

Sexual assault, Aggravated robbery, Drug-free zones, and Sexual assault] offense or an offense for which the judgment contains an affirmative finding of a deadly weapon. Requires as a condition of parole or release to mandatory supervision that the defendant not: supervise or participate in any program that includes as participants or recipients persons who are 17 years of age or younger and that regularly provides athletic, civic or cultural activities; or go in or on, or within a distance specified by the judge of, a premises where children commonly gather, including a school, day-care facility, playground, public or private youth center, public swimming pool, or video arcade facility. Sec. 508.225 a ; , Government Code, Child Safety Zone ; S.B. 660 ; Allows an inmate to request the parole panel to modify the child safety zone because the zone interferes with the ability of the defendant to attend school or hold a job and consequently constitutes an undue hardship for the defendant: or is broader than necessary to protect the public. Sec. 508.225 b ; , Government Code, Child Safety Zone ; S.B. 660 ; This section does not apply to a defendant described by Section 508.187--Child Safety Zone. Sec. 508.225 c ; , Government Code, Child Safety Zone ; S.B. 660 ; Defines "playground, " "premises, " "school, " "video arcade facility, " and "youth center" to have the meanings assigned by Section 481.134, H&SC. Sec. 508.225 d ; , Government Code, Child Safety Zone ; S.B. 660.

Isoflavone metabolism

Interest in the health-related effects of soy isoflavones has surged in recent years setchell 1998, 1999.

Durect also collaborates with pharmaceutical companies to develop and commercialize proprietary and enhanced pharmaceutical products based on its technologies. In response to radiation and chemotherapy, p53 protein is stabilized and mediates apoptosis and cell cycle arrest. Whereas the mechanisms of p53-dependent apoptosis are not well understood, p53-dependent cycle arrest is primarily mediated by the CDK inhibitor p21. There is a mounting evidence that p21 is a major inhibitor of p53-dependent apoptosis Fig. 1 ; . It not entirely clear how a cell chooses between apoptosis and p21-dependent cell cycle arrest after DNA damage and stabilization of p53, but often high levels of p21 expression mediate cell cycle arrest and protect from p53-dependent apoptosis. Defects in p53-dependent induction of p21, repression of p53-dependent induction of p21 transcription, or caspasemediated cleavage of p21 Fig. 2 ; usually result in increased p53-dependent apoptosis. For example, human cancer cell lines treated with DNA-damaging agents undergo cell cycle arrest mediated by p21, followed by apoptosis after caspase 3-mediated cleavage of p21 Ref. 78; Fig. 2B ; . Similarly, p53 point mutants that cannot transactivate the p21 gene were more potent inducers of apoptosis than wild-type p53 79 81 ; . A431 cells expressing mutant p53 that cannot induce p21 undergo apoptosis after exposure to or UV radiation, but induction of p21 by mimosine protects the same cells from apoptosis 82 ; . Triptolide, an immunosuppressive agent extracted from the Chinese herb Tripterygium wilfordii, enhanced apoptosis induced by the DNA-damaging drug Adriamycin doxorubicin ; by increasing expression of p53 protein and repressing p21 transcription Fig. 1; Ref. 83 ; . The recently discovered, for instance, isoflavone reductase. Extraction and enzymatic hydrolysis of isoflavones from the urine was carried out with minor modifications from our previously described method 17 ; . In brief, frozen urine was equilibrated at room temperature, vortex-mixed, and centrifuged at 850 g for 20 min. Two milliliters of clear urine was mixed with 0.5 ml of 0.5 M triethylamine acetate buffer, pH 7.0, and 20 l of flavone 120 ppm in EtOH 96%; Aldrich, Milwaukee, WI as internal standard. The samples were incubated for 1 h at 37C with 10 l of -glucuronidase 200 U ml at 25C; Boehringer Mannheim, Indianapolis, IN ; and 10 l of arylsulfatase 5 U ml 25C; Boehringer Mannheim ; . Subsequently, the isoflavones were extracted three times into 2 ml of diethylether ACS-certified ; . The combined ether fractions were evaporated to dryness under a stream of nitrogen and were redissolved in 140 l of methanol and 60 l of 0.2 M sodium acetate buffer, pH 4.0. Samples were analyzed immediately by