Sue Young Moon, MS * , Yeun Hwa Kim, MS, Joon Pio Hong, MD, PhD, MBA, Asan Medical Center Univcersity of Ulsan Department of Radiation Oncology * and Plastic Surgery Purpose: Along with in vitro studies, this case report describes the first successful use of recombinant human epidermal growth factor rh-EGF ; in radiation induced chronic wound of bone and skin. Method: Human fibroblasts were primarily cultured and were divided into two major groups. The non-radiated group was then divided into 5 subgroups; control and treated with various doses of rhEGF 1 nM, 10 nM, 100 nM, and 1000 nM ; . The radiated group underwent radiation with 4MV energy therapeutic linear accelerator CLINAC 600C, Varian, Palo Alto, CA, USA ; at dose rate of 2 Gy minute totaling 4 Gy then divided into 5 subgroups; control and treated with various doses of rhEGF 1.6 nM, 16 nM, 160 nM, 1600 nM ; . The cells were then evaluated: 1 ; MTT assay from day 2 to 7; 2 ; FACscan was used to evaluate the change in cell cycle. As a case study, a 59-year-old female is presented with a radiation induced ulceration of the chest lasting 3 years underwent treatment with rh-EGF Epidermin, Daewoong pharmaceuticals, Seoul, Korea ; with consent. Result: The results revealed increased numbers of fibroblasts in all subgroups of radiated group treated with rhEGF compared to the control. Cell count at day 7 showed increasing tendency relative to the dosage and the highest increase of 50% was seen in subgroup treated with 160 nm rhEGF p 0.05 ; . The subgroups treated with 1600 nM demonstrated decrease in cell count. Similar tendency was seen in the nonradiated group where 100 nM rhEGF treated subgroups showed the highest increase p 0.05 ; . The results of the FACscan showed increase in the S-phase of the cell cycle. In the patient, treatment with rh-EGF and advanced wound care achieved healing within 16 weeks. Conclusion: Rh-EGF in treatment against radiation induced ulcer may have some promising potentials but further study is warranted. Fianacial support: This study was performed with partial grant from Daewoong Pharmaceutical, Seoul, Korea. 45 PROTEIN AND DNA FUNCTIONAL DOMAINS OF CD109, A TGF-BETA CO-RECEPTOR IN KERATINOCYTES Joshua Vorstenbosh, Hahn Soe-Lin and Anie Philip Department of Surgery, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. TGF-beta plays an active role in all aspects of wound healing including chemoattraction of immune cells, fibroblast proliferation, and matrix remodeling. TGF-beta action is under tight control during these processes, and dysregulation of its signaling can result in impaired wound healing or hypertrophic scarring. We have recently reported the identification of a novel TGF-beta co-receptor, CD109, that inhibits TGF-beta signaling and responses in keratinocytes. To understand the mechanisms by which CD109 inhibits TGF-beta signaling in keratinocytes, we analyzed the functional domains of CD109 protein and of upstream DNA sequences that control CD109 expression. To map the TGF-beta binding domain of CD109, we generated His-tagged and GST-tagged peptides encoding portions of full length CD109, and tested their ability to inhibit TGF-beta1 binding to its receptors using affinity labeling assays. Our results demonstrate that a 161 amino acid peptide of CD109 binds TGF-beta and inhibits TGF-beta binding to its 0 and pimozide.
If you experience any of the following serious side effects, you should seek medical attention immediately- allergic reactions rash, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue ; , bloody diarrhea, dark urine, decreased urination, fever, chills, or sore throat, joint pain, red, swollen, or blistered skin, seizures, severe diarrhea, stomach pain or cramps, unusual bruising or bleeding, unusual tiredness or weakness, vaginal itching, odor, or discharge, yellowing of the skin or eyes. 1. US Cancer Statistics: 2002 Incidence and Mortality. Center for Health Statistics, Available at: : cdc.gov nchs fastats health . Accessed on August 2, 2006. King MC, Marks JH, Mandell JB, et al. Breast and ovarian cancer risks due to inherited mutations in BRCA1 & BRCA1. Science. 2003; 302: 643-646. Hu H. Health effects of lead and other metals. Center for Health and the Global Environment, Harvard Medical School. Available at: : chge.med.harvard education course 2006 topics 03 30 documents hu 06 . Accessed on August 2, 2006. Guttes S, Failing K, Neumann K, et al. Chlororganic pesticides and polychloridinated biphenyls in breast tissue of women with benign and malignant breast disease. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. 1998; 35: 140-147 and orinase.

