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Were the first two NPA local training groups to be established. I always found Les and his wife Connie kind, helpful, caring, generous and supportive. I remember Les with gratitude and affection and extend my sympathies to Connie and family. Edwards In a tribute to the late Alfred John Edwards PJ, 23 October, p627 ; , COLIN HITCHINGS writes: John Edwards was one of the most delightful men anyone could ever wish to meet. I got to know John well in North London when I was appointed to the Royal Free Hospital and Camden and Islington Health Authority. There were so many facets to John's character but probably the one that everyone remembers was his wonderful sense of humour and kindly mischief. No matter whether one was at a social function or a professional occasion, if John was present it was not long before you heard that wonderful burst of laughter erupt. He was a true gentleman and rarely did he grouse about people, but when he did he probably would not reach the end of the sentence without seeing the funny side of it and breaking into laughter again. There was a true sense of camaraderie in the profession in North London in the 1970s and 80s and John was always at the heart of it, whether it was the North Metropolitan branch of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Camden and Islington Local Pharmaceutical Committee or the London Group Pharmacy Executive. He was committed to his profession and demonstrated that in many ways. Travel and adventure was one of John's great loves and he used to visit far flung places in the world way before such places had been opened up to tourism. He often combined his love of travel with his love of his profession and was to be seen regularly at International Pharmaceutical Federation congresses across the world, often in harness with Joe Shellard. It was a great privilege to know John well and all those who knew him will, like me, retain wonderful warm memories of him. GREGORY S BER writes: It was with great sadness that I learned of the death of John Edwards. I came to know John through the North Metropolitan branch of the Society. He was a great supporter of branch activities over a number of years as a committee member.As a regular attendee of the branch meetings he had a smile and kind word for, because rxlist.
| Oretic ingredientsX-Ray Iodinated X-Ray Contrast Media Ionic and Nonionic ; Background Disclaimer This document serves as a guide that may assist radiologists in their clinical evaluation and decision making in regard to patient care in the administration of contrast media. This document should not be deemed to be inclusive of all proper methods of care that could be reasonably directed to obtain the same results. Adherence to this document will not ensure a successful outcome in every situation. The ultimate judgment regarding the propriety of any specific medication, recommended dosage levels, or course of conduct must be made by the radiologist, who would be given all clinical circumstances presented by the individual patient situation. The plasma half-life of intravenously administered iodinated contrast medium is about two hours, with nearly 100 percent of the agent cleared from the bloodstream within 24 hours. Because of its low lipid solubility, less than 1 percent of the administered maternal dose of iodinated contrast medium is excreted into the breast milk in the first 24 hours.1, 2 Because less than 1 percent of the contrast medium ingested by the infant is BCLCA Newsletter - Spring 2005 absorbed from its gastrointestinal tract, 3 the expected dose absorbed by the infant from the breast milk is less than 0.01 percent of the intravascular dose given to the mother. This amount of contrast medium represents less than 1 percent of the recommended dose for an infant undergoing an imaging study, which is 2 mL kg. The potential risks to the infant include direct toxicity and allergic sensitization or reaction, which are theoretical concerns but have not been reported. Recommendation Mothers who are breastfeeding should be given the opportunity to make an informed decision as to whether to continue breastfeeding or temporarily abstain from breastfeeding after receiving intravascularly administered iodinated contrast medium. Because of the very small percentage of iodinated contrast medium that is excreted into the breast milk and absorbed by the infant's gut, we believe that the available data suggest that it is safe for the mother and infant to continue breastfeeding after receiving such an agent. If the mother remains concerned about any potential ill effects to the infant, she may abstain from breastfeeding for 24 hours with active expression and discarding of breast milk from both breasts during that period. In anticipation of this, she may wish to use a breast pump to collect milk before the contrast study to feed the infant during the 24-hour period following the examination. Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents Background Gadolinium compounds are safe and useful as magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents. Although free gadolinium is neurotoxic, when complexed to one of a variety of chelates it is safe for use in adults and children. These hydrophilic gadolinium chelate agents have pharmacokinetic properties very similar to those of iodinated X-ray contrast media. Like iodinated contrast agents, gadolinium contrast agents have a plasma half-life of about 2 hours and are nearly completely cleared from the bloodstream within 24 hours. Less than 0.04 percent of the intravascular dose given to the mother is excreted into the breast milk in the first 24 hours.4-6 Because less than 1 percent of the contrast medium ingested by the infant is cont'd on page 13. Page 12.