injecting 20 l into the HPLC system or stored at 20C until analyzed. Extraction and enzymatic hydrolysis of isoflavones from human serum was performed as described previously 18 ; . In brief, 1.0 ml of human plasma equilibrated to room temperature was mixed with 0.25 ml of 0.5 M triethylamine acetate, pH 7.0, 80 l of -glucuronidase 200 U ml ; , 80 arylsulfatase 5 U ml ; , and 20 l of flavone 120 ppm in EtOH 96% ; followed by stirring for 17 h at 37C in a sealed container. The samples were mixed with 0.25 ml of 10% aqueous TCA and extracted three times with 2 ml of ethyl acetate ACScertified ; . After centrifugation, the organic phases were combined, dried under nitrogen, redissolved in 100 l of methanol by vortexing, spiked with 100 l of 0.2 M acetate buffer, pH 4, and sonicated for 30 s. The samples were analyzed immediately by injecting 100 l into the HPLC system or stored at 20C. Those who are harmed and discourages manufacturers and suppliers from selling counterfeits. In many LDCs, however, civil law is either poorly defined or difficult to enforce. Inability to resolve disputes over property rights and contracts in independent courts. Underlying the lack of civil liability and weak IP protection are costly and inefficient legal systems As a result, it can often take years for cases to be heard. Many courts in LDCs are hampered by a lack of basic things such as reliable electricity and inefficient processes, causing delays. In many LDCs, law enforcement is also corrupt. In such places, criminal counterfeiting gangs may be able to pay corrupt law enforcement agents to turn a blind eye to their activities. If a case does make it to court, the gangs may be able to pay off the judge and thereby induce a favourable judgement. Weak or absent rule of law: In LDCs with a weak rule of law, political and legal decisions tend to be arbitrary and designed to benefit the elite. As a result, regulation designed to combat counterfeiting is often ineffective. Corruption within regulatory agencies and police forces exacerbates this problem, so that the enforcement of regulations is seen as an opportunity to collect bribes. Price controls. The imposition of price controls by governments prevents companies from selling goods at different prices to different consumers. Also, where prices are controlled at different levels in different markets, traders exploit these price differentials through arbitrage. Such trade called parallel trade ; may create gaps in the supply chain which can be exploited by counterfeiters. For example, it is often necessary to repackage drugs in order to sell them in a different market, which requires that the packages will require relabelling in the correct language. This creates opportunities for unscrupulous intermediaries to infiltrate the supply chain with fakes. Price controls in wealthy country markets therefore increases the and isoniazid. Biological effects of a diet of soy protein rich in isoflavones on the menstrual cycle of premenopausal women Cassidy A.; Bingham S.; Setchell K.D.R. Div. of Clinical Mass Spectrometry, Department of Pediatrics, Children's Hospital Medical Center, 3333 Burnet Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45229 USA Am. J. Clin. Nutr. USA ; , 1994, 60 3 ; The influence of a diet containing soy protein on the hormonal status and regulation of the menstrual cycle was examined in six premenopausal women with regular ovulatory cycles. Soy protein 60 g containing 45 mg isoflavones ; given daily for 1 mo significantly P 0.01 ; increased follicular phase length and or delayed menstruation. Midcycle surges of luteinizing hormone and folliclestimulating hormone were significantly suppressed during dietary intervention with soy protein. Plasma estradiol concentrations increased in the follicular phase and cholesterol concentrations decreased 9.6%. Similar responses occur with tamoxifen, an antiestrogen undergoing clinical trial as a prophylactic agent in women at high risk for breast cancer. These effects are presumed to be due to nonsteroidal estrogens of the isoflavone class, which behave as partial estrogen agonists antagonists. The responses to soy protein are potentially beneficial with respect to risk factors for breast cancer and may in part explain the low incidence of breast cancer and its correlation with a high soy intake in Japanese and Chinese women.