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False Sense of Security. Clearly, my condition has no simple solution. The radioactive iodine neutralized the affects of Graves' disease. However, the solution to the disease brings on another problem--hypothyroidism. American doctors typically inform their Graves' hyperthyroid disease patients that modern medicine can treat their condition easily. The doctor will advise the patient to be treated with radioactive iodine to stop some or all of the thyroid's hyperactivity. The patient will be told that ongoing treatment is not a problem since it requires them to take just one pill every day after the treatment. Finally, the doctor may inform the patient that they could experience some slight weight gain and minor mental health issues. While these statements are generally true, the reality of a dysthyroid--particularly a hyperthyroid--condition is that there is much more to the condition. The radioactive iodine terminates the thyroid's hyperactivity and effectively removes most if not all of the problems produced by the Graves' disease. However, the patient will experience hypothyroidism within a few weeks or months of the treatment and this condition requires one pill each day. What's more, the dosage must be carefully adjusted and the patient will endure blood tests about every six to eight weeks over a several month period until an acceptable balance is found. This acceptable balance is different for each person. Some patients prefer to continue blood tests and adjustment every six to twelve months thereafter in order to ensure that their customized supplemental thyroid hormone dose remains correct. The patient's quality of life during this adjustment is completely dependent on their doctor's knowledge, skill, and attention to detail. The patient's doctor must be able to negotiate the symptomatic obstacle course in a way beneficial to the patient. Therefore, doctors who describe the treatment of a dysthyroid condition as "easy" are not being helpful or truthful. There is no good way to treat a Graves' hyperthyroid disease condition. Antithyroid drugs are only a short-term treatment strategy. Surgery often needs repeated and the associated anesthesia risks hardly yield a good quality of life. Ablation through the ingestion of nuclear material resulting in hypothyroidism is profoundly dramatic. Unfortunately, ablation is the option that is most commonly used in the United States as the treatment of choice for Graves' disease. My personal experience and the findings of the medical journal research, clearly indicates that conveying the treatment as simple and easy gives the patient a false sense of security. I suspect that the following remark by Dr. Arem is an important reason why this practice continues to be common Arem, 1999.

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16. CMS Media Affairs. Medicare will help beneficiaries quit smoking-- new proposed coverage for counseling as Medicare shifts focus to prevention. Available at: : os.dhhs.gov news press 2004pres 20041223a . Accessed December 31, 2004. 17. Geisel J. FSA money can fund smoking cessation: IRS. Bus Insur. June 28, 1999: 2. Anonymous. Statins will have "preventive" status under health savings accounts. Green Sheet. August 9, 2004: 4. Wyeth-Ayerst Prescription Drug Benefit Cost and Plan Design Survey Report. 2000 ed. Tempe, AZ: Pharmacy Benefit Management Institute; 2000. 20. Aventis Managed Care Digest Series 2004. HMO-PPO Medicare-Medicaid Digest. Sanofi-Aventis; 2004. 21. National Committee for Quality Assurance. The state of health care quality: 2004. Industry trends and analysis. Available at: : ncqa communications SOMC SOHC2004 . Accessed December 26, 2004. 22. Baker T, Fox, BJ, Hasselblad V, for the Guideline Panel. Clinical practice guideline--treating tobacco use and dependence. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; June 2000. Available at: : surgeongeneral.gov tobacco treating tobacco use . Accessed December 26, 2004. 23. Prochazka AV, Kick S, Steinbrunn C, et al. A randomized trial of nortfiptyline combined with transdermal nicotine for smoking cessation. Arch Intern Med. 2004; 164: 2229-33 Hughes JR, Shiffman S., Callas P, Zhang J. A meta-analysis of the efficacy of over-the-counter nicotine replacement. Tobacco Control. 2003; 12 1 ; : 21-27. Available at: : tc.bmjjournals cgi content full 12 1 21?ijkey Oz4yut. Accessed December 27, 2004. 25. Sonderskov J, Olsen J, Sabroe S, Meillier L, Overvad K. Nicotine patches in smoking cessation: a randomized trial among over-the-counter customers in Denmark. J Epidemiol. 