Department of medicine, division of nephrology, brigham and women's hospital, boston, ma and microzide.
Tenoretic dosage for children: the safety and effectiveness of tenoretic have not been established in children.
As a consequence of the large space of actions and the continuous nature of the cda game, and the multiple players that participate, the problem is too complex for a game theoretic analysis to find a dominant strategy and
Problem-based pharmacotherapy teaching alone, either as an introductory course before students enter the wards or as an ongoing part of integrated clinical teaching, is not enough to "vaccinate" medical students against the pressures towards irrational prescribing that they will face in their professional career. A first risk period, and probably the one with the strongest influence, is the time of clinical attachments and junior clerkships. After some years of mainly theoretical studies most students are eager to become clinically active and are very sensitive to the role model of their clinical teachers. Unfortunately, irrational prescribing is widely reported from teaching hospitals, 3 while clinical teaching of undergraduate students is often insufficiently planned and supervised.
Updated Information & Services References including high-resolution figures, can be found at: : content.onlinejacc cgi content full 41 7 1096 This article cites 37 articles, 18 of which you can access for free at: : content.onlinejacc cgi content full 41 7 1096#BIBL This article has been cited by 18 HighWire-hosted articles: : content.onlinejacc cgi content full 41 7 1096#othera rticles Information about reproducing this article in parts figures, tables ; or in its entirety can be found online at: : content.onlinejacc misc permissions.dtl Information about ordering reprints can be found online: : content.onlinejacc misc reprints.dtl and flutamide.
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Nakajima T, Kurachi Y, Ito H, Takikawa R and Sugimoto T 1989 ; Anti-cholinergic effects of quinidine, disopyramide, and procainamide in isolated atrial myocytes: Mediation by different molecular mechanisms. Circ Res 64: 297303. Nakajima T, Sugimoto T and Kurachi Y 1991 ; Platelet-activating factor activates cardiac GK via arachidonic acid metabolites. FEBS Lett 289: 239 243. Nakajima T, Sugimoto T and Kurachi Y 1992 ; Effects of anions on the G proteinmediated activation of the muscarinic K channel in the cardiac atrial cell membrane. J Gen Physiol 99: 665 682. Nanavati C, Clapham DE, Ito H and Kurachi Y 1990 ; A comparison of the roles of purified G protein subunits in the activation of the cardiac muscarinic K channel, in G Protein and Signal Transduction Nathanson NM and Harden TK, eds ; pp 29 42, Rockefeller University Press, New York. Navarro B, Kennedy ME, Velimirovic B, Bhat D, Peterson AS and Clapham DE 1996 ; Nonselective and G -insensitive weaver K channels. Science Wash. 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Site has been algebraically thoroughly inspected in order to advise assure our medications partitioned reach the strictest american and condemning european encumbered standards and raloxifene.
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This study shows that the clinical picture and distribution of various subtypes of GA in the local population are similar to the western literature. Age of onset of localized GA is significantly lower than that of generalized GA. A tendency of less female cases in local Chinese remains to be proven by a larger series. The prognosis of GA in our population is defined, which is helpful in patient counseling and management. Although in the present study, DM seems to be more prevalent in cases than controls, the difference is not statistically significant. Literature review does not reveal strong evidence in favour of DM as causative factor for GA. But it does not exclude the possibility of their association in other populations where Type 1 DM is more common ; through a common autoimmune mechanism like the association of pernicious anemia with type 1 DM ; . The present study is a cross-sectional one on the prevalence of DM in order to reduce the diagnostic bias. As a circumstantial evidence of an association through an autoimmune mechanism, prospective follow up of GA cases and controls with a similar schedule of DM detection will be helpful in detecting rate of DM development over time. OGTT is a more sensitive test then FBS alone in DM detection but it requires more time and an additional venepuncture. As a result, recruitment of control may be more difficult. It will be interesting to find out if there is any difference in results using OGTT as a diabetic measure. The way in which resolution of GA is reported in various series is different. Point estimate of remission rate at various times is most often employed. Kaplan- Meier estimate is theoretically better as it includes the survival experience of censored data data from non-remitted and defaulted cases ; . Standardization on reporting is suggested to allow direct comparison of data from different studies.
