

Note: Some patients received more than one dosage strength of terbutaline sulfate and epinephrine. In addition, there were reports of anxiety, muscle cramps, and dry mouth 0.5% ; . There have been rare reports of elevations in liver enzymes and of hypersensitivity vasculitis with terbutaline administration.
Chances are that the condition exists in other vascular beds. It is well known that patients with PAD, even if asymptomatic, are at high risk for MI and stroke. Patients with diabetes are also at high risk. Even if they have not had heart disease, they are at greater risk for a heart attack than someone without diabetes who has already had an MI. Finally, there are patients whose Framingham risk assessment scores place their 10-year risk of a CHD event at greater than 20%. Any patient whose 10-year event risk is greater than 20% needs to reduce his or her LDL-C below 100. While that can be accomplished in almost all patients, often it is not done--mainly because treatment is started but not adjusted. Additional factors increase the risk of CHD including cigarette smoking and hypertension, whether treated or not.1 Another risk factor is a high-density lipoprotein HDL ; cholesterol level of less than 40 mg dL. Conversely, high HDL-C can confer a cardioprotective effect; an HDLC level greater than 60 mg dL is considered a negative risk factor, allowing one risk factor to be subtracted from the total. A family history of premature CHD--ie, in a male first-degree relative younger than 55 years of age or in a female first-degree relative younger than 65--is another important risk factor. Age is another. Men who are 45 or older and women who are 55 or older have an increased risk of CHD. That 10-year lag used to be attributed to estrogen. But some studies that have shown that estrogen replacement therapy increases cardiovascular risk, so the reasons for the lag remain unknown at this time. Lifestyle factors also add risk. While obesity may not be an independent risk factor, it is clearly involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and CHD. A sedentary lifestyle and an atherogenic diet are other factors. The Atkins Diet was mentioned previously. Many patients as well as colleagues in medicine and pharmacy are on that diet. They give glowing reports about how the diet has allowed them to lose weight. The reports are true. If fewer calories are consumed, pounds are shed. The problem is that exposure to a regimen high in saturated fats will ultimately do damage. ; INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION When should a practitioner intervene with therapeutic lifestyle changes and when with drug therapy? ATP-III offers guidelines that help answer those questions Table 1 ; , 1 but they should be looked upon simply as guidelines. If a patient, under the guidance of a physician, wants treatment to achieve an LDL of less than 100 mg dL and can afford it, he or she ought to be able to receive treatment, regardless of risk stratification, because terbutaline wiki.
Tenofovir 13 Terazosin 4, 8 Terbutal8ne Oral . Testosterone Transdermal . Tetracycline 3, 4 Theophylline 16 Thiabendazole . Thioguanine . Thioridazine . Thiothixene . Ticlopidine . Timolol Ophthalmic 14 Tioconazole Vaginal 16 Tiotropium . Tizanidine 14 Tobramycin Ophthalmic 14 Tobramycin Dexamethasone 15 Tocainide . Tolnaftate . Tolterodine Extended Release . Tolterodine Regular Release . Toremifene . Torsemide 12 Tramadol . Trandolapril Verapamil . Tranylcypromine . Trazodone . Tretinoin . Triamcinolone 0.5%, 0.1%, 0.025% .11 Triamcinolone Topical 11 Triamcinolone Inhaler 10 Triamcinolone Nasal 13 Triamterene 12 Triamterene HCTZ 12 Triazolam 16 Trifluoperazine . Trifluridine 14 Trihexyphenidyl . Triple Sulfa Vaginal 16 Trypsin 16. Brief periods of depersonalization are notably caused by stress , a lack of sleep , or a combination, for example, terbutaline pumps. In the present study, the change in RI, but not AIx, after terbutaline was related to DBP, but not SBP. This is in line with previous findings that the change in RI is related to EDV [17]. Why only the change in RI was related to DBP is not known, because the response of the two different wave reflections to beta-2 receptor stimulation are inter-related. It might be that AIx is more related to arterial stiffness, whereas the RI is more related to peripheral vascular resistance. It could also be that the change in RI has a better reproducibility than AIx. This is the first study reporting an association between EDV assessed by pulse wave analysis and DBP, although the data are not as consistent as for EDV and FMD, because no significant difference between the groups among untreated individuals was seen. A 2002 U.S. Geological Survey USGS ; study found pharmaceutical and personal care product contaminants, or Organic Wastewater Contaminants OWCs ; , in 80 percent of 139 streams sampled in 30 states. 1 In Washington State, a screening analysis conducted in tertiary wastewater treatment plant effluents and nearby wells and creeks in the Sequim-Dungeness area of northwest Washington detected 16 organic wastewater contaminants OWCs ; in the effluent samples. In the Sequim study, 9 of 11 samples 82% ; contained pharmaceutical drugs. Significantly, only 24 chemicals were analyzed for, while 95 chemicals were analyzed for in the USGS study. 2 and baclofen. Please join us for a series of informative lectures during the month of may on a variety of women's health topics.