In a meta-analysis of 34 studies of patients with duodenal ulcers, H. pylori eradication plus antisecretory therapy was superior to an antisecretory drug alone for healing of the ulcer number needed to treat [NNT] 14 ; . One-time 352 American Family Physician and vasodilan, for example, isoflavone intake.

Isoflavone intake

Cases and controls were well matched on age distribution table 1 ; . No major differences between cases and controls existed with respect to marital status, family income, total energy intake, or use of hormone replacement therapy. However, compared with controls, cases attained higher education; had an earlier age at menarche, later age at menopause, and longer duration of menstruation; had higher body mass index and waist: hip ratio; and were less likely to take regular exercise, drink alcohol, or use oral contraceptives. Cases were also more likely to have a family history of cancer, have been pregnant fewer times, and have consumed more meat and fish. No significant differences existed between cases and controls for fruit and vegetable intake. We adjusted all subsequent analyses for age, energy intake, and the above mentioned significant variables as potential confounders. Table 2 shows the case-control comparisons for consumption of total soya foods, soya protein, and soya isoflavones. Women with endometrial cancer had a lower intake of total soya foods and almost every individual soya food investigated, as well as total soya protein and soya isoflavones, than did controls, although most differences did not reach statistical significance. The median intake of soya protein and isoflavones was 9.9 g day and 40.5 mg day for cases and 10.2 g day and 42.5 mg day for. Beresford, T.P., Blow, K.C., Hill, e., et al. 1990 ; . Clinical Practice: Comparison of CAGE questionnaire and computer assisted laboratory profiles in screening for covert alcoholism. Lancet. 336, 482-485. Blow, F. 1998 ; . Substance abuse among older adults. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, Treatment Improvement Protocol #26. Caracci, G. & Miller, N. 1991 ; . Epidemiology and diagnosis of alcoholism in the elderly-a review. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 6, 511-515. CASA 2000 ; . Missed Opportunity: National Survey of Primary Care Physicians and Patients on Substance Abuse. The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse. Columbia University, New York, NY. DePetrillo, P. & McDonough, M. 1999a ; . Alcohol withdrawal treatment manual. Glen Echo, MD: Focused Treatment Systems. DePetrillo, P., White, K.V., Ming, L., Hommer, D., & Goldman, D. 199b ; . Effects of Alcohol Use and Gender on the Dynamics of EKG Time-Series Data. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 23, 4 745-750. Ewing, J. 1984 ; . Detecting alcoholism: The CAGE questionnaire. Journal of the American Medical Association, 252, 1905-1907. Giannis A. 2000 ; . An approach to drug abuse, intoxication, and withdrawal. American Family Physician. American Academy of Family Physicians aafp , 5 1 00 ; International Society of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses 2000 ; . A Position Statement: On the Use of Restraint and Seclusion. Philadelphia, PA: ISPN. Mayo-Smith, M. 1997 ; . Pharmacological Management of Alcohol Withdrawal: A Meta-Analysis and Evidence Based Practice Guideline. Journal of the American Medical Association. 278 2 ; , 144-151. Miller, N., Gold, M., & Smith, D. 1997 ; . Manual of Therapeutics for Addictions. New York: Wiley-Liss. Murray, J.L., & Lopez, A.D. 1996 ; . The Global Burden of Disease: A Comprehensive Assessment of Mortality and Disability from Diseases, Injuries, and Risk factors in 1990 and Projected to 2020. Harvard School Public Health, Harvard Press: Cambridge, MA . Myrick, H. & Anton, R.F. 2000 ; . Clinical management of alcohol withdrawal. CNS Spectrums. 5 2 ; , 22-32. National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDA ; and National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIAAA ; . 1998 ; . The economic costs of alcohol and drug abuse in the United States, 1992. Bethesdea, MD: National Institutes of Health. Ninth Report to the U.S.Congress on alcohol and health. 1997 ; . Chapter 1: Epidemiology of alcohol use and alcoholrelated consequences. Washington, D.C.: Public Health Services. Prochaska, J.O., DiClemente, C.C., & Norcross, J.C. 1992 ; . In search of how people change: applications to addictive behaviors. American Psychologist. 47 9 ; , 1102-1114. Rivara, F.P., Jurkovich, G.J., Gurney, J.G., Seguin, D., et al. 1993 ; . The magnitude of acute and chronic alcohol abuse in trauma patients. Archives of Surgery. 128: 907-913. Rostenberg, P. 1995 ; . Alcohol and other drug screening of hospitalized trauma patients. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, Treatment Improvement Protocol #16. Sache, D. 2000 ; . Delirium Tremens. American Journal of Nursing, 100, 5 ; , 41-42 and ketorolac. Isoflavone is a phytoestrogen, also known as plant estrogen. Effect of Isoflavones on the Cell Growth of Human Bladder Cancer. The effects of genistein, daidzein, and biochanin-A were tested on bladder cancer cell lines individually at various concentrations or as a mixture regimen. A dose-dependent inhibition of cell growth by each isoflavone was observed in all cell lines tested Fig. 1 ; . Although the sensitivity of each cell line varied, genistein was the most potent growth inhibitor, followed by biochanin-A and then daidzein. The mixture regimen had a greater inhibitory effect than any single compound. As summarized in Table 1, there was a trend toward positive and ketotifen. Appendix 1 EPIC-MRA Muskegon Health Project, Survey, March 2003 SSB Now I would like to read several statements to you. For each one I read, please tell me if you agree or disagree with each statement? [IF AGREE DISAGREE, FOLLOW-UP BY ASKING] Would that be strongly or somewhat? [ROTATE Qs 60 TO 74] AGREE DISAGREE strong some Total some strong Total Undec 60B. In order to control costs, there should be uniform limits on what doctors and hospitals can charge for their services 62B. Access to quality health care should be a fundamental right of every citizen 64B. People with diseases like cancer or heart disease, which require a lot of expensive treatment, should pay a lot more in health care premiums or in taxes than those who are healthy 66B. When a person needs medical services, they should be made aware of the cost of the services they use 68B. All children should have access to health care regardless of their family's ability to pay 70B. Mental health and substance abuse services should be an important part of any community based health reform plan 72B. Health insurance should cover the cost of helping severely overweight people lose weight. The cost of helping them lose weight will save money in the long run because they will be less likely to need more expensive treatment 74B. If parents have poor exercise and eating habits, their children are likely to have the same bad habits 52% 76% 29. Abstract. The effect of genistein, a soybean isoflavone, on new bone formation by bone marrow cells from mature humans was examined. After informed consent was obtained from a 55-year-old woman with osteoporosis and lumbar spondylosis deformansbone marrow cells were collected from her ilium, cultured in the standard medium of MEM containing fetal calf serum and then cultured with or without the addition of genistein to the bone-forming medium containing dexamethasone etc. In humans, when genistein was added to the bone-forming medium, genistein 10-7 M and 10-8 M ; caused a significant increase in the levels of alkaline phosphatase avtivity and DNA content compared with cells not cultured in genistein In conclusiongenistein was found to promote bone formation at lower concentrationsand thus may be useful as a bone formation-promoting factor and lamictal.