1997; 145: 309-18. Polito JR. The NRT cessation charade continues. BMJ. Rapid Response-- online ; . February 23, 2004. 27. Curry SJ, Grothaus LC, McAfee T, et al. Use and cost-effectiveness of smoking-cessation services under four insurance plans in a health maintenance organization. New Engl J Med. 1998; 339 10 ; : 673-79. 28. Eddy DM. Evidence-based medicine: What it is, why to use it, and how to incorporate it into decision-making. Formulary. 2002; 37: 525-30. Ortiz E. Market withdrawal of Vioxx: It is time to rethink the use of COX-2 inhibitors? J Manag Care Pharm. 2004; 10 6 ; : 551-54. 30. Format for Formulary Submissions. Version 2.0: A Format for Submission of Clinical and Economic Data in Support of Formulary Consideration by Health Care Systems in the United States. Alexandria, VA: AMCP, Foundation for Managed Care Pharmacy; 2002. Available at: : fmcpnet data resource formatv20 . Accessed April 23, 2004. 31. Fisher V. Clinical monograph for drug formulary review--systemic agents for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. J Manag Care Pharm. 2005; 11 1 33-55. 32. Weinberg J. Formulary review of therapeutic alternatives for atopic dermatitis--focus on pimecrolimus. J Manag Care Pharm. 2005; 11 1 ; : 56-64. 33. Drug Facts and Comparisons CliniSphere version 2.0 ; . St. Louis, MO: Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. 2004. Dermatological agents, immunomodulators, topical, tacrolimus, indications. Accessed December 24, 2004. 34. Drug Facts and Comparisons. CliniSphere version 2.0 ; . St. Louis, MO: Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.; 2004. Dermatological agents, immunomodulators, topical, pimecrolimus, indications. Accessed December 24, 2004. 35. Chang J, Sung J. Health plan budget impact analysis for pimecrolimus. J Manag Care Pharm. 2005; 11 1 66-73. 36. Fairman KA, Motheral BR. Do decision-analytic models identify costeffective treatments? A retrospective look at helicobacter pylori eradication. J Manag Care Pharm. 2003; 9 5 ; : 430-40 and tolbutamide.

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Risk factors include age, personal health history and family history of breast cancer - factors that are outlined in the approved labeling and omeprazole. Swedish population in the polymorphic hydroxylations of debrisoquin and Smephenytoin. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1992 ; . 51: 388-397. Bertilsson L, Mellstrm B, Sjqvist F, Martensson B, Asberg M. Slow hydroxylation of nortriptyline and concomitant poor debrisoquine hydroxylation: clinical implications. Lancet 1981 ; . I: 560-561. Bouman WP, Pinner G. Use of atypical antipsychotic drugs in old age psychiatry. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 2002 ; . 8: 49-58. Breyer U. Metabolism of the phenothiazine drug perazine by liver and lung microsomes from various species. Biochem. Pharmacol. 1971 ; .20: 334174. Breyer-Pfaff U, Nill K, Schied HW, Gaertner H J. Single-dose kinetics of the neuroleptic drug perazine in psychotic patients. Psychopharmacology 1988 ; .95: 374-377. Chakraborty BS, Hubbard JW, Hawes EM et al. Interkonversions between haloperidol and reduced haloperidol in healthy volonteers. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1989 ; . 37: 45-48. Chang WH, Hwu HG, Lane HY, Lind SK, Chen TY, Chen H, Wie HL, Lin WL, Lin HN. Dose-dependent reduced haloperidol haloperidol ratios in schizophrenic patients. Psychiatry Res 1991 ; .38 3 ; : 215-225. Coryll W, Miller DD, Perry PJ. Haloperidol plasma levels and dose Optimization. J Psychiatry 1998 ; . 155 1 ; : 48-53. Dahl AA, Lowert A, Asserson S, Bjarking L, Berglund J, Kristensen F, et al. Hydroxylation polymorphisms of debrisoquine hydroxylase CYP2D6 ; in patients with schizophrenia in Norway and Denmark. Hum Psychopharmacology 1998 ; .13: 509-511. Dahl ML, Bertilsson L. Genetically variable metabolism of antidepressants and neuroleptic drugs in man. Pharmacogenetics 1993 ; . 3: 61-70. Dahl ML. Cytochrome P450 phenotyping genotyping in patients receiving antipsychotics: useful aid to prescribing? Clin Pharmacokinet 2002 ; . 41 7 ; 453-470. Daly AK, Brockmller J, Broly F, Eichelbaum M, Evans WE, Gonzalez FJ, Huang J-D, Idle JR, Ingelmann-Sundberg M, Ishizaki T, Jacqz-Aigrain E, Meyer UA, Nebert DW, Stehen VM, Wolf CR, Zanger UM, . Nomenclature for human CYP2D6 Alleles. Pharmacogenetics 1996 ; . 6: 193-201. Darby JK, Pasta DJ, Dabiri L, Clark L, Mosbacher D. Haloperidol Dose and Blood Level Variability: Toxicity and Interindividual and Intraindividual Variability in the Nonresponder Patient in the Clinical Practice Setting. J Clin.