1. Antacids and some other gastro-intestinal agents like anli-diarrheals Alginic acid Aluminium glycinate Aluminium hydroxide dried ; Aluminium hydroxide-magnesium carbonate co-dried gel Bismuth subsalicylate and methyl salicylate Calcium carbonate Dimethicone activated ; Diphenoxylate hydrochloride Hydrotalcite aluminium magnesium hydroxide carbonate hydrate ; Hyoscyamine sulfate Kaolin hydrated aluminium silicate ; Loperamide hydrochloride Magaldrate hydrated magnesium aluminate ; Magnesium carbonate light ; Mebeverine Mepenzolate bromide Neomycin sulfate Proglumide Sucralfate 2. Anti-asthmatic agents and anti-allergenic agents Aminophylline Choline theophyllinate Ipratropium bromide Sodium chromoglycate Salbutamol Salmeterol 1j Yerbutaline Theophylline and lioresal. Founder member of the programming parnassian appreciation society , # 67 pol stuck on the m1 join date: dec 2002 location: ireland 2, 443 this always happens when she forgets her medication 1st member of the drogheda name glow crew serious about sequencing.

Patients who have primary vF should be recognised as being at increased risk during their hospital stay, and medical therapy should be optimised. Patients who have monomorphic vt following acute mI, or vF greater than 48 hours after infarction, should be recognised as being at increased short and long term risk and should be considered for revascularisation and ICd. PreveNtIoN oF veNtrICuLAr ArrHYtHmIAS ANd SuddeN deAtH and benazepril. Application for the Inclusion of Theophylline in the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines childhood asthma. Clin Pediatr Phila ; . Mar; 21 3 ; : 135-42. 1982 50 ; Cho YW et al.: Comparative bronchodilatory activity of cetiedil citrate monohydrate, theophylline, orciprenaline and placebo in adult asthmatics. Int J Clin Pharmacol Biopharm. 16 9 ; : 402-7. 1978 51 ; Brander PE et al.: Nocturnal oxygen saturation and body movement in asthmatics treated with controlled-release preparations of theophylline or terbutaline. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 39 2 ; : 117-21. 1990 52 ; Vyse T et al.: Controlled release salbutamol tablets versus sustained release theophylline tablets in the control of reversible obstructive airways disease. J Int Med Res. 17 1 ; : 93-8. 1989 53 ; Vilkka V et al.: Once-daily theophylline in the treatment of nocturnal asthma. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 39 3 ; : 241-3. 1990 54 ; Roberts JR et al.: Sustained-release terbutaline vs sustained-release theophylline in young patients with asthma. J Dis Child. 140 7 ; : 650-4. 1986 55 ; Dusdieker L et al.: Comparison of orally administered metaproterenol and theophylline in the control of chronic asthma. J Pediatr. 101 2 ; : 281-7. 1982 56 ; Nolan G et al.: Co mparison of the long-term effect of fenoterol hydrobromide and theophylline syrups in pre-school asthmatic children. Ann Allergy. 49 2 ; : 93-6. 1982 57 ; Heins M et al.: Nocturnal asthma: slow-release terbutaline versus slow-release theophylline therapy. Eur Respir J. 1 4 ; 306-10. 1988 58 ; Rachelefsky GS et al.: Metaproterenol and theophylline in asthmatic children. Ann Allergy. 45 4 ; : 207-12. 1980 59 ; Vyse T et al.: Controlled release salbutamol tablets versus sustained release theophylline tablets in the control of reversible obstructive airways disease. J Int Med Res. 17 1 ; : 93-8. 1989 60 ; Joad JP et al: Relative efficacy of maintenance therapy with theophylline, inhaled albuterol, and the combination for chronic asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 79 1 ; : 78-85. 1987 61 ; Chow OK et al.: Slow-release terbutaline and theophylline for the long-term therapy of children with asthma: a Latin square and factorial study of drug effects and interactions. Pediatrics. 84 1 ; : 119-25. 