Oretic 21
Phytoplankton 1 ; Pikul Wanichapichart. Determination of cell dielectric properties using dielectrophoretic technique. Songkhla : Department of Physics Prince of Songkla University, [2000]. 1 vol in various pagings ; . R E19938 ; Preecha Pachunchai. Comparison of plankton community structure occurring in Mahidol University, Salaya campus and an agricultural area, Phutthamonthon district Nakhon Pathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 158 p. T E14269 ; Ratcha Chaichana. Study on quantity and distribution of plant nutrients on eutrophication in Bang Pra reservoir, Chonburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 194 p. T E21001 ; Tawach Prechthai. Relationship between phytoplankton and water quality in the Tha Chin river. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 130 p. T E17148 ; . Compositions and quantities of fatty acids accumlated in some phytoplankton. : , 2541. 36 . 100249 ; Piano music--Analysis, appreciation Pimchanok Suwannathada. Pedagogical analysis of the intermediate piano techniques in Dmitri kabalevsky's thirty children's pieces, opus 27. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 85 p. T E14545 ; Piano--String Pochaman Chumnantas. Inharmonicity in the natural mode frequencies of overwound strings. Edinburgh : University of Edinburgh, 1995. 174 p. T E9526 ; Piano--Study and teaching Nakhon Khamrong. A study in how to teach sight-reading to the intermediate level plano students case study : piano teaching in Muang district Chiang Mai province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 159 p. T E17776 ; Pichia pastoris Panattha Kiratipat. Factors affecting production of dengue viral coat protein in Pichia pastoris. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 139 p. T E15918 ; Pickled vegetables Panida Wongsirirungsee. Development of pickled vegetable products with reduced sodium content. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 141 p. T E13373 ; Pickles Pannee Hankimhun. Mutagenic potential of raw and pickled fruits and vegetables treated with nitrite. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 59 p. T E11536 ; Picornavirus Suphachai Nuanualsuwan. Inactivation of human picornaviruses and feline calicivirus by ultraviolet, hypochlorite, and heat. California : University of California Davis, 2002. 175 p. T E19122 ; 27196 and
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Alog VM-26 and to puromycin also indicates that thelesions A B in these mutants do notinvolve a general permeability alteration. Gel Electrophoresis Analysis of the PodR Mutant Cell Lines-To find out the possible biochemical alteration that may have occurred in the PodR mutants, the patterns of proteins present in the sensitive and mutant cell lines were compared bytwo-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The gel electrophoretic patterns proteins from number of sensitive of a and resistant cell lines are shown in Fig. 3. The two PodR' mutants which were examined did not show any apparent change in the electrophoretic mobility of tubulins or any other protein see Fig. 3B for PodRTIG; results for Pod% not shown ; . The Pod'" mutants which were examined again did not show any clear and consistent change in the tubulin region. However, intwo of the PodR" mutants, PodR"6 and Pod'"7, a new spot labeled M ; was seen in all experiments. PodR"6 and PodRT17 have been independently obtained from PodR116 in separate experiments.However, in view of theiridentical pattern of cross-resistance to various microtubule inhibitors Figs. 1 and 2 ; , it is possible that these mutants may bear identical genetic lesions. This new spot was not seen in the other PodR" mutants, e.g. PodR"2 and PodR%, which were examined results not shown ; . Based on an experiment where standard molecular weight markers were run in a parallel gel positions shown in Fig. 3C ; , the molecular weight of this new protein was estimated to be approximately 66, 000. The position of spot M in PodRT16 andPodH"7 indicated that itmay have arisenby a charge alteration in the adjacent protein labeled P in Fig. 3, C and D ; . find out whether it To cells was indeedso, the P spot from the sensitive and both the P and M spots from the PodR"6 cells were excised, and the proteins in these spotswere analyzed by means of one-dimensional gel electrophoresis after partial digestion with Staphylococcus V8 protease 25 ; . Results of these studiesare shown in Fig. 4. As can be seen, the peptide fragments which are obtained after partial digestion of protein P lanes A and B, from the wild type and Pod'"6 cells, respectively ; are very FIG. 4. One-dimensional peptide maps of the P and M prosimilar to those obtained from spot M lane C ; .The only teins and a-tubulin, following partial digestion with Staphydifference between the P and the M peptides is the presence lococcus V8 protease. The spots corresponding to the P, M, and of a high molecular weight peptide in M shown by arrow in a-tubulin higher molecular weight tubulin T ; spot ; were excised lane C ; which is absent in P. Instead, the P protein contains from dried labeled gels and treated with 0.2 pg of Staphylococcus V8 one ortwo peptides in the low molecular weight range shown protease in the wells of an acrylamide gel, and the incompletely digested peptides were electrophoresed details