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Editor's Note: This article, highlighting a budget impact analysis, is published coincident with an overview of atopic dermatitis that focuses on nonsteroidal topical therapies, particularly pimecromlimus. Budget impact forecasting is a component of pharmacoeconomic analyses recommended in the AMCP Format dossier ; process.
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Explain them to explain them whole sinequan nortriptyline. The turnabout of ICT markets globally in 2001 hit hard also the new owners of Iobox. In November 2001 Terra Mobile refocused its business model and decided to withdraw from Finnish and Swedish markets. Reasons given for the move were the "aim to rationalize internal synergy and optimize cost structure of the owner companies Telefnica Mviles and Terra Lycos" and concentration on the most significant markets. Making profitable mobile-services business on Finnish and Swedish markets were seen extremely difficult. As a result of the decision the company gave notice to circa 60 employees, of which most over 50 ; were located in Finland. At the same time Telefnica Mviles and Terra Lycos announced that their customized services for Nordic markets were about to be closed by the end 2001. According to Terra-Mobile it had more than 5.8 million registered users of which 1.2 million customers in Finland and Sweden in the end of fiscal year 2001. The last songs of the ex-Iobox can be found in the Telefnica Group's Annual Reports for 2002 and 2003. In the Annual report 2002 it was announced that Telefnica Mviles wrote off 154 million which were attributable to the cancellation of the goodwill of the Terra Mobile subsidiary Iobox, as a result of the restructuring of company's operations outside Spain. This was however just a drop in the ocean -- Telefnica wrote off assets and restructuring costs valued at 12 341 million relating to the foray into UMTS business in Germany, Austria, Italy and Switzerland. At the end of 2002 exposure in Germany, Austria and Switzerland was totally eliminated and pamelor.

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3 LISTINGS 1959 Who's Who in American Colleges 1970 Outstanding Young Women in America 1984 The Marquis Who's Who Publication Board 1984 American Biographical Institute 1984 American Academy of Science 1989 Certificate of Appreciation, Mid-America Treatment and Training Institute, Inc. 1990 Who's Who of Women Executives 1991 Certificate of Appreciation, Networking for Success - Women Aware, Missouri 1995 Sterling Who's Who 1996 Present International Who's Who, Stratmore Who's Who, Global Directory of Who's Who PUBLICATIONS Ryser, Carol Ann MD; "The Mind-Body Connection"; Becoming the Professional Woman, edited by Linda Ellis Eastman Ryser, Carol Ann MD; "Emotional Wellness"; The Young Women's Guide for Personal Success, edited by Linda Ellis Eastman Ryser, Carol Ann MD: "NEUROPSYCHIATRIC SYMPTOMS: PANDAS PEDIATRIC AUTOIMMUNE NEUROPSYCHIATRIC DISORDER ASSOCIATED WITH STREPTOCOCCI INFECTION", Anti-Aging Medical Therapeutics, Volume 7. Ryser, Carol MD; Berg, DAvid MS; Berg Lois, MS; Harrison, Harry, MD, Ryser, Michael, M.Div: "Use of sensitive markers of coagulation activation to monitor lowdose heparin therapy in patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia CFS FM ; " Ryser, Carol Ann MD; "Innovative Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Illness"AntiAging Medical Therapeutics. volume 5 , Chapter 44, page 457 Ryser, Carol Ann MD; "Role of Growth Hormone Deficiency in Chronic Illness, "AntiAging Medical News, Summer-Fall, 2002. Ryser, Carol Ann MD; "Role of Growth Hormone Deficiency in Chronic Illness, "Video tape, Summer 2002. Ryser, Carol Ann, MD, "Treating Chronically Ill Patients with Transfer Factor, " Immune Support, 2002 Ryser, Carol Ann, MD, INNOVATIVE DIAGNOSIS & TREATMENT OF CFS FM & CHRONIC DISEASE" Hemex Laboratories Ryser, Carol Ann, MD, "Treating Chronically Ill Patients with Transfer Factor: An Exclusive Interview with Dr. Carol Ann Ryser, M.D." OUR WORLD Ryser, Carol Ann, MD, "Innovative Treatment in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia Syndrome, and Chronic Illness" Transfer Articles, May, 2002 Ryser, Carol Ann, M.D.; Michael Ryser, M. Div.; Akin, Elaine; Parenting for the 21st Century, 1993. Reece, Carol Ann; Cherry, A.A.; Jr. Reece, A.T.; Hatcher, T.B.; and Diehl, A.M.: Tape Recorder for Evaluation of Cough in Children; Evaluation of Antitussive Agents. American Journal of Diseases of Children, Vol. 112; August, 1996.

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