1989 62 ; van der Vet AP et al.: Combination therapy of theophylline and terbutaline as sustainedrelease preparations in patients with asthmatic bronchitis. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol. 25 10 ; : 558-64. 1987 63 ; Billing B et al.: Theophylline in maintenance treatment of chronic asthma: concentration-dependent additional effect to beta 2-agonist therapy. Eur J Respir Dis. 70 1 ; : 35-43. 1987 64 ; Vandewalker ML et al.: Addition of terbutaline to optimal theophylline therapy. Double blind crossover study in asthmatic patients. Chest. 90 2 ; : 198-203. 1986 65 ; Eriksson NE et al.: Combined theophylline beta-agonists maintenance therapy in chronic asthma. Eur J Respir Dis. 64 3 ; : 172-7. 1983 66 ; Svedmyr K.: Effects of oral theophylline combined with oral and inhaled beta-2-adrenostimulants in asthmatics. Allergy. 37 2 ; : 119-27. 1982 67 ; Laursen LC et al.: Eur J Respir Dis. Long-term oral therapy of asthma with terbutaline and theophylline, alone and combined. 66 2 ; : 82-90. 1985 68 ; Blumenthal I et al.: J Int Med Res. A comparative trial of slow-release aminophylline, salbutamol and a half dose combination in the prevention of childhood asthma. 8 6 ; : 400-3. 1980 23.

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Property of the epidermis.24 Table 4 summarizes the effect of enhancers viz isopropyl myristate, methyl laurate, and isopropyl lanolate ; on the permeability coefficient of terbutaline sulfate and also the lag time, diffusion coefficient, and enhancement factor. Among the various ester types of enhancers studied, a higher permeability coefficient and enhancement factor E ; were obtained with isopropyl myristate.25 There was no significant difference in lag time in both albino mice and human cadaver epidermis. The presence of enhancer increases the enhancement factor up to 1.15 and 1.18 times with isopropyl myristate in albino mice and human cadaver epidermis, respectively. The enhancement capacity of isopropyl myristate is due to its interaction with the lipid component of stratum corneum. This happens because of the lower values of the Hildebrand solubility parameter d ; of isopropyl myristate d 5 8.02 ; , which is nearer to that of the human skin d 5 10.5 ; . The enhancement effect of isopropyl myristate can also be manifested by virtue of its intermediate polar nature, isopropyl myristate being partitioned as a result, into both the lipid and polar phase of the skin. The animals subjected for primary skin irritation test did not show any sign of edema or erythema while observing for a period of 7 days. All the formulations exhibited good stability at all the stage conditions. The patches were dipped in about 5 mL of hydroalcoholic mixture for about 1 hour and sonicated for 15 minutes to extract terbutaline sulfate from the matrix. The same procedure was followed for placebo patches. The sample was filtered and appropriately diluted to estimate terbutaline sulfate spectrophotometrically. The gristle can plug the outlet of your stomach pouch and prevent anything from passing through, a condition that is very uncomfortable and urecholine. ANTICHOLINERGICS ANTISPASMODICS $10-20 propantheline ProBanthine ; $20-40 dicyclomine Bentyl ; $15-40 hyoscamine Levsin, Levsinex ; OTHER GI AGENTS $10-35 polyethyl glycol-elect Co-Lyte ; $15-25 sulfasalazine Azulfidine, -EN ; $150-225 ursodiol Actigall ; # XV. RESPIRATORY MEDICATIONS BRONCHODILATORS Inhaled Beta-Agonists Short-Acting ; $10-15 albuterol Ventolin, Proventil ; # $25-30 terbutaline Brethaire ; # $25-45 metaproterenol Alupent ; # $50-65 pirbuterol Maxair ; # Inhaled Beta-Agonists Long-Acting ; $80-85 salmeterol Serevent ; # Oral Beta-Agonists $10-15 metaproterenol Alupent ; $25-35 terbutaline Brethine ; $10-45 albuterol Ventolin, Proventil ; INHALED ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS $45-85 cromolyn Intal ; # $35-70 nedocromil