are given under "Exby arrowsin lane B ; which are not present the M protein. perimental Procedures" ; .An autoradiogram of dried gel is shown. in the The above resultswould be expected if the mutation leading A, P protein from the wild type cell line; B, P protein from the Pod""6 to the appearance the M spot fromP ; changes a protease- mutant; C, M protein from the Pod'"6 line; D, a-tubulin from the of sensitive site into an insensitive one. Lanes D and E in Fig. 4 wild type line; E , a-tubulin from the PodR"6line. The arrows in lanes show the tryptic peptides which are obtainedafter the partial B and C point to the differences between the P and the M proteins. protease digestion of the a-tubulin spots of the two tubulin spots, the one which has higher molecular weight ; from the the sensitive to resistantgene ratio will be 3: 1, should contain wild type and PodR"6 cells, respectively. The peptide frag- an excess of the wild type P ; form of this protein as compared ments from tubulin are distinct from those obtained from to the mutated M ; form. T o test this prediction, two-dimeneither the P or the M spots. These results strongly suggest sional gel electrophoresis of several Pod'"' X Pod' hybrid that the new protein spot M in the mutant cells is derived clones was carried out, and the results two representative for hybrid clones are shown in Fig. 5. As can be seen, the mutant from the protein spot by a mutational alteration. P The above inference is also supported by an independent form of protein was again clearly seen in both the hybrid approach which involvesanalyses of these proteinsin somatic clones; however, as expected, its amountin comparison to the cell hybrids. We have earlier shown thatcell hybrids formed P form was markedlydiminished in both of the clones. Denbetween Pod'" and Po& cells show intermediate levels of sitometric quantitation the P and M spots in several differof showed relative resistance to podophyllotoxin, indicating a co-dominant na- ent experiments results not shown ; that their ture of the PodR" lesion 18 ; .Accordingly, the presence of a ratio in Pod""6 and PodR"7 cells was about 1: 0.8.In contrast new protein spotin the mutantcells suggests that only one of to mutant cells, the ratio of these two spots in hybrid clones view the two gene copies for this protein hasbeen altered such that was onlyabout 1: 0.25. These results support the that the the parental cells contained only the wild type form of this new spot M seen in mutant cells most likely represents an protein, whereas in the mutant cell, both the wild type and altered form of the protein P. Analysis of Microtubule-associated Proteins-Podophylthe altered forms were present. If this view was correct, then specific inhibitor of microcell hybrids formed between mutant and sensitive cells, where lotoxin is considered to be a highly and ethambutol.
The new legislation addresses three expanded access procedures with respect to: 1 ; emergency situations; 2 ; individual patient access to investigational products intended for serious diseases; and 3 ; treatment investigational new drug applications and treatment investigational device exemptions.
For all k, l ; 2 . Accordingly, the set K must be extended to a set K including all the symmetric pairs. Thus, Sm z RN | where m N + and 1K is the characteristic function of the set K, which takes value 1 on K and 0 on its complement. The projectors onto the sets Si ; 0im are straightforward and can be found in [14]. The above set theoretic formulation is rendered inconsistent by the fact that the bounds on the amplitude of the noise are incorrect. The problem is set up as 27 ; and solved by Algorithm 6, where v 0, 10-3 , and 0.5. The restored image is shown in Fig. 10. VI. C ONCLUSION The use of nondifferentiable objectives has been advocated in various image recovery studies. In this paper, we have proposed a reliable, general-purpose algorithm for recovering an image by minimizing a nondifferentiable convex function over a convex feasibility set. Its principle is to alternate a subgradient projection onto an adaptively refined approximation to the optimal level set of the objective and an exact projection onto the feasibility set. Unlike the methods typically in use in image recovery, the proposed algorithm is not tailored to a specific kind of nondifferentiable objective and does not require any alteration of the problem formulation. Numerical applications to and myambutol and oretic.
In this study, we demonstrated that pQCT analysis can be utilized to quantitate changes in bone in the growing rat model. The data were consistent, repeatable, and statistically relevant. We observed a clear dose-response effect with small increments in the drug. Although the growing rat bone is not a disease model of osteoporotic bone, it can be used to detect resorption antiresorption efficacy. The growing 21-day-old rat is an attractive model for the prescreening of bone density effects of antiresorptive drugs. The relatively small body weights of these animals mean that less compound is needed, and the ability to detect dramatically significant changes in a relatively short period of time is an invaluable tool in studies on bone. Employing pQCT scanning techniques allows for quicker evaluation, especially as a prescreening tool vs. histology or histomorphometry.