Isoflavone breast enhancement

EDTA Whole Blood - 1 full lavender top tube. Stable 2 days at 4C or room temperature, for instance, foods high in isoflavones. The EFAP Peer Groups are made up of concerned CN employees at locations throughout the company. Peers are expected to be familiar with this policy and to: support and motivate individuals seeking help for personal problems; act as advocates and promoters of the EFAP locally; act as a resource to employees, union leaders and supervisors, providing information on the EFAP process; and support co-workers in reintegrating into the workplace and remaining healthy. In addition, the Peer Groups raise local concerns with the EFAP Manager, which are addressed at that level or with the Senior Advisory Committee on the control of alcohol and drugs and lamotrigine. Articular chondrocytes in homeostasis and inflammation. Arthritis Rheum. 43: 13071314. Skulachev, V. P. 1998. Cytochrome c in the apoptotic and antioxidant cascades. FEBS Lett. 423: 275280. Tytgat, K. M., L. W. Klomp, F. J. Bovelander, F. J. Opdam, A. Van der Wurff, A. W. Einerhand, H. A. Buller, G. J. Strous, and J. Dekker. 1995. Preparation of anti-mucin polypeptide antisera to study mucin biosynthesis. Anal. Biochem. 226: 331341. Van Klinken, J. W., A. W. C. Einerhand, H. A. Buller, and J. Dekker. 1998. Strategic biochemical analysis of mucins. Anal. Biochem. 265: 103116. Vishwanath, S., R. Ramphal, C. M. Guay, D. DesJardins, and G. B. Pier. 1988. Respiratory mucin inhibition of the opsonophagocytic killing of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Infect. Immun. 56: 22182222. Waters, S. L., J. K. Wong, and R. G. Schnellmann. 1997. Depletion of endoplasmic reticulum calcium stores protects against hypoxia- and mitochondrial inhibitor-induced cellular injury and death. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 240: 5760. Wells, C. L., R. P. Jechorek, K. M. Kinneberg, S. M. Debol, and S. L. Erlandsen. 1999. The isoflavone genistein inhibits internalization of enteric bacteria by cultured Caco-2 and HT-29 enterocytes. J. Nutr. 129: 634640. Wells, C. L., E. M. van de Westerlo, R. P. Jechorek, and S. L. Erlandsen. 1996. Intracellular survival of enteric bacteria in cultured human enterocytes. Shock 6: 2734.
ROLE PLAY #2: A young couple, wife age 18 and husband age 22, married for 7 weeks, come to the clinic because they want to postpone their first child until they both will have completed their university studies in 2 years. They are currently using condoms, but neither like this method. The wife has heard about COCs and wants to use this method. The husband is against this, as he has heard that the Pill could cause his wife to become sterile. Consider addressing the following in your simulation: 1. What should the doctor say to the husband with regard to the question of the COCs causing sterility? What should the doctor say regarding the effectiveness, safety, advantages, disadvantages, and possible side effects of the COCs when counseling this couple? and levothyroxine. P.48 GENE EXPRESSION-TARGETED ISOFLAVONE THERAPY GET IT ; FOR MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSES: A PILOT CLINICAL TRIAL FOR MPS III AND IMPLICATIONS FOR OTHER MPS TYPES Grzegorz Wegrzyn1, Joanna Jakobkiewicz-Banecka2, Ewa Piotrowska1, Marcelina Malinowska1, Agnieszka Maryniak3, Anna Tylki-Szymanska3, Anna Liberek4, Barbara Czartoryska5, Anna Kloska1, Alicja Wegrzyn2 Dept. of Molecular Biology, University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland; 2Laboratory of Molecular Biology affiliated with the University of Gdansk ; , Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk, Poland; 3The Children's Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland; 4Dept. of Pediatrics, Children's Gastroenterology and Oncology, Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland; 5Dept. of Genetics, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, Warsaw, Poland Background: Although enzyme replacement therapy ERT ; was shown to be effective in treatment of somatic symptoms of mucopolysaccharidosis MPS ; type I, II and VI, neurological problems cannot be managed by ERT due to inefficient delivery of enzymes to the central nervous system through the blood-brain barrier BBB ; . Recently, we found that genistein 4', 5, 7-trihydroxyisoflavone ; inhibits synthesis of GAGs considerably in cultures of fibroblasts of MPS patients. Since genistein can cross BBB, it was proposed to consider a substrate deprivation therapy for mucopolysaccharidoses, which was named `gene expression-targeted isoflavone therapy' GET IT ; . Thus, we have initiated a pilot clinical trial with patients suffering from Sanfilippo disease MPS III ; , as in this MPS type neurological symptoms are the main clinical problems. Results: 20 patients suffering from MPS IIIA and MPS IIIB were involved in an openlabel pilot clinical trial. A genistein-rich soy isoflavone extract SG-2000 extract, manufactured by Biofarm, Poznan, Poland ; was administered orally for 12 months at the dose corresponding to 5 mg genistein per 1 kg of body weight daily. After 12 months of treatment we have observed relative to baseline ; : a decrease in urinary heparan sulfate level, an improvement in hair morphology, and improvement of cognitive functions an increase in the score in the Brief Assessment Exam ; . Preliminary experiments with DNA microarrays suggest that expression of some genes coding for enzymes involved in GAG synthesis is decreased in the presence of genistein, while this isoflavone also stimulates expression of certain genes coding for enzymes whose deficiency results in various types of MPS. Discussion: Results of the pilot clinical trial with the use of a genistein-rich isoflavon4 extract in treatment of MPS III patients are encouraging. The observed improvement in cognitive functions may be of special importance. Although more detailed studies, including clinical trials and experiments on animal models of MPS, are necessary to assess efficacy of this treatment, it is tempting to speculate that GET IT might be used. Whilst recognising that the "developing world" is not homogenous, the views and concerns of those countries outside the "developed world" are different in a number of fundamental ways from those inside! Apart from the fact that they focus more on the benefits than the problems, these differences can be summarised as follows; Health Care the costs associated with the emerging treatments are often prohibitively expensive. Treatment for HIV AIDS demonstrates this quite clearly. The developing world is in desparate need for some of these treatments but it cannot afford to pay "western prices". Recent patent litigation over cheap generic copies of branded HIV drugs in South Africa gave a first indication that international drug companies are increasingly aware of this dilemma. Following the final settlement with the South African government a general change in their patent and licensing policy towards developing countries is underway. Agriculture GM improved crops can bring significant benefits to the poorer areas of the world through higher yields, better disease resistance and higher quality e.g. golden rice ; . Often these benefits are needed urgently thereby minimising concerns about the release of GMOs into the environment. This has to be balanced with the genuine concerns about these GMOs and the lessons from the introduction of DDT should not be forgotten. On the other hand, GM crops have to be fine-tuned to the environment in which they are supposed to grow. As current applications of GMOs in agriculture focus on North America, developing countries risk of being left behind for the simple reason that genetic engineering and field trials ignore their particular environmental needs. Regulation developers and producers will tend to migrate to those regions where regulation is most conducive to the proliferation of biotechnology related activities. This factor will need to be considered when assessing project proposals in the developing world. An additional factor is that of ability to export to the EU. If the developing world introduces GM crops then, under current legislation, it cannot export its produce to the EU and lithobid.
All other surgical or medical services.