Tilade ; # $65-80 beclometh QVAR ; # $80-165 fluticasone Flovent ; # $90 flunisolide Aerobid, -M ; # $100-155 mometasone Asmanex ; # $110 triamcinolone Azmacort ; # $175 budesonide Pulmicort ; # $240 fluticasone salmeterol Advair ; # $285 budeson Pulmicort Respules ; # INHALED ANTICHOLINERGICS $35-60 ipratropium Atrovent ; # $35-60 ipratropium albut Combivent ; # $106 tiotropium Spiriva ; # OTHER ORAL AGENTS $5 aminophylline $20-30 theophylline $75 zafirlukast Accolate ; # $90 montelukast Singulair ; # XVI. ALLERGY COUGH COLD ANTIHISTAMINES $5 brompheniramine Dimetane ; $5 chlorpheniramine Chlortrimetron ; $5 diphenhydramine Benadryl ; $5 cyproheptadine Periactin ; $5-15 carbinoxamine Histex ; $15 loratadine Claritin, Alavert ; # $25 phenindamine Nolahist ; $35-70 cetirizine Zyrtec syrup. Males Parameter Maximal stimulation Noradrenaline Isoprenaline Dobutamine Terbutline CGP12177A BRL37344 Forskolin dcAMP Noradrenaline intrinsic activity Control 884 853 224 Cafeteria-fed 483 948 187 * 48 16 11.8 * Control 848 881 316 Females Cafeteria-fed 601 592 374 * 58 ANOVA and bicalutamide. Traction described below ; before measurement of agonist content by enzyme immunoassay EM ; . Eye. The entire eye was cut into small pieces and water was added up to 3 total. The samples were mixed with 1 mL of KHzP04, pH 3.0, and 1mL of methanol J. T. Baker, Deventer, Netherlands ; plus 4 mL of chloroform Merk E., Darmstadt, Germany ; . After shaking overnight at room temperature, the samples were centrifuged at 900 x g for 20 min at room temperature. From the supernatants, .5 mL was poured into glass vials for direct use in the EIA. Feathers. The five samples of each group were cut into small pieces and pooled together .3 g of each sample ; . The feathers were powdered by a MikroDismembrator I1 apparatus Braun B., Melsungen, Germany ; at -196C under liquid nitrogen. From the powder .5 g was mixed with 4 mL of H20, 3 mL of chloroform, and 7 mL of KH2PO4, pH 3.0. After shaking overnight at room temperature, the samples were centrifugated at 900 x g for 20 min at room temperature. The supernatants were collected and purified as for liver, muscle, stomach, kidney, and plasma. Fat. Half-gram samples of abdominal fat were combined with 1 mL of tetrachloroethylene Merk ; and shaken for 2 h at 55C and 16 h at room temperature. The samples were acidified with 4 mL of KHzPO4, pH 3.0 and shaken for an additional 48 h. After centrifugation 900 x g for 20 min at room temperature ; , a portion 4 . 5 each supernatant was passed through the columns. Recovery. Tissue samples from birds fed the control diet were spiked, and then extracted and analyzed like other samples. The spikes were .5 and 2.5 nglg of clenbuterol, 5 and 25 ng g salbutamol, and 7.5 and 37.5 ng g of terbutaline.
Table 3. Possible Etiology of Persistent Symptoms Despite PPI Therapy and casodex and terbutaline, for example, effects side terbutaline. Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors. 1998 ; . Pocket guide to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Victoria, B.C.: Author Definitions Personal information about an individual pertains to: The individual's demographic information identifying information ; File, case, record number that would identify the individual Physical characteristics that would identify the individual Information pertaining to the individual's health or mental health history Information disclosing financial status, employment, educational, or legal history Third party opinions or the individual's own opinions about self. And with our excellent live online chat support services, we can provide all of our customers with the important information they need concerning retin a or any of our other online prescription medications that we offer for sale 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and bisoprolol.