Our investigations revealed several potential uses of VAC in prostate diseases. Both BPH and PCA are typical slowly progressing diseases. Rates of PCA cellular proliferation of 3.0% and below are typical Cher et al 1995 ; , making this one of the slowest growing malignancies known. Indeed, this low growth rate of PCA may be responsible, at least in part, for the weak efficacy of cytotoxic agents, which interfere with DNA synthesis. Chemotherapeutic drugs currently available in clinical use preferentially inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells Tang & Porter 1997 ; . Thus, it can be expected, that patients with slow-growing prostate cancer cells will not respond to most of antiproliferative chemotherapeutics. Therefore, extracts that do not affect cancer cell proliferation or cell cycle progression because of their apoptosis-inducing effects may have beneficial effects in this indication. By demonstrating that Vitex agnus-castus induces cell growth arrest and apoptosis in PCA cells apparently through different mechanisms of action, Vitex agnus-castus appears to be a potential anti-prostate-cancer agent. Additionally, the complex mixture of phytotherapeutics, composed of different compounds may exhibit several pharmacological properties, accounting for their potential multiple mechanisms of action. Moreover, these multiple actions may possibly prevent the development of drug resistant tumours. Our in vitro experiments displayed new, interesting activities; it is however too early to extrapolate directly to clinical applications. Further investigations are needed to 91 and etoposide.
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Disparities between stimulus and participant hand positions and the different movement constraints on palm-up and palmdown rotations of the hand. Furthermore, there were longer RTs for palm-up views of lateral than medial stimuli [palm down, F 1, 17 ; 2.19, P 0.16; palm up, F 1, 17 ; 37.03, P 0.001], indicating that RTs reflected the biomechanical constraints on arm movements. However, whereas the effect of limb approached significance [F 1, 17 ; 3.83, P 0.10], reflecting a small but consistent advantage for responses involving the right i.e. dominant ; hand, there was no significant interaction between orientation and limb [F 3, 51 ; 1]. Thus, in contrast to the consistently slower RTs observed for the affected relative to the unaffected limbs in the 180 condition for the patient data i.e. 12 out of 13 ; , control participants exhibited Consistent with previous investigations Parsons, 1987a, b, 1994; Parsons and Fox, 1998; Parsons et al., 1998 ; , analyses for both patients and controls demonstrated that RTs and accuracy were significantly influenced by the degree of imagined movement necessary to align participants' hands with stimuli. Furthermore, RTs were consistent with previously observed biomechanical constraints on movement e.g. Parsons, 1994 ; . These findings support the suggestion that the body schema underlies performance on the hand laterality task. The major, and novel, finding of the present investigation is that a brain representation of the body is influenced by pain. Patients, but not controls, exhibited slowed RTs when responses required large-amplitude mental rotations of their affected relative to their unaffected arm. Before we discuss the theoretical implications of these data, it is important to emphasize that these findings cannot!
Recent evidence has indicated that various orphan nuclear receptors are involved in the regulation of multiple CYPs by recognizing common response elements containing the half-site AGGTCA separated by 3-6 base pairs 25 ; . Recently, the pregnane X receptor PXR; NR1I2 ; has been proposed as a xenobiotic-responsive transcription factor that regulates multiple drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters 26-28 ; . Utilizing electrophoretic mobility gel shift assays EMSA ; , in vitro cell-based reporter gene transfection assays, and P450 induction assays in primary human hepatocytes, several labs have demonstrated that PXR can bind to the NR1 and NR2 sites within the CYP2B6 PBREM, and that known PXR ligands can effectively induce CYP2B6 expression in primary human hepatocytes 8, 16, 28.
That both pT31 and pS205 can interact with 14-3-3 and promote complex formation and that each site can act independently of each other. In the case of pT31, this finding is not surprising, because it is part of a consensus 14-3-3-binding motif, characterized by a proline plus two of the pT pS residues in mode I RSx[pS pT]xP ; and mode II Rx x[pS pT]xP ; . However, the binding of pS205 to 14-3-3 is not predictable because it is not located in such a site 1315 ; . Single-site binding of AANAT is of interest, because it also seems sufficient to slow proteasomal destruction of AANAT, as demonstrated by using semisynthetic forms of AANAT containing nonhydrolyzable pT31 or pS205 mimetics ref. 7 and W. Zheng, D. Schwarzer, A. LeBeau, J.L.W., D.C.K., and P. A. Cole, unpublished data ; . It seems clear to us that under physiological conditions, a single molecule of AANAT binds to a 14-3-3 dimer by virtue of contacts between pT31 and the amphipathic groove of one 14-3-3 monomer and also between pS205 with the other monomer. In addition, important proteinprotein interactions occur at multiple sites 5 ; , which contribute to the higher affinity of phosphorylated AANATs as compared to AANAT-based phosphopeptides Fig. 3 ; . This 1: AANAT 14-3-3 dimer model is consistent with the results of solution analysis 4 ; and a theoretical model 5 ; . The 2: 1 structure obtained by physical studies reflects the use of a truncated form of AANAT that lacked pS205 5 ; , thereby permitting two molecules of AANAT to bind to 14-3-3, each by means of the pT31 site.
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Unique metallurgical recoveries were estimated for each model block 50 x 50 meters ; based on the arsenic and sulphur block grades. estimated by Ordinary Kriging. The metallurgical recovery was based on the following equation. Recovery a + -2.36230 x S% ; + -0.0017 x As ppm x b ; where a theoretical maximum flotation recovery of 85.95352% and b theoretical hydrometallurgical recovery or 96.5.
Conclusion Despite a long history of use for nonhemorrhagic stroke, routine anticoagulation is not indicated for acute stroke patients no matter which agent is used. Although LMWHs might offer some theoretical advantages over unfractionated heparin, they have not been proven more effective. Anticoagulation might be indicated for stroke-in-evolution, vertebrobasilar thrombosis, and, in a low dose, for DVT prophylaxis, but there is no proven clear-cut benefit. Anticoagulation is indicated for acute cardioembolic stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation. Initiation of antiplatelet therapy with low-dose ASA is indicated within 48 hours of stroke onset. Although its benefit is modest, it does reduce risk of recurrence and might improve outcome. Other antiplatelet agents may be used if ASA is contraindicated, but no direct evidence suggests they are beneficial nor superior. Dedicated care in specialized stroke units reduces morbidity and mortality and can be cost effective.
Table 1. Characteristics Among 611 Participants.
Do -blockers improve morbidity and mortality in patients with heart failure? 3 large trials have shown the benefits of bisoprolol, 1 carvedilol, 2 and metoprolol3 on morbidity and mortality among patients with NYHA class II or III heart failure, and have had important implications for how patients with mild-tomoderate heart failure are treated. On the basis of these studies, it has now become standard practice to treat such patients with one of these -blockers. Whether patients with severe heart failure would also benefit from -blockade has been unanswered. Patients with severe heart failure have the highest sympathetic outflow and theoretically may benefit most from -blockade. These patients also have the least inotropic reserve and, thus, are most susceptible to decompensation when treated with -blockade. These 2 studies BEST and COPERNICUS ; have provided important data that allow us to assess the benefit of -blockers in patients with severe heart failure. What is certain is that the benefit of -blockers is largely dependent on the type of patients who receive them. Unfortunately, assessing the value of -blockers in patients with severe heart failure is problematic. First, measuring and comparing severity is difficult. The NYHA functional classification is a useful guide, but, as pointed out by Braunwald, 4 it is subjective and inherently imprecise. An alternative way of comparing the severity of heart failure among patients in different trials is to use placebo mortality rates. Subsets of patients in whom the annual placebo mortality rate is high eg, 20% ; are said to have very severe heart failure. This measure also has its limitations because it does not reflect only mortality caused by heart failure and it does not include any measure of severity of symptoms, frequency of hospitalisation, or quality of life. We are left with 2 well-designed studies, only 1 of which shows a substantial benefit of -blocker treatment on mortality in patients with severe heart failure. These differing conclusions may have resulted from study populations that were different or from differences in the pharmacological actions of bucindolol and carvedilol. The benefits of carvedilol may be related to its unique -adrenergic, antioxidant, or antiendothelin effects. continued on next page.
Another class of unreasonable error measures is found if one employs otherwise reasonable error measures with nonbinary targets . In such cases the resulting error measure will not be reasonable. Whether or not the resulting error measure reflects the correct a posteriori probability rankings depends on the choice of non-binary targets. We illustrate this point in the following sections as we derive the approximation error to the Bayesian discriminant function for the MSE and information theoretic error measures.
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S. Brophy held a science degree Scholarship and a Summer Studentship from the Health Research Board, Ireland. T. W. Ford is supported by the British Heart Foundation. J. F. X. Jones is supported by The Wellcome Trust.
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