27 isoflavones extracted from sophorae fructus upregulate igf-i and tgf-beta and inhibit osteoclastogenesis in rat bone marrow cells and lithium and isoflavone. 30 patients et evolution des etiologies sur 2 decennies. Rev Med Intern 1995; 16: 4959. Sprikkelman A, De Wolf JTM, Vellaga E. The application of hematopoietic growth factors in drug-induced agranulocytosis: a review of 70 cases. Leukemia 1994; 8: 201921. Arneborn P, Palmblad J. Drug induced neutropenia: a survey for Stockholm 19731978. Acta Med Scand 1982; 212: 28992. Julia A, Olono M, Bueno J et al. Drug-induced agranulocytosis: prognostic factors in a series of 168 episodes. Br J Hematol 1991; 79: 36672. Lipsker D, Maloisel F, Grunenberger F et al. Neutropenies et agranulocytoses medicamenteuses: experience du CHU de Strasbourg 19851990. J Med Strasbourg 1992; 23: 3514. Connolly MJ. Obstructive airways disease: a hidden disability in the aged. Age Ageing 1996; 25: 2657. Dow L, Coggon D, Osmond C, Holgate ST. A population survey of respiratory symptoms in the elderly. Eur Respir J 1991; 4: 26772. BTS guidelines for the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Thorax 1997; 52 suppl. 5 ; : S228. 4. Dow L, Coggon D, Holgate ST. Respiratory symptoms as predictors of airways lability in an elderly population. Respir Med 1992; 86: 2732. On serum lipids. N Engl J Med. 1995 Aug 3; 333 5 ; : 276-82. Anerson JJB, Anthony M, Messina M, Garner SC. Effects of phyto-oestrogens on tissues. Nutr Res Rev. 1999; 12: 75-116. Lichtenstein AH. Soy protein, isoflavones and cardiovascular disease risk. J Nutr. 1998 Oct; 128 10 ; : 1589-92. Santibanez JF, Navarro A, Martinez J. Genistein inhibits proliferation and in vitro invasive potential of human prostatic cancer cell lines. Anticancer Res. 1997 Mar-Apr; 17 2A ; : 1199-204. Potter SM, Baum JA, Teng H, Stillman RJ, Shay NF, Erdman JW Jr. Soy protein and isoflavones: their effects on blood lipids and bone density in postmenopausal women. J Clin Nutr. 1998 Dec; 68 6 Suppl ; : 1375S-1379S. Arora A, Nair MG, Strasburg GM. Antioxidant activities of isoflavones and their biological metabolites in a liposomal system. Arch Biochem Biophys. 1998; 356 2 ; : 133-41. Anthony MS, Clarkson TB, Hughes CL Jr, Morgan TM, Burke GL. Soybean isoflavones improve cardiovascular risk factors without affecting the reproductive system of peripubertal rhesus monkeys. J Nutr. 1996; 126 1 ; : 43-50. Anthony MS, Clarkson TB, Bullock BC, Wagner JD. Soy protein versus soy phytoestrogens in the prevention of diet-induced coronary artery atherosclerosis of male cynomolgus monkeys. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1997; 17 11 ; : 2524-31. Crouse JR 3rd, Morgan T, Terry JG, Ellis J, Vitolins M, Burke GL. A randomized trial comparing the effect of casein with that of soy protein containing varying amounts of isoflavones on plasma concentrations of lipids and lipoproteins. Arch Intern Med. 1999 Sep 27; 159 17 ; : 2070-6. Baum JA, Teng H, Erdman JW Jr, Weigel RM, Klein BP, Persky VW, et al. Long-term intake of soy protein improves blood lipid profiles and increases mononuclear cell low-density-lipoprotein receptor messenger RNA in hypercholesterolemic, postmenopausal women. J Clin Nutr. 1998 Sep; 68 3 ; : 545-51. Nestel PJ, Yamashita T, Sasahara T, Pomeroy S, Dart A, Komesaroff P, et al. Soy isoflavones improve systemic arterial compliance but not plasma lipids in menopausal and perimenopausal women. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1997 Dec; 17 12 ; : 3392-8. Hodgson JM, Puddey IB, Beilin LJ, Mori TA, Croft KD. Supplementation with isoflavonoid phytoestrogens does not alter serum lipid concentrations: a randomized controlled trial in humans. J Nutr. 1998 Apr; 128 4 ; : 728-32. Frank AA, Custer LJ, Wang SC. HPLC analysis of isoflavonoids and other phenolic agents. Soc Exp Biol Med. 1998 ; 217: 263-270 and loxitane. If the marked suppression of induced isoflavones seen in the above experiments is truly due to distal posttranscriptional gene silencing, we would expect to see lower levels of IFS mRNAs in elicitor treated tissues. Figure 6 shows the results of real-time reverse transcription RT ; -PCR for WGE-induced responses in section S1 at various times following treatment with WGE. These data are from an experiment where samples were harvested 6 d after transformation. As can be seen, accumulations of mRNA for both IFS1 Fig. 6A ; and IFS2 Fig. 6B ; in vector controls VG ; begin as early as 4 h, peak at 8 h, and are again lower by 16 h. The results closely parallel northern-blot analyses for a similar experiment on nontransformed cotyledons M.Y. Graham, unpublished data ; . On the other hand, the peak in mRNA accumulation for both IFS genes is strongly suppressed in the IFS RNAi distally silenced tissues IG ; . Levels of mRNA at the 8-h peak are essentially reduced to background levels 175-fold for IFS1 and 130-fold for IFS2 ; . These results are consistent with the nearly total silencing of WGEPlant Physiol. Vol. 137, 2005. That more than half of us some from as early as birth are vitamin D deficient. Dr Carl Eagleton, an endocrinologist at Wellington Hospital, says that "the elderly population is exceptionally deficient" in vitamin D. Dr Eagleton, together with GP Dr Annie Judkins, recently completed a study on pregnant women in Wellington and found that 87% of women were deficient 61% of them severely deficient ; , 1 with serious implications for the bone health of their unborn babies. In a 2002 study, Associate Professor of Epidemiology at Auckland University, Dr Robert Scragg, and colleagues found that in New Zealand children between five and 14 years of age, there was a "high prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency."2 In another study, undertaken by researchers from the Otago Medical School and published in 2006, it was found that New Zealanders over the age of 15 were also chronically deficient, with older women being the most deficient.