In the November 2006 issue of Arthritis & Rheumatism, Volume 54, Issue 11, pages 3452464 ; researchers from the University of Arizona compared the chemical composition of experimental turmeric extract with commercial turmeric dietary supplements, determining their composition by high-performance liquid chromatography. Female rats were given a curcuminoid-containing turmeric extract similar in composition to these supplements through the peritoneum before or after the onset of streptococcal cell wall-induced arthritis. Researchers found that a turmeric extract that was free of essential oils most closely matched turmeric in commercial supplements. The extract, which contains curcumin, a polyphenol present in turmeric, appeared to be effective at blocking rheumatoid arthritis in rats by preventing the NF-KappaB NF-KB ; protein from being activated in the joints, an incidence associated with increased inflammation. The extract also blocked a pathway associated with bone loss, indicating there may be a benefit for osteoporosis. Analysts, however, noted that the research does not show that turmeric is a cure for rheumatoid arthritis, and clinical trials are needed before turmeric can be recommended for medicinal use.

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P852 A human lung reperfusion model for monitoring the initial pulmonary absorption of drugs from aerosol devices Matthias Freiwald 1 , Anagnostis Valotis 1 , Andreas Kirschbaum 2 , Monika McClellan 3 , Thomas Mrdter 3 , Peter Fritz 4 , Godehard Friedel 2 , Petra Hgger 1 . 1 Institut fr Pharmazie, Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universitt, Wrzburg, Germany; 2 Klinik Schillerhhe, LVA Wrttemberg, Gerlingen, Germany; 3 Klinische Pharmakologie, Dr. Margarete Fischer-Bosch-Institut, Stuttgart, Germany; 4 Robert Bosch Krankenhaus, Pathologisches Institut, Stuttgart, Germany Inhalation is is a highly advantageous route for treatment of airway diseases. Subsequent absorption of the drug into systemic circulation precedes clearance, but a fast and extensive pulmonary absorption might also cause undesired systemic adverse effects. Peak plasma concentrations are usually observed within the first hour after inhalation. We evaluated a new approach to elucidate this initial pulmonary absorption employing a human lung reperfusion model. We chose beclomethasone dipropionate BDP ; delivered by two different commercially available HFA-propelled metered dose inhalers to exemplify the suitability of the reperfusion model. In a novel experimental setting we administered the aerosols into the bronchus of an extracorporally ventilated and reperfused human lung lobe and monitored the concentrations of BDP and its metabolites in the reperfusion fluid. The HFA-BDP formulated as Ventolair Qvar displayed a more rapid release from lung tissue compared to Sanasthmax Becloforte which is consistent with reported results of clinical trials. Thus, the extracorporally reperfused and ventilated human lung is a highly valuable physiological model to explore the lung pharmacokinetics of inhaled drugs. P853 The generation of monodisperse pharmacological aerosols using a spinning-top aerosol generator STAG ; Martyn F. Biddiscombe 1 , Peter J. Barnes 2 , Omar S. Usmani 2 . 1 Nuclear Medicine, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, United Kingdom; 2 Thoracic Medicine, National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom Background: Pharmacological aerosols of precisely controlled particle size and narrow dispersity can be generated with the STAG. Our aim was to demonstrate the versatility of the STAG by aerosolising commercially available respiratory drugs. Method: Nebules of Flixotide fluticasone propionate ; , Pulmicort budesonide ; , Combivent salbutamol & ipratropium bromide ; , Bricanyl trrbutaline sulphate ; , Atrovent ipratropium bromide ; , Salmol salbutamol ; , and micronised salbutamol sulphate and salmeterol xinafoate were mixed with ethanol and delivered to the STAG. Results: Monodisperse aerosols GSD 1.22 ; of 1m to MMAD were generated by various disc speeds. An Aerodynamic Particle Sizer verified each distribution and baclofen. 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Specific guidelines. Plaintiff-mother did not qualify for the program because of her fever due to infection. The study was stopped shortly after these events due to an insufficient number of participants. The results were never tabulated. No attempt to suppress labor was made and there was a premature birth with many complications. The question on appeal was whether plaintiffs' evidence was sufficient to establish causation. Plaintiffs argued that the jury could have found the following chain of causation: " . that had Dr. Farrior examined Mrs. Bridges at 11: 30 a.m. on 18 July 1980, he would have, or should have in the exercise of reasonable care, diagnosed her as being in premature labor; that given such diagnosis, Mrs. Bridges would have been sent to Charlotte Memorial Hospital at an earlier time; that had she arrived at Charlotte Memorial Hospital at an earlier time, she would have been eligible for the Terbutaline experiment; that had she been given Terbutaline, she would have been able to tolerate the drug and would not have suffered side effects which would have required discontinuance of usage of the drug; that the drug would have suppressed Mrs. Bridges' labor thereby delaying Jason's birth; and that a delay in Jason's birth could have altered his condition." The court found this "house that Jack built" argument unpersuasive and affirmed the lower court's directed verdict. PRODUCT NAME NOM DU PRODUIT Terbutaline sulfate de ; Terbutaline Sulfate Terconazole Testosterone compounds ; Testosterone Cypionate Testosterone Enanthate Ttracycline chlorhydrate de ; Tetracycline Hydrochloride TEVETEN TEVETEN TEVETEN PLUS THEOLAIR THEOLAIR Theophylline Thophylline Thioguanine Thiothixene Thiothixne Thyrogen Inj 0.9mg mL THYROID THYROID THYROID Thyroid Thyrode Thyrotropin Alpha Tiaprofenic Acid Tiaprofnique acide ; TIAZAC TIAZAC TIAZAC TIAZAC TIAZAC TIAZAC XC TIAZAC XC TIAZAC XC TIAZAC XC TIAZAC XC. Ertapenem inj drug index indications & dosage indications and usage invanz is indicated for the treatment of patients with the following moderate to severe infections caused by susceptible isolates of the designated microorganisms. TER: terbutaline; SLM: salmeterol; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in one second; SLB: salbutamol. ?: not clear from published paper; * : manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline, Brentford, UK; #: manufactured by Boehringer. Because each parkinson's patient reacts differently to treatment, doctors and patients must work closely to find a tolerable balance between the drug's benefits and side effects.
The Vascular Disease Foundation has just printed a new brochure about Blood Clots. The brochure discusses risks, signs, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Contact us by letter, email or phone to have an individual copy sent to you. Additional copies are available for health care professionals also. We are grateful to AstraZeneca for providing an unrestricted educational grant enabling the Foundation to make these brochures available to the public.

Collings, Frank H, OD 183 Collins, Angela, MD . 119 Collins, Ellen R, PA Collins, Richard S, MD 127, 133 Collison, Mark R, MD Colman, Robert A, MD 108 Colombo, Giovanni, MD . 107, 139 Comeau, Perry J, CRNA . Community Medical Supply . 154 Community Memorial Hospital . 141 Community Pharmacy . 156, 168 Compton, Joseph M, MD Conard, Sharon S, NP Congdon, David J, MD Congdon, Ralph H, MD . 85, 103, 133 Conklin, Chad M, MD Connell, Patricia C, MD Conner, Robert D, DO Connolly, Edward A, MD 127, 134 Connolly, Laurie L, MD Conrad Pharmacy . 159 Considine, Christopher J, DPM . Constantinou, Costas, MD 126, 133 Conte, Paul, MD . 112 Conway, Alyssa, PA . Cook, Cathy J, CNM . Cook, Kathy L, MD Coon Rapids Pharmacy . 156 Coon, John, MD . Cooney, Debra A, NP Coons, Daniel D, PA Coons, Michael J, OD 182 Cooper, Rhonda, ARNP . 46, 78 Cooper, Stephan M, MD 101 Core, Kathleen, NP . Corley, Richard D, MD 107 Corner Drug Store . 158 Corner Pharmacy . 159 Cosgrave Pharmacy Inc . 167 Cosmic, Maxwell S, MD 120 Coster, David D, MD 122 Cottone, Michael A, MD Countryman, Kim K, DO County Market Pharmacy 159 Couri, Joseph, MD . 107 Couri, Michele A, MD 105 Covenant Clinic Convenient Care . 145 Covenant High Risk Clinic . Covenant Medical Center 141 Cowden, John D, MD 100 Cox, Howard, DPM . 93, 140 Coyle, E S, DC 176 Coyle, Kathryn, MS . 147 Coyne, Edmund, MD . 123, 129 Cragg, Louise H, MD Craig, Steven E, DPM . Crall, Catherine M, MD Cramer, Karen L, OD 151, 153, 184 Crane, Amy C, PA Crank, Donnis F, DPM . Craven, David M, MD Crawford, David L, MD 104 Creech, Beatrice L, DC 179 Creeden, Paul T, OD 182.

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