Eur j pharmacol 213 : 205-1 1992.

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Receptor binding, functional and morphological studies with a new delta opioid antagonist, TyrTic 2s, 3r ; beta-MePhe-Phe-OH Birks Erika1, Tth Gza1, Kertsz Istvn1, Bakota Lidia2, Gulya Kroly2, Szcs Mria1 Inst. of Biochemistry, Biological Res. Center, Hung. Acad. Sci., Szeged; 2Dept. of Zoology and Cell Biology, SZTE, Szeged drog brc.hu The highly specific delta opioid antagonist TIPP Tyr-Tic-Phe-Phe-OH ; was modified by building in a conformational constrain to obtain a more stable analog. The resulting compound, Tyr-Tic 2S, 3R ; beta-MePhe-Phe-OH was used in comparative analyzis in rat, wild type and delta opioid receptor knock-out DOR-KO ; mouse brain membranes to investigate the yet hypothetical heterogenity of the delta opioid receptors. [3H]Tyr-Tic- 2S, 3R ; beta-MePhe-Phe-OH with a specific activity of 53.7 Ci mmol was prepared with catalytic dehalogenation. Saturation binding experiments yielded in a dissociation constant , Kd of 0.28 0.001 nM and receptor density, Bmax of 155 6.6 fmol x mg protein 1 in rat brain. The binding affinity was decreased in the presence of Na + which result confirmed that the new ligand is an antagonist. There were fewer binding sites with higher affinity in wild type mouse brain membranes. No specific binding was detected in membranes of the DOR-KO mouse brain. In accordance with this result, no labeling was seen in receptor autoradiography studies in DOR-KO brains after 3 months exposure. In contrast, intense labeling was observed with [3H]Tyr-Tic- 2S, 3R ; bMePhe-Phe-OH in brain regions known to contain delta opioid receptors at high density. The specificity of the binding sites of [3H]Tyr-Tic- 2S, 3R ; beta-MePhe-PheOH was further evaluated in competition assays. While mu and kappa specific ligands showed poor affinity, the prototypic delta ligands Ile5, 6-deltorphine and naltrindol displaced the radioligand with high affinity. Interestingly, unlabeled Tyr-Tic- 2S, 3R ; beta-MePhe-Phe-OH displaced more binding than the former two delta ligands in mice but not in rats. Naltrindol and Tyr-Tic- 2S, 3R ; beta-MePhePhe-OH also differed in their ability to antagonize the stimulating effect of the delta agonist DTLET in mouse brain. These results further support the notion that there are different subtypes of the delta opioid receptors. The new, stable, potent peptide antagonist ligand combined with transgenic animals is a good tool for future studies of opioid receptor heterogeneity. Supported by OTKA T-033062 research fund, because issoflavone supplement.

Data extrapolated from references 43 and 44. Ranges represent variation due variety, location, and or year of harvest of soybeans. Percentage of isoflavones relative to whole soybean mean value 1.3 mg g ; . Tempeh, miso, fermented bean curd, and bean paste. Soy hot dog, tempeh burger, tofu yogurt, soy cheese, soy noodles and isoniazid.
Al-Azzawi F, Buckler HM, for the United Kingdom Vaginal Ring Investigator Group. Comparison of a novel vaginal ring delivering estradiol acetate versus oral estradiol for relief of vasomotor menopausal symptoms. Climacteric 2003; 6: 118-127. Albertazzi P Pansini F, Bonaccorsi G, Zanotti L, Forini E, Aloysio D. , The effect of dietary soy supplementation on hot flushes. Obstet Gynecol 1998; 91: 6-11. Albrecht BH, Schiff I, Tulchinsky D, Ryan KJ. Objective evidence that placebo and oral medroxyprogesterone acetate therapy diminish menopausal vasomotor flushes. J Obstet Gynecol 1981; 139: 631-635. Amato P Christophe S, Mellon PL. Estrogenic activity of herbs , commonly used as remedies for menopausal symptoms. Menopause 2002; 9: 145-150. Baber RJ, Templeman C, Morton T, Kelly GE, West L. Randomized placebo-controlled trial of an isoflwvone supplement and menopausal symptoms in women. Climacteric 1999; 2: 85-92. Barton D, Loprinzi C, Quella S, Sloan J, Pruthi S, Novotny P . Depomedroxyprogesterone acetate for hot flashes. J Pain Symptom Manage 2002; 24: 603-607. Barton DL, Loprinzi CL, Quella SK, et al. Prospective evaluation of vitamin E for hot flashes in breast cancer survivors. J Clin Oncol 1998; 16: 495-500. Bergmans MG, Merkus JM, Corbey RS, Schellekens LA, Ubachs JM. Effect of Bellergal Retard on climacteric complaints: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Maturitas 1987; 9: 227-234. Blatt MHG, Wiesbader H, Kupperman HS. Vitamin E and climacteric syndrome. Arch Intern Med 1953; 91: 792-796. Boothby LA, Doering PL, Kipersztok S. Bioidentical hormone therapy: a review. Menopause 2004; 11: 356-367. Buckler H, Al-Azzawi F, for the UK VR Multicentre Trial Group. The effect of a novel vaginal ring delivering oestradiol acetate on the climacteric symptoms in postmenopausal women. Br J Obstet Gynecol 2003; 110: 753-759. Bullock JL, Massey FM, Gambrell RD Jr. Use of medroxyprogesterone acetate to prevent menopausal symptoms. Obstet Gynecol 1975; 46: 165-168. Burke GL, Legault C, Anthony M, et al. Soy protein and isoflavone effects on vasomotor symptoms in peri- and post-menopausal women: the Soy Estrogen Alternative study. Menopause 2003; 10: 147-153. Chenoy R, Hussain S, Tayob Y, et al. Effect of oral gamolenic acid from evening primrose oil on menopausal flushing. BMJ 1994; 308: 501-503. Christy CJ. Vitamin E in the menopause. J Obstet Gynecol 1945; 50: 84-87. Dalais FS, Rice GE, Wahlqvist ML, et al. Effects of dietary phytoestrogens in postmenopausal women. Climacteric 1998; 1: 124-129. Davis SR, Briganti EM, Chen RQ, Dalais FS, Bailey M, Burger HG. The effects of Chinese medicinal herbs on postmenopausal vasomotor symptoms of Australian women: a randomised controlled trial. Med J Aust 2001; 174: 68-71. Faure ED, Chantre P Mares P Effects of a standardized soy extract on , . hot flushes: a multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebocontrolled study. Menopause 2002: 9: 329-334. In short, ipriflavone is a derivative of isoflavones and is organically synthesized from isoflavones. Where R 1 ; may be a hydroxyl -OH ; or an alkoxy group; R 2 ; may be hydrogen or hydroxyl; R 3 ; may represent hydrogen, or a carboxyl radical -COOH ; which may be free, esterified or in salt form. As to the manner in which those compounds are useful, the specification states: [ * 2] * * * The chief therapeutic uses of the novel compounds include the treatment of vascular disorders, and P-hypovitaminosis [vitamin deficiency] conditions. Some of the compounds further possess antiinflammatory properties. [ * 974] Applicants' investigations on synthesis products pertaining to isoflavones as a group, have demonstrated that 7-hydroxyisoflavone and derivatives thereof possess provitaminic properties in regard to vitamine P or C2 ; the sense concerning these properties which have been defined by Szent-Gyorgy and Jean-Louis Parrot. Vitamine P or C2 ; defined by these authors as a compound combining the following properties.

The enteric coating is applied to the tablet core to provide a weight gain of 5% to 40.
He emerging issue of therapeutically equivalent "generic" ; biologics is an important one for the National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc. NORD ; , and the rare disease community that NORD represents. For more than 20 years, NORD has campaigned on behalf of the more than 25 million Americans with rare "orphan" diseases and on behalf of their families, helping them secure the care they need. Orphan diseases are those affecting fewer than 200, 000 people in the U.S. A flagship accomplishment was the Orphan Drug Act of 1983, which conferred seven years of exclusive marketing rights for drugs that treat rare disorders. After expiration of the exclusivity or patent period if the drug is patented ; , others can market generic versions of the drugs, for example, isoflavone extract.

4 h after bruchin treatment with a further increase to almost a 100-fold by 8 h, relative to the untreated control pod tissue. In the np np pods there was an even greater up-regulation of CYP93C18. Four h after the application of bruchin to the pods, the level of CYP93C18 mRNA was more than 50 times greater than that in the untreated control pods, and by 8 h had increased to a level about 230-fold higher. This pattern is similar to what was seen in the RNA gel blot analysis of CYP93C2 from licorice, which revealed that the IFS mRNA accumulated transiently upon elicitation of the cells. Intense signals were observed in preparations from the cells 36 h post-elicitation, prior to the accumulation of the end-product, medicarpin, after 24 h Akashi et al., 1999 ; . In chickpea suspension cultures CYPC93C3 transcript levels reached a maximum 46 h after elicitor treatment, but the transcript was also expressed constitutively, and only a slight increase was noted upon elicitation Overkamp et al., 2000 ; . Recently, the expression patterns of the genes encoding the two IFS isoforms in soybean were characterized. Isfolavone synthase transcripts were found primarily in the roots and seeds and the expression pattern of GmIFS1 was found to be consistent with the physiological roles of isoflavonoids as defence compounds against pathogens and as signal molecules to symbiotic bacteria in soybean Subramanian et al., 2004 ; . The pattern of expression inferred from examination of band intensity with differential display suggested that CYP93C18 expression 24 h after application of a bruchin was greater in NP NP pods than np np pods. By contrast, in the time-course experiment Fig. 3 ; , greater up-regulation was seen in the np np pods than in the NP NP pods at all the time points where significant amounts of transcript could be detected. This discrepancy may be partially explained by the differences in the growing conditions used for the two experiments. The pea plants used for the differential display study were grown inside a greenhouse, under supplemental ultraviolet light to prevent spontaneous callus formation ; and contolled temperatures, while the samples for the timecourse study were taken from pea plants grown outside under ambient temperatures and natural sunlight. It may also be significant that differential display was carried out using poly A ; + RNA isolated from F9 near-isogenic lines; whereas the time-course experiment was carried out using F12 near-isogenic lines.
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Background: Our previous case-control study revealed that the Japanese residents in Japan could be divided into those who are able to degrade daidzein, a soybean isoflavone, to equol and those without this ability, and that the incidence of prostate cancer is higher in the latter group. Methods: We recently conducted a similar case-control study involving not only Japanese residents in Japan but also Korean residents in Korea. The incidence of prostate cancer in Korean residents is known to be close to that of Japanese residents in Japan. On the other hand, American residents in the United States have a markedly higher incidence of prostate cancer as compared to Japanese residents in Japan. Results: The number of subjects was 295 in Japan 133 patients and 162 controls ; , 122 in Korea 61 patients and 61 controls ; and 45 in the United States 24 patients and 21 controls ; . The percentage of equol producers among patients and controls was 29% and 46% in Japan P 0.004 ; and 30% and 59% in Korea P 0.001 ; , respectively. The active isoflavone level was markedly lower and the percentage of equol producers was also lower 17% for patients and 14% for controls ; for Americans as compared to the Japanese and Koreans. Conclusions: These results suggest that the ability of producing equol or equol itself is closely related to the lower incidence of prostate cancer. The results also suggest that a diet based on soybean isoflavones will be useful in preventing prostate cancer. Key words: prostate cancer isoflavones equol producer genistein daidzein cancer prevention. From analysis by Southern blotting, the genomic DNA fragments contained in at least five recombinant clones appeared to form overlapping segments from the same region on the chromosome of RU-KM3S. To determine if the genomic fragment used as the probe in the Southern blots encoded an N-carbamoylase gene, as suggested by initial activity assays Table 3.3 ; , nested deletions of pGMlib15 were created by varying exposure to exonuclease digestion thus enabling sequence analysis of the entire 2Kb genomic fragment. There is considerable research indicating that one reason so few Japanese men die from prostate cancer is because they consume soyfoods. Animal studies show that isoflavones from soybeans prevent the growth of prostate tumors, and a European group of experts recently concluded that isoflavones prevent small prostate tumors from progressing to the more advanced form of this life-threatening disease. However, some scientists suggest that serum isoflavone levels are too low to produce anticancer effects in humans. A study presented at the symposium suggests that is not the case. The reason is that the prostate tissue actually